Chapter 15-The Story Of My Life

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Haiyee! xoxoXIIIlegal

Anna POV

The sun blazes past my eyelids. 6:54 is what the illuminated clock says. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and rub the sleep from my eyes. I am at one of my mom's friend's house. My mom and I are going on a summer vacation and we have to stop because there is no direct flight. My mom's friend is currently at a funeral so we are currently staying with her husband. Both of their kids are at the funeral as well. My bare feet lightly touch the wooden stairs for my mom is still asleep. I reach the bottom of the staircase and I see John sitting at the table reading the paper.

"Hello," he greets.

"Hi," I return a smile.

"Sleep well?" John makes small talk.

I nod my head observing my surroundings.

The house is styled in a dark, traditional manor with wide windows making the room seemingly more spacious.

"Would you like something to drink?" He asks standing up.

"Milk, please," I tell him.

"Cold or warm?" John questions.

What the heck? I'm eight, not three. Who drinks warm milk?

"Slightly warm," I instruct. Apparently I like warm milk.

He pours milk into a white coffee mug and places it into a microwave for about 30 seconds. John hands me the cup and talks about school and asks me about my favorite classes.

"Have you ever seen a penis?" he asks out of the blue. I live with just my mom.

"Yes," I reply coolly. Those bathroom stalls in pre-k had no door.

"Do you want to see mine?" Pervert.

"No," I say firmly.

"Are you sure?" He pushes.

"Yes." I stand my ground.

"C'mon. You know you wanna," John presses.

"No," I protest.

With out warning, he digs into his pants and pulls out his dick. I shield my eyes and turn away from the sight.

"Look at it," he commands.

Out of fear, I slowly turn my head back to the sight.

"Touch it," he demands.

"No," I say.

"C'mon. Please? You know you want to," he pleas.

"No. I really don't want to." I say turning my head away again.

Before anything has been processed, my small hand is brought to the tip. Out of reflex, I jerk away.

"Touch it." He growls at me.

"No," I whimper.

"Fine." He throws his head back in annoyance, "at least show me yours."

What is wrong with this guy? "NO! I'm not going to show you anything!" I yell.

Without any warning whatsoever, one of his hands are on the elastic waistline if my pajamas when the other continued to grip his shaft.

At this point, I excuse myself and hide in the bathroom for an hour until my mom wakes up.

Zayn POV

I hear a glass shattering scream from upstairs. Taking the steps two at a time, I finally reach Anna's room. I open it to find a horrific sight. Anna is covered in sweat crashing in the comforter onto opposite sides of the mattress. I shake her awake and the other boys run in. Her eyes shoot open and widen when she sees me. I feel so bad that I did that to her. I feel so bad for what she's been though. She doesn't deserve it. Any of it. No one deserves what she's been through. I just want her to be happy even if I don't show it. I stroke her hair until she relaxes. Once she's calm, she opens her mouth to say something.

Anna POV

"Will one of you please stay with me?" The words shock me just as much as they shock them.

Liam raises his hand as volunteering. I nodded and he slides into the empty side of the bed and I curl up into his chest. He places an arm around my body and I am allowed to fall back asleep at peace, at last.

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