Chapter 21-Ah Fuck!

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Hey guys! I'm trying not to swear but by the name of this chapter, that's not getting anywhere anytime soon. This chapter will be. . .explicit. Well, not so much explicit than intense. Just the idea and thoughts of what goes on. I won't make it extremely detailed though. It's just Anna thoughts, experiences, memories, that stuff. I also had a different idea of what would happen. So the name of the chapter doesn't match the content. But I seriously am trying to swear less. I think that if you swear too much you just sound stupid, so I'm trying. Starting tomorrow. Don't forget to vote and comment! And if you feel extra nice you could follow! xoxoXIIIlegal

Liam POV

Dear Diary,

So apparently the cops spilled my past to Ms. Greenly, or whatever her name is what my past is. So she bought me this. It's supposed to help me "vent" and "let out my feelings" so I don't kill myself or anything. Whatever. It's stupid. I guess I'm just writing in this to occupy myself. What else am I supposed to do all day?


Dear Diary,

It's been a month. Within that month, I have been adopted. Yeah, that should be a good thing, but it's not. Not when you're me and your life is beyond hell. A month ago some guy adopted me and raped me. I mean, in comparison, it wasn't that much worse than my dad, but it still sucked. I really hope that I can just stay here until I'm 18. Sure, in the future I might be bullied, but I can protect myself. And I'd rather be bullied than raped.


Dear Diary,

I have managed to stay in this place for two weeks with nothing bad happening! It's amazing! Seriously, my life has been going great. Well, great for here, anyway. Basically, I haven't cut myself in two weeks and I've been well. I've been alive, I haven't really experienced any type of emotion, but I've been fine. I guess. Fine is so broad these days, fine, just doen't mean fine anymore. I'm really not sure what it means. I think it's the equivalent of 'umm' in emotions. The other day some guy donated a spare guitar to the orphanage and I've been trying to teach myself. It's not really going anywhere. Teaching yourself and instrument is hard.


Dear Diary,

Life is hard.


Dear Diary,

There are only so many things that can happen to one person. I personally believe that I've been through all of it. Honestly, how many times can some one be raped before their body just gives us and shuts down. From what I've learned in life so far is that I'm not a quitter. But at the same time, I won't push myself past the breaking point for dignity or anything petty. I would rather be humiliated and on the edge than die with pride. By this point, I think I'm just done. I think I'm ready to die. I am ready to die.


Dear Diary,

Well, I'm still here. It would just be easier to walk through the blinding light. It would be easier to take a stroll through the tunnels to gates of white. Yes, I stole that from a song. The song suits this moment. that song suits my life. That song suits me.


I see the variants of hand writing scrawled through out the pages. Even by just reading, Anna's angelic voice echos through her words singing the song I know all too well. "I Will Follow You Into The Dark" by Death Cab For Cutie.

If Heaven and Hell decide

That they both are satisfied

Illuminate the 'nos' on their vacancy signs

If there's no one beside you

When your soul embarks

Then I'll follow you into the dark

I can imagine her sitting on her bed. Her nimble fingers coaxing the strings of the guitar.

"Hey Liam" a voice announces themselves.

I turn. "Hey Niall"

"Whatcha doin?" He asks.

"Can I tell you later? It's kinda private." I decline him.

"Yeah sure. No problem." He pats my back then stops abruptly. "Li, that's Anna's diary. What the fuck are you doing with it?"

"Sh-" I begin to explain before interrupted.


"What the hell Niall! I was explaining to you!" I yell in his face.

"Then you can explain to all of us why you were reading Anna's diary," He tells the three of them as the run in in a panic.

"WHAT?!" Louis roars. "Why the hell are you reading my daughters diary?"

"Well, as I was saying, I was talking to her earlier and she gave it to me. Niall here, didn't give me time to explain." I say as calmly as I can.

"Okay, I understand that. But that still doesn't explain why you didn't tell us. I mean, she's my daughter, I deserve to know what's in her diary." Louis counters.

"You're daughter? She ran away from you! We all equally care for her! So you should stop referring to her as "your daughter" and start calling her OUR daughter. We all love her. And the reason I didn't show you guys immediately is because I'm not sure if she wanted me to. Lastly, you don't deserve to know what's in her diary. Her diary is her private information and if she chooses to share it with you, great, if not, even as her guardian you do not have the right of privilege to snoop in on her private thoughts and secrets." I blow up. I couldn't do it anymore. That was a lot to get off my chest.

Louis visibly cools down before rationalizing.

"I understand how you feel about this but I still think you should've told us that she gave it to you. Maybe not show it to us but I think that we should all agree to tell each other anything that concerns Anna. Unless she specifically asks you not to share with us, I think we should all be in the loop of what's going on. Agreed?" Louis concludes.

"Agreed" We all firmly respond in unison.

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