Chapter 10-Why? (Part 1)

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Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update. Actually, I'm not really sorry, but. . .ummm. . .this is a chapter. I have decided if there's ever a song, I'll put a few verses but not the whole song. You guys should be able to figure it out. It's not that difficult. I've found in other stories, when I read on my phone, I hate going through 3 pages of lyrics. If you have any suggestions, questions, comments, concerns, leave them in the comments! And just letting you know, negative comments effect me in no way so it is pointless to leave them. Seriously, ask anyone who knows me, I really don't care about what people think. xoxoXIIIlegal

Liam POV

"Anna Tomlinson?" A young nurse calls from a few feet outside the hallway. The five of us stand up in unison.

When we walk over to her she nods in uncertainty. Without questioning, she turns on her heel and starts at a fast pace and continues to explain Anna's condition.

"Ms. Tomlinson is healthy and she is expected to make full recovery. However, we will be perscribing her with some antidepressants to minimize possible harm to herself and others as well as to help her with her anorexia. We suggest that she meets with a therapist at least once a week, although if you feel comfortable, we can give you some instructions and help her through it yourself but in a less timely manner." she rushes. The nurse jolts to a stop outside of a door with a placard marked 1046. She glances through the narrow, vertical, rectangular window and then proceeds to press down on the handle. She steps in first and then we continue to file through into the too clean, white hospital room.

I look at her face and she looks peaceful. Peaceful. Not happy, not sad, not hurt, not in fear, but she looks like she is finally at peace. Her eyes are shut indicating that she's asleep but this is Anna we're talking about, so who knows with her. I'm the first to reach her bed and I pull up a chair and sit against it hoping for the best. I stare at her countenance. It's so beautiful. That sounded really creepy, but it's true. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life and I don't understand how she doesn't see it when she looks in the mirror. Weaving my hand through the tangled and twisted wires and IV tubes, I manage to grab her hand. As I pull it closer to my body, I am able to feel the steady pulse in her wrist. Why would she do it? Did we do something wrong? She knows we love her with all our hearts. Does she?

Her small, fragile hand rests in mine and I wave the boys over with the other.

"Can we sing for her?" Niall asks in a voice that marks his previous tears.

I nod not trusing my own.

"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me

But bear this in mind

It was meant to be

And I'm joining up the dots

With the freckles on you cheeks

And it all makes sense to me" Zayn starts.

I continue the song he had started.

"I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes

When you smile you've never loved

Your stomach or your thighs

The dimples in your back

At the bottom of your spine

But I'll love them endlessly" When I finish, I'm on the brink of tears.

Just as we finish the last chorus of Little Things, the familiar ringtone of Happiness by The Fray echos through the room. Louis almost rips it out of his back pocket. Before swiping his finger across the bottom of the screen, he quickly glaces at caller ID.

"Hey Uncle Si," he answers.

Silence on our end as only Louis can hear what Simon is saying.

"Okay. Yeah. Just give us a minute," he replies.

Then I faintly hear the line go dead.

The four of us look at Louis expectantly.

"Umm...Simon wants to meet with us. Like now. Something about management and Anna. It doesn't look good from what I've heard." Louis says as he nervously scratches the back of his neck.

We nod in agreement. Before we exit, we all kiss the top of Anna's forehead and single file leave, shutting the hospital door behind us with out another word.

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