Chapter 20-Trust and Love

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Guess who's back?! That's right! Meeeeeeeeeee! I finally reached 1k and I'm happy. I don't care that it's 1:30 am right now. I feel accomplished in life. That's actually really sad that I feel accomplished from 1,000 reads. I know that many of you are actually following the story and I love you guys for it. Please, tell me if this is getting too much like the average adopted by One Direction fanfic shit. Like I already know that it is, but let me know if I cross a line. xoxoXIIIlegal

Louis POV

Niall went to look for Anna an hour ago. What happened? I'm starting to get worried. Oh dear God. I'm starting to sound like a worried mother, aren't I? But seriously, where are they? I'm about to press the green phone icon to call Niall when the front door burst open. They're laughing.

"Anna. May I speak with you?" I hate being guarded around my own daughter but judging by the previous incident, I think it's better to walk on egg shells around her.

"Yeah. Sure," I hear her say followed by a trail of light footsteps.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. If I could change my actions, I would. I can't lose you, do you understand that? I love you. So so much. I don't know what I would do without you. I would literally do anything for you. I know that I was skeptical when Simon told us that we were-" I stop mid sentence.

"I'm so sorry Anna. I really do love you but when Simon-" I try to explain.

Anna cuts me off before I finish. "Don't even bother. I expected this much anyway. I honestly thought that I would be back at the orphanage right now. I believe I have over stayed my welcome that I planned for myself. I get that you have your jobs. I get that you are busy. I know that I am just another mouth to feed at the end of the day. So do me a favor and tell Simon that he shouldn't be the one making you five being the ones biting off more than they can chew. Because of legal reasons I can't leave you guys but if I could, I would. It would make both of our lives easier. I love you guys. I do. Really. But I would never forgive myself if I was the one to end your careers."

"Anna. I would give my career up for you in a heartbeat. I am willing to fight for you. I'm not going to let you go. Not yet. Give it a few months. Please, try to work in sync with us. We really are trying. And after three months, it will be your choice if you wish to stay here or go back to the orphanage. I love you and I don't want you to leave, but if you are really that miserable, I can't be the one preventing your happiness." I cry.

"Louis. I don't think that you understand. I love it here. I truly do. But I see how I'm getting in the way with your career. I see the way that you are stressing more because I'm here. I hate that I'm the reason. The guilt eats away at me day and night. I will give it a few months, I will try, but I just don't think that it is possible for it to work without the world crashing down on us." She tells me.

Anna POV

I run upstairs. I haven't written in my diary in the longest time. So, for the first time in forever, I start a new entry.

Dear Diary,

There comes a time in every lifetime when you realize what the meaning of love is. I believe that I have found it. It is different for every person, but for me, it is Louis Tomlinson. He's the one that keeps where I am. He's the one that keeps me grounded. I don't know what has happened. I don't know how I can love anyone. I love him in the way a daughter is supposed to love their dad. Or I might even love him in the way I'm supposed to love a brother. It's crazy that I can do that. I always promised that I would never love anyone again. That I am a strong, independent, person. I always thought that trusting some, depending on someone would make me weak. I thought wrong. I feel stronger than ever. I don't feel the need or urge to hurt myself anymore. This is what I believe love is. This is what I know love is for me.


"Anna," a voice comes through my closed door. "Can I come in?" The voice asks.

I nod my head before realizing they can't see me. "Yeah. Sure."

I shut my journal and look up to find Liam standing at the foot of my bed.

"Hey..." I begin an awkward silence.

"Hi. So as you know, you start school relatively soon. Like for real this time. I'm not going to be the one to tell you how to react to things but I do want to let you know, that if anyone hurts you in any way, shape, or form, please talk to us. We are fully aware that you can fend for yourself but we don't want you to get in trouble for fighting back, physically. I was once bullied and I know it's not fun. I speak on behalf of all of us that we just want you to be safe and happy. That's it. If you have anything you want to say or get off your chest, you should say it now." Liam says.

"I know that you guys worry about me. I understand it too. I know that I am just one of those people you worry about. Partially that self harm, partially because of my past, but I know that you know a lot of it is that we are a family. I have finally let myself trust you guys and it is the most amazing feeling. The feeling that I know even if something goes wrong, I can still count on you guys to catch me if I fall. Liam, I think I'm ready to fully trust you guys and be a family." I tell him.

I lay in his hand my most prized possession. The one that has all my secrets and lies. The one that is the key and story to my life. In his hand lays the weight of my journal.

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