Chapter 18-Not A Bad Guy

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Hey guys. So now that school is out, I will be trying to update more frequently mainly because I will no longer be staying up until 2 am because of homework. I will be away at a sleep away camp for five weeks so I will pre-write chapters and have a friend upload them. If you read my last author's note, you would've known that. As you can tell, this is a very slow moving book. For me, it's so hard to believe that it's chapter 18 and only a month has passed in the story line. I've read some others and it can be chapter 18 and three years has passed. I think that this is the third chapter in the story line day. I would like to thank you guys for the 800 reads. Thanks for all the support and all that other scripted shit I'm supposed to say to you guys. xoxoXIIIlegal

Anna POV

He had a point. I guess. His reasoning was valid and I do understand why he's doing what he's doing. It's just. . .Ugh! Sometimes, I could just strangle him. He's just so bossy that it's weird to think that he's only 22. I look at myself in the mirror and stare at my new outfit. I didn't change much except my top which is now a form fitting tank top.

I walk downstairs to find no one awaiting my appearance. That's new. I look outside to see One Direction arguing about something. It's so weird that my father is 22. What's weirder is that I actually treat him like a father. I quietly listen in on their conversation.

"Look, Harry. I'm sorry. It won't happen again!" Louis whisper shouts.

"You're not sorry. You're sorry you got caught." Harry fires back.

"Well I don't see anyone pointing fingers at Zayn!" is Lou's only come back.

"Everyone expected it from Zayn. Louis-" Harry rolled his eyes.

"HEY!" Zayn interrupts.

"It's true." Liam answers.

"Anyway, Louis, you're supposed to be a role model. You're supposed to help screaming 12 year old girls from doing things like that. And what do you do? You go out and smoke weed!" Harry yells.

What! Louis was smoking weed?! Unbelievable! And he calls me out on my outfits.

"Guys. Okay. So this is all currently alleged so no one has the proof. As long as we keep it that way, no harm, no foul. Deal?" Liam rationalizes.

"Deal," four of them muttered.

I emerge from my hiding space. I start to slow clap like they do in movies. Just to make it more dramatic.

"You know, I've seen the video online. It looks pretty realistic. Why were you filming anyway? While we're on the subject, you have some nerve, Tomlinson. Do you really think you're adequate to take care of a 13 year old girl when you're smoking pot? Because, I think the DFCS would disagree. So while you think about whether or not you want to keep me or send me back to the orphanage, I will be at the park. Yea? Okay? Great." I rant then immediately turn on my heel without waiting for a response.

Louis POV

My first instinct is to run after her. Tell her that I made a mistake and I'm sorry. Let my tears slip to show her my weakness. Squeeze the life out of her until she forgives me and we would walk home and sip hot chocolate by a fire. But none of that happened. I allowed her to slip through my fingers when she was right in front of my very eyes.

"Give her some time, mate," Liam pats my back.

The tears begin to fall. They splat on the grey concrete and I turn around to the house. I love Anna and I will fight for her. I just wish she could see that.

I sit down at our kitchen table and ponder the meaning of life. Of everything. Anna is my light and soul. I thought she was just going to be a girl that we fed and kept grounded, but she is so much more. It's so hard to believe that just one month ago she was going to be a One Direction charity case. If she knew, she would blow up in all of our faces and perform a stunt that would cost all of us our careers. She's tough, brave, and just the perfect daughter. As my thoughts continue to trail on, a cup of tea is placed in front of me to calm my nerves.

Anna POV

I love this park. It holds so many memories. From running around with my friends when I was six to breaking my left arm right before summer camp when I was eight.

"Anna!" The same voice is always here at the park. Always interrupting my thoughts! So rude. Wait. It's the same voice.

"Wes?" I whip around so I'm facing the direction to voice came from.

"Wassup, blondie?" He kicks up his skateboard and meets me in the middle. If this were a romantic movie, I would be able to run up to him in slow motion and jump into his arms and he would spin me around while we kiss in the rain. But because this is not a movie and it is the disappointment of reality, we get the boring. We walk at an average pace with no physical connection, whatsoever. If you couldn't tell, I think I might have a crush on him. I want to be around him, I want to be able to talk to him about anything.

"Uhh. . .I kinda just ran away from home, so it's nothing new. I was in the same position last time you saw me." I shrug off.

"Ah. . .I see. Well, I don't judge. Tell me about it." He sits down and gestures for me to do so as well.

"Hmmm. . .How about. . .no. I don't really need you to listen through my boring speeches about my hatred for people. I couldn't put you through that pain." I give a small smile at the end.

"Fine. If you don't want to talk about it, I can respect that. I still want to talk to you though. I really like you and I want to get to know you better." Wes says bluntly.

Moments later we are lost into a deep conversation about who knows what. In some amount of time we are both lying on our backs staring up into space. Literally. I have no clue as to how long I was lying there with him. It could've been one hour or five. All I know is that it wasn't enough time. I also know that I was interrupted by a Niall standing over my head asking where I've been for the past three hours. Oh. Three hours. That's how long I was there.

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