Chapter 24-Love

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Guys! 100 votes! 100 freaking votes! I have no words. I'm sorry I haven't updated in like a month. I feel really bad but I barely have time to finish my homework. I know I promised you guys for all of my chapters to have 1,000 words in it and I feel really bad especially about this one because I haven't updated in fivever but it's so short and it's so sweet and adorable. I know I could end it here but since I probs won't update for a while cuz I'm getting really bad at it with like time management and stuff that I'm ending it on a sweet note so I don't feel as bad as I would by ending you guys on a cliff hanger. Love you! xoxoXIIIlegal

Liam POV

"Here," I hand Anna her journal gasping for air.

"You lost it, didn't you," she raises her eyebrows at me.

"How did you know?" how on earth could she know? It's not like I told her or anything!

"I'm really good at detecting lies. And it took you an hour to find it. And I heard you and Niall talking." She admits.

"Oh. Well the important thing is that it's here now." I tell her.

"Yeah. It is." She says.

Anna POV

"I'm going to run some errands, okay?" He tells me.

"Yeah. Whatever. Bye." I respond.

"Sassy," Liam mutters.

"Yup," I say popping the 'p' barely paying any attention.

"Love you," he calls out as he closes the door.

"Love you, too!" I yell after him.

I love you. I love all of you.

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