Chapter 19-Half a Heart

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Hey guys. I really have nothing to say. So. . .ummm. . .vote and comment? Actually I do have something to say. I happen to have the inability to write five chapters in four days cuz I was busy. Therefore I only have this chapter to upload. I am uploading now and I will be away for 5 weeks. I promise I will make it up to you guys though. xoxoXIIIlegal

Anna POV

"Niall," I stutter

"Yeah. I'm here. Where have you been?!" Niall yells.

When Niall yells at you, it's scary. Probably because he hardly ever yells at anyone so he is the last person you would expect it from.

"How about we take a walk? Yea?" I ask Niall. I just need to explain everything to him in a calm matter. You know, when steam isn't coming out of his ears.

"Bye Wes. Text me?" I give him a hug.

"Yeah. Umm. . .I have to get back to my family before they get worried." Wes uses as an excuse to get out of this awkward situation.

I wait until Wes is out of sight before turning to Niall.

"I was here." I tell him.


"I was here the whole time. You asked me where I was for the past three hours. I was here."

"Are you aware of how much pain you have put your father through?!" Niall regains his ability to comprehend.

"Oh my God! He's not my father! I don't know why you guys keep saying that!" I exclaim.

"You know why we keep saying that? It's because he is. He loves you like you're his own. He treats you like your his fucking daughter. He loves you. And you are just too self centered to see that. You are too self centered to see that Louis Tomlinson would die for you. You have to give up the past and just let him love you. For fucks sake, love him back! Show some affection. Show some appreciation! I can't put into words of how much we love you." Niall finishes his lecture and braces himself for my comeback.

Instead of firing back a long witted comeback like he was awaiting, I do the unexpected. My actions not only surprised him, but myself as well. I will never have a true explanation for what I did. I didn't punch or kick him. No. Even that's too predictable. I cried. That's what I did. Cried is inaccurate. I sobbed. I sobbed in that exact spot. Well, until I was pulled into a deep embrace.

"Shhh. . .it's okay. Everything is going to be alright. We love you. So much. Let's go sit down." He whispers as I am guided to the nearest bench.

Several minutes later, the tears stop.

"I'm sorry." I blurt out.

"For what?" He asks.

"Your shirt. For crying." I begin.

"There's nothing wrong with crying. Everyone cries. You know, Johnny Depp once said, "People cry, not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long." Why don't you tell me why you have felt the need to be strong." Niall comforts.

"I cried because you're right. I am self centered. I never seem to accept that people make mistakes. I can never seem to forgive them. I do love you guys, I'm just really bad at showing it." I ramble then give a weak smile at the end.

We sit in a much needed silence for a few minutes.

"Why do you do it?" Niall blurts out.

"Why do I do what?" I ask confused.

"Why do you cut? I don't understand. You are perfect in every way." Niall says.

"I honestly have no idea. That sounds bad. It makes me sound like an attention whore. Umm. . .I've never really thought about it in that way. I always just thought it was a way to relieve stress. I always thought I wasn't good enough. For anyone really. It's just that every time I was with him, my father has always made me feel like a less than. Not even just that. He made sure I felt like nothing. He wold always tell me that I was just a waste of space. That I took up too much oxygen. At the orphanage, Ms. Greenly really helped with that. She has seen kids come and go, all with different scenarios, but she knew what I was going through. She helped stop most of the flash backs. I mean, I still get them from time to time. She taught me how to write in a journal instead of trying to jump off a building. I definitely owe my life to her and several times over. She was like a mother figure to me," I am lost in my own words and it appears Niall is as well.

"Have you ever thought about therapy?" Niall asks with curiosity leaking through his eyes.

"If you are implying that I go to therapy, it's not going to happen. I refuse. I'm perfectly fine." I dismiss the idea immediately.

"Okay okay. I was just wondering. When do you start school again?" He changes the topic with a grin.

"I think in two-three days. I'm really not sure. What day is it today?" I question.

Niall glances at his phone. "Tuesday, March 27th. Why?"

"Well I start right after spring break, and this particular school's spring break ends this week. So I'm technically on spring break right now. But I start on April 2nd. So I thought it was the 29th, therefore I thought that I started in three days. But apparently, it's only the 27th so I start on the Monday of next week." I explain.

"Fair enough. You wanna get some ice cream then head home?" Niall suggests.

"I would love too. Won't it "spoil my dinner" or something? I mean, aren't you supposed to be the responsible one? You know, the one telling me to NOT have ice cream right before dinner?" I smirk.

"It's like you don't even know me. Since when have I been one to turn down food?" Niall guffaws.

"You realize that I'm not you, right? I can't eat and eat and never gain weight. If I eat too much, I actually gain ten pounds. Apparently, you've never had to survive the struggle of my first world problems." I point out to him.

"One. You're not fat. You're as skinny as a stick. Two. Just get a small." Ni persuades me.

"Fine." I huff.

"YAY!" Niall cheers like a three year old. I thought I was the kid.

And we bought celebratory ice cream and skipped of into the sunset.

Haha. No. We bought ice cream and the second we stepped outside it started raining. Fabulous, right? Let's just say, we both need new iPhones because that rain wasn't light rain.

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