Chapter 8-Goddamnit! Part 2

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I'm sorry that my writing sucks and my last chapter was extremely short. xoxoXIIIlegal

Anna POV

My peaceful sleep was interrupted by many screeching teenage girls. I look around and see the boys pushing through the paparazzi and sea of fans. I rest my head back on Louis' shoulder in attempt to block out the noise.

I glance up to see us passing through the sliding glass doors. As the doors close giving me peace and quiet I unwillingly focus on my ankle again. Instead of trying to stay awake, I close my eyes preparing myself for the series of x-rays to come.

"Honey, wake up," I hear the familiar voice of Louis whisper.

I groan. He picks me up and I burry my face in the crook of his neck.

"Shh baby girl, it's over. You just had a strained ligament. You're gonna be okay," he coos. I feel my self being placed down and the scent of the limo fills my nose.

I open my eyes to see all five guys exchanging glances full of worry.

"What?" I ask with just as much worry taking over my tone. Are they sending me back?

"Nothing," they all mutter at the same time. Now I know something's up.

I sigh. "Niall?" I whisper into his ear.

"Yes princess?" he says turning towards me.

I pull my best puppy dog eyes. "Will you please tell me what's going on?" I plea.

He lets out an audible sigh. "You're starting school tomorrow," he finally lets out after telepathically arguing with the boys.

"Oh, okay," I say nonchalantly.

"You're not mad? This is gonna sound bad, but you don't seem like the person who would like school." Harry says.

"You know that thing that sensors what comes out if your mouth before you say it?" Harry nods. "Yeah, you don't have that." I counter.

"Ooh!" The rest of the boys chorus.

Several minutes pass before Niall announces that he's hungry.

"What else is new?" Liam mutters under his breath.

"I HEARD THAT!" Niall screams.

I whimper. I'm never gonna get used to this boy. He still reminds me of my dad when he yells. Same goes for Louis. If I stay here and live with these boys until I'm 18 like promised, I'm gonna have to learn to trust them, won't I?

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