Chapter 30- Epilogue

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So I was going to end this book a while ago but I already had a half written chapter of "Foliage" so I couldn't just end it there. So. . .I guess I'll end it here. There is a time and a place for everything and I truly feel that it is time for this story to end. Thank you for everything and all of your support. xoxoXIIIlegal

Anna POV

Maybe I don't have your ideal situation. Maybe I suffer from PTSD because of my childhood. And maybe I'm a depressed lesbian who has been disowned from her adoptive family because of it. Tonight is the last night of the On The Road Again tour. Wes and I have front row tickets. It's been two years since I last saw them. I wish I could say that I still think of One Direction as family. I wish I could say that my story ends in a happily ever after. If I said either of those statements, I'd be lying.

Lani and I recently became in touch again. She's been adopted by a family, a normal family, who loves her and her adopted sister.

Wes and I strolled in and held out our tickets for security to scan them. The scanner beeped twice and the security guard waved us through without a second glance. Wes' arm was lazily slung around my shoulder as a leaned my head into his. We walked into the floor section and the security guard pointed out our seats to us. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a tuft of blond poke out behind a curtain. Shifting my angle, I faced the source and the eyes widened looking around and then a very familiar boy ran over my way.

Standing up I embraced Niall in my arms. Just because Louis kicked me out doesn't mean I don't care for the boys who did care about me.

"So. . .what's new?" I ask him.

"Uhh. . .not much. Harry shaved his head, Zayn left the band, Liam got more tattoos, the uge," he says casually.

"Wait. . .back up, Zayn left?" I ask astounded.

"Yeah. In the middle of our last tour. Not long after you left. But it wasn't your fault. There were rumours going around about him and Perrie," he assures me. "Well, I have to go back, I hope you enjoy the show. It's actually our last show. Ever." I see disappointment take over his facial features.

The arena fills up and all of a sudden, "HELLO LONDON MAKE SOME NOISE!"

At this point the boys are up on the stage singing their hearts out. They begin my favourite song off of FOUR , Stockholm Syndrome. The high pitched screeches intensify and all of a sudden I see why. Zayn walks out onto stage. The lads turn to see the commotion except for Niall, he has a knowing smirk of his face.

Walking onto stage with a microphone with yellow tape at the bottom, he starts talking.

"I came back for the last show because I heard that there was someone special here in the audience. Anna, please come up," he says glaring at me. Without moving he speaks again. "Now or you're grounded."

Grabbing a mic as I make my way up onto the stage I move in for a hug while using a snarky comment. "Never lost the touch now, did we?"

Zayn kisses my forehead and I turn to look at Louis. Avoiding gaze, he brings his microphone to his lips.

"Look Anna, I'm really sorry for what happened two years ago. I really am. I think about that day all the time. I think about what we would be now if I had reacted differently. If I had said that I still loved you as opposed to banning you. I've come to terms with you coming out in more ways than one. I realise that my life has been empty ever since you left and I also realise that I'm no different than you. We're both human and we're both gay. I discovered my sexuality in myself not long ago and that's what made me reflect most about that day. I feel awful about what happened and if you could forgive me that would be amazing."

"I wish I could, but I can't just put two years of that away like it was nothing. You have to give me time but I am proud of you for being able to come out publicly."

"Thank you."

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