Chapter 16-Dot Dot Dot

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Hi guys! Sorry I haven't updated. I have been extremely busy with school work lately and my friends have been bugging me to update. So here it is! Please comment on my story. xoxoXIIIlegal

Liam POV

I lay my head into the head board and stoke Anna's hair. I really want to know what the rest of her past is. The girl I see curled up in my chest is a totally different girl than I saw a month ago. She had slowly gained weight and she is eating and fighting her anorexia. I haven't seen any fresh cuts in a few days and the boys and I are trying to find her razors.

I shift my weight so I can reach my back pocket and I pull out my phone. I scroll through my twitter feed and my eyes begin to droop. I store my phone in the iHome next to Anna's bed and close my eyes.

When I wake up, Anna is still asleep. I sit up and notice a stain on the sheets. I examine it and realize that it is blood. Why is there blood here? Then it hits me. Anna has just started her period.

Anna's small body squirms and she rubs the sleep from her eyes. She spots the stain and her eyes widen. She turns to me and looks at me expectantly.

"We'll talk about it later," I answer her unasked question.

She nods and steps out of the room into the bathroom.

When she leaves, I strip down the mattress and throw the sheets into the wash. I scale the stair to find the rest of the boys watching tv.

"Hey guys. Umm. . .Anna just got her first period so we need to give 'the talk'," I speed through my words trying to make this significantly awkward circumstance slightly less awkward.

"So. . .what does this mean?" Harry asks cluelessly.

"We give her the talk," Louis declares defiantly.

At this moment Anna hovers at the low end of the staircase.

"I'm sor-" she begins.

Louis holds up his hand to halt her apology.

"Don't worry about it. It's normal. We get it. It's fine. We can always get new sheets. If you haven't realized, we're rich," he plays.

"I just feel bad. I've barely been here a month and I ruin expensive bed sheets. I can help pay for them. I can get a job or-" Anna presses.

"I said don't worry about it. They're just sheets. No need to develop paranoia over them." Louis jokes.

Instead of arguing this time, she just nods. Anna pulls out an empty chair at the table and awkwardly nibbles at her food.

When Anna finishes, she begins to clear the table in silence.

"Hey Anna?" Louis addresses.

Instead of saying anything, she glances up from her work in response.

"When you're done, would you mind meeting us in the living room?" Louis more demands than asks.

Anna gives a curt acknowledgment and continues her work.

The boys and I sit in a half circle and wait for Anna to join us. Anna finally completes our circle and awaits for us to start.

"So, do you know what a period is?" Louis asks.

"Uhh. . .Kinda? Like I know what it is I just don't know anything about it or why I get it. I just know that blood comes out of. . .you know. . .umm . . .vagina." Anna whispers at the end.

"So you are getting older and a period is the "mark of a woman" and you will need pads. You will usually get moody before it and extremely hungry. I think that's it," Louis finishes.

"That's far from it!" Harry exclaims.

"Fine. If it's so easy, why don't you do it then. Go on. Give it your best shot, Haz," Louis shoots back.

"I will. Anna, you are coming to the age where you will be interested in boys and there are some things you will need to know. Some regarding your period. A period is where an egg is released from you ovary and set in a path through your Fallopian tube. You have two ovaries and you should get your period every month. Every month the egg that is released comes from opposite ovaries. When a sperm does not meet the egg, that is when you get your period. Your body releases hormones that give you mood swing and your appetite changes in case you do get pregnant. You should not get pregnant. If a boy says any thing to you that makes you uncomfortable in anyway, shape, or form, let us know immediately. We want you to be safe. If a guy forces you into anything then you also alert us immediately. Understand? Good. You should not be embarrassed to ask is for pads or tampons because every girl has it. We understand that you can not control your period and it is just part of life. Without it, the human race would not be able to continue. Don't feel bad if there are blood stains in your underwear. We can always get you more but you should bring an extra pair with you to school. If you have any questions, you can ask us." Harry explains.

"Wow Haz. That was. . .something." Louis sates dumbfounded and at a loss for words.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Harry defends.

"It was just intense. I didn't know that you remembered all of that from middle school." Louis backs up.

"So is that all I need to know?" Anna pipes up.

"Yeah. I think so." Niall replies for Harry.

"Okay then." Are Anna's final words before she exits. At this moment she pops her head back in.

"Can you buy me some pads?" she asks timidly.

"Yeah. Of course. We were planning to anyway. No problem." I tell her on behalf of the boys.

"Thank you." She says and then leaves again for good. We watch her as she disappears up the stairs.

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