Chapter 6- The Mugs And The Muffins

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So my friend wanted me to tell the small population who actually reads this crap, that I'm not really serious about writing or whatever, but I'm supposed to ask for suggestions. Or at least that's what I think I was supposed to tell you guys. xoxoXIIIlegal ps, my titles may or may not have anything to do with the actual content of the chapter.

Louis POV

She cried what seemed like for hours. Of course when I look at my watch, it's only been 10 minutes. It's so sad to see my baby like this. How could she do this to herself? She's so perfect in everyway.

Anna POV

As Louis rubs soothing circles on my back, I can feel my tear stain becoming larger on his shirt. One of the boys placed a two fingers under my chin.

"Please eat. You'll feel better," Niall encourages.

I look at the table and there is a blueberry muffin and a steaming mug of hot chocolate. This was my favorite before my mom died. I havn't had it in four years and I can't help think that this wasn't a coincidence.

Tears are still streaming down my face as I take a tender bite into my muffin. I can feel the warm hot chocolate go down my throat and for the first time in years, I actually feel okay. I don't feel great and I don't feel at home again, but I don't feel like cutting.

"Can we see your wrists?" Zayn asks worriedly.

Luckily, I had planned for this. See, I was never stupid enough to cut my wrists, I probably cut everywhere else imaginable, but not my wrists. I think I might tell them, but trust is a hard subject for me. When the time comes, I'll figure it out. For right now, I just roll up the sleeves of my sweatshirt just enough to reveal my wrists. I only have the one cut from the other day. Before I know it, Liam is already rubbing some disinfectant on the semi open wound.

"Bullshit! You gave us a blood encrusted, dull razor blade. You obviously have cut more than just that one time," Harry blurts out. He obviously has no sensor.

I just give them a small nod. I lift the over sized sweatshirt over my head revealing the many other cuts that have been caused by the small blade on the table. I roll the short sleeves up onto my shoulders giving the boys full view of the rest of my cuts. On my arms at least.

The boys just stare at me increduluosly as they engulf me in a loose hug being careful of my arms.

Niall bends down to my height and looks me straight in the eyes.

"How long?" He almost whispers with tears threatening his vision.

"Ever since my mom died," I respond in a clear voice that doesn't belong to me.

He just wraps his arms around my small body and squeezes tightly.

"Is there anything else we should know about?" He askes with a pained expression not wanting there to be anything worse.

I nod again. They already know almost half of it. I guess I'll just give them a full half and save the deeper stuff for another time.

"I can tell exact time of day without a watch or clock. I don't know why, but I can," I say.

Relief spreads across all of their faces. I can tell that they thought it was going to much much worse. I do love messing with these boys.

"Can you tell us the rest of your past? I know there's more then your letting on." Harry says in a raspy voice. For some reason it sounds soothing.

"Not today, maybe another time," I say hoping for understandings.

To my surprise (and luck) they did, and just nodded.

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