Chapter 28-So much gayness

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Does no one understand that updating is actually a lot of work? I am not homophobic whatsoever. It might come across that way, but I'm not. I fully support LGBTQ+ rights. xoxoXIIIlegal

Anna POV

I grind my hips into Louis' and seductively pull his hair. Moving to the beat of the song blasting throughout the club I place my hands on his shoulders and move at a faster pace. After two songs I place my hand out for money. Louis stares at my dumbfounded.

"You expect me to pay for that!" Louis exclaims.

"Yes. Yes I do. You ordered a lap dance and I gave you one and now you have to pay twenty bucks. Pay up or I'm going to get my manager." I say sternly.

"I'm not paying for that. You're my daughter. I'm not paying for a lap dance from my daughter!" Louis stands his ground.

"Last time I checked I'm not your daughter and you pretty much disowned me so you should really pay up. I have other horny guys to give a lap dance to." I tell him.

"Louis is that true? What she's saying? That you disowned her?" Niall asks in a small voice.

"You should've heard her. If you heard what she said to me, it was unjust. If you were in my position you would've done the exact same thing, you little shit." Louis growls with indignation.

"What did she say to you?" Niall asks with fear dilating his eyes.

Louis doesn't respond.

"Anna. What did you say to Louis? You better not lie to me or you're grounded." Niall states.

"You can't ground me. I'm not your daughter. You have no control over me. And I hit rock bottom, I'm a stripper working at a bar." I scoff.

"Anna-" Niall warns.

"I didn't say anything wrong-" I begin.

"Anna. Just. Tell. Me." Niall glares.

"Jeez. I'm getting to that. I just told him the truth. I told him that I might be into girls. That I'm pretty sure I'm lesbian. So, he irrationally kicked me out." I shrug. "Don't worry. This was hours ago. I've forgiven you and you are no longer my family so if you disappeared off the face of the earth tomorrow, it wouldn't mean much to me. I suggest you do the same."

"Louis. She fucking came out to you and disown her?! What about when I came out to you?" Harry yells.

"That was different." Louis responds.

"How in the world is it any different from coming out if you're gay or if you're lesbian, which I need to remind you, is essentially the same thing." Harry shouts.

"It's different because being gay is a sin and it's different because you're my best friend and you also date girls. As long as they live under my roof, no child of mine is going to be gay," Louis tells him.

Louis takes out two twenties and shoves them under the string by my hip.

"If you return, I expect this. . .personality disorder to be fixed. And put on more clothes. This isn't how I raised you." Louis says before turning on his heel.

"Louis. You didn't raise me," I sass.

"I sure as hell raised you better than any of your other families. None of them gave two shits about you," He faces me.

"My mother was a wonderful woman. She was smart, she was beautiful, and she's ten times the person you will ever be!" I narrow my eyes at him. "And Louis, you have asshole on your face, did you know?" I turn around to help table fifteen who have been patiently waiting for the past ten minutes.

"Hi. My name is Barbi. I will be attending your needs tonight. Can I get you started on anything to eat or drink?" I mask my voice with a falsetto.

"Oh no. Not right now. Right now I'm just waiting for my son to get back from the bathroom," a man in his mid forties tells me.

"Oh. Of course. I'll just check on some other tables and I'll be back in a few minutes," I wink at this man.

"No need! I see my son right now!" he says as I'm walking away. Turning back to this man I see Wes approaching. This day is just full of surprises, isn't it?

"How did you get in here?" I question him.

"This is my dad. He owns the club." Wes says. "What are you doing here?"

"Touché." I say. "So, anything to drink?"

"Anna. How did you get in here?" Wes demands.

"I'm uh. . .ummm. . . err. . .stripper," I mumble under my breath.

"Why?" He asks incredulously.

"I'm desperate, okay? Louis kicked me out of the house and I have no where to go. I would ask the boys to stand up for me but I don't want to involve them in any drama," I explain.

"What did you do to get kicked out?" Wes asks with his voice full of curiosity.

"I. . .uhh. . .told him I was lesbian. I'm sorry if I led you on, I meant to tell you sooner I swear, I just wasn't sure of it until recently and I-" I rush.

"Anna. Chill. I've suspected it for a while and I understand. I didn't want to make assume anything. I get it. Since you're kind of out on the street, you can totally stay with me, right dad?" He gestures to his father.

"Yeah, of course. You seem like a good kid and the only reason you're a stripper at my bar is that you needed some money and you were desperate on the street. I would be honoured to have you as a temporary daughter. I also don't have to worry about you and Wes which is good," his father tells me.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Martin. It means the world to me that you are offering me your hospitality," I gush.

"Call me Andrew," he smiles.

"Well, irregardless, thank you, Andrew," I emphasise his name.

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