Chapter 25-Whoops.

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There is so much more to this story that I want to add but I'm just so busy lately. I will be updating "Nostalgia" more frequently cuz it takes about 2 minutes to write a short poem while it takes about an hour to write one chapter on this story. And as most of you know, it's a lot easier to carve out 2 minutes than an hour. xoxoXIIIlegal

Anna POV

I swear to God, algebra can be the death of me. I adore the teacher, but I don't understand a thing she says. All I knew is that she was saying something about talking the sign of the highest absolute value and something else about a reciprocal.

"Okay, I have finished grading all of your tests from two classes ago and I am handing them back right now. So please stay in your seats and then you are free to go as soon as you have your test. Also, if you are struggling, do not hesitate to see me." She announces while holding a stack of our tests.

Mrs. Reeder moves around the room in an arbitrary fashion. When she reaches my desk she places my test face down like she did with the rest of the class.

I timidly lift up the corner closest to me to see my grade.

A 'C-' was circled in red pen. Louis is going to kill me. Ugh! I feel awful. I turn over my test to look at the various mistakes and what I did wrong. Some of these points were taken off for no reason. I lost two points for not putting the little floating number 2 next to x in y=kx. How is that fair? The problem was worth four points total! I still squared the number.

"Hey Anna! How'd you do?" Wes sneaks up behind me.

"Not so well. You?" I ask in courtesy. I honestly have no interest in his grade is.

"Actually, pretty well. I like math. It makes sense." He explains to me.

"Cool. I'm gonna go to my locker. Bye Wes." I say as I stand on my tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek. We're not official, but we both really like each other so hopefully something will come out of this.

"Can I walk you home?" He asks abruptly.

"Yeah. Sure. I don't see why not." I say walking by his side to my locker.

As I spin the dial on my locker, Wes is talking about how his sisters are so amazing and one is this incredible soccer prodigy while the other is better than him at piano at age six. I don't know if I could deal with siblings in the house. I mean, we already have Niall, Louis, and Harry running around the house 24/7. My phone blares an inordinately loud car horn signifying a text message. I peek at my illuminated phone screen with a solitary text massage.

Zee: where r u? were starting to worry that u've been abducted or something. jk. but srsly.

"Hang on, Wes. I'm just gonna text Zayn really quick. He's worried that I'm not home yet." I tell him not waiting for a response.

"I'm leavin school now, b home in 20" I shoot back to Zayn.

We amble through the school halls almost like a movie, the crowds part for us, no one stops us, faint music cuts the silence.

Unfortunately, reality cannot compare to fantasies.

People ran in and out of the grand doors and no one acknowledged another in hopes just to leave. Wes and I survived the chaos within the school and we were bantering about small nothings. Before I knew it, we were outside my house. Wes and I bid each other goodbye but before he left he planted a sweet kiss on my lips. This is the point where I'm supposed to feel magical fireworks, right? When I'm supposed to feel like I'm the only girl in the world? Where my foot gently rises off the ground and an orange glow surrounds us? I feel none of that. I feel like there is a slug slithering in my mouth.

"Bye Wes" I smile for the sake of his feelings.

"See you tomorrow, Anna," he smiles into my cheek.

I watch him walk in the opposite direction as I turn around and enter the house. I was faced with five boys at the entrance. God, could they be any more dorky? I drop my backpack and place my phone on the coffee table before talking.

"Hello," I begin my voice leaking with uneasiness.

"Hi!" they all say in unison with wide smiles radiant across all of their faces.

"Louis? Can I talk to you?" I nod in his direction.

He simply nods and leads me toward his bedroom. Due to typical boy tendencies, there was a narrow path with a branch. One leading toward his bed, the other cleared for bathroom purposes. Surprisingly, his bed was made. Louis sat in the middle of the edge while I sunk into the periphery of the mattress facing him.

"What's up?" Lou asks with concern illuminating his lineaments.

"You obviously saw the guy I was with outside," I begin.

"Did he hurt you? Are you okay? Do I need to call the cops? Did he break your heart? Should I kick his ass?" He jumps in without missing a beat.

"NO! Nothing like that happened! Oh God no!" I yell.

"Oh. Then what's up? Should I call over Eleanor?" He asks calming himself.

"That won't be necessary right now," I laugh lightly. "It's just that I think I might like girls. Like romantically."

Louis stares at me dumbfounded.

"I really like Wes but I don't like him in that way. I can't see us together like that. When he kissed me I didn't feel anything. I guess it could be just him but I think that I might be developing a crush on this other girl, she's so pretty, anyway, I do think that I'm lesbian. I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure," I ramble.

"Get out. I can't look at you. Leave." Louis demands.

"I thought you sai-" I stutter.

"I don't care what I said before. Right now, I'm telling you to get out. Leave and don't return. Get the fuck out of my house!" Louis points to the door.

I look down at my feet, glance once back at Louis and I run out the front door without a second thought.

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