Chapter 2-Adopted

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Don't worry, I hate author's notes just as much as you do. Enjoy. or not. I don't care. xoxoXIIIlegal

Anna POV

I pull the blade out and wiped off some dried blood with the bottom of my shirt. I pull my sleeve up above my forearm, pressed it into some fresh skin, and quickly brought the cold blade down. I winced, but as the cool air made it sting, it felt better. It felt as if all my problems could be taken away with the now dull blade. The girl who has the locker next to me cuts as well, so when she wasn't looking I stole an unopened blade. As I added three more cuts to my forearm, I pulled down my sleeve when the blood finished drying and had formed a light crust. I look in the window and see that I had five more minutes, so I decided to climb a tree. My entire life, I have always loved trees. I jumped down and fell flat on my face. Smooth. Nice job, Anna. I stood up, dusted off my pants and shirt, and walked inside. I decided to go upstairs to my room to kill some time. I knew that these "gentlemen" would be here any minute, but they're not going to choose me anyway so who cares, right?

Louis POV

I look out the window and see the dingy, old orphanage. Simon thinks that adopting a kid would be good for publicity. I had always wanted a kid, but seriously Si, using one as a charity case? I can't stand it. I was extremely conflicted at the moment. I know I'm not ready, but it seems like it would be a new fun adventure I could go on with the boys, so at the same time, I'm excited. Because I'm the oldest, the boys and Uncle Si decide that I will be his or her legal gaurdian. I might not be the most responsible, but I'll have Liam deal with that. I feel the car slow to a stop and I step onto the sidewalk. The lads and I walk through the door to be greeted be a middle aged woman who had a stern but warm smile on her face.

Lani POV

I'm standing in a line with all the othe kids in the 8-15 age range. I'm looking for Anna until I get distracted because five EXTREMELY hot guys walked in. I want to say that they're all in the 18-20 range. UGH! It just clicked. How did I not see this before. It was ONE DIRECTION! I let out a small shriek. Harry looked in my direction and just smirked.

Ms. Greenly POV

I see the boys and girls all in a straight line. I mentally go through roll call. Anna. I know she won't come down, so I'll just have to bring the boys up to her.

"You can either just pick one from their files or have a short interview with any of them. There is a 13 year old girl up in her room who won't come down. She has a difficult past, and she tries to make the best of it, but every few days, she'll get lost in this trance and you just have to leave her be. It's no use trying to snap her out of it and no one blames her for it. It happens to a lot of minors that get dropped off and they do grow out of it. It is a form of PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder, so if it gets worse depending if you choose her or we keep her, she will need to go to therapy." I explained to the boys.

Louis POV

I walk into the room see the girls and boy lined up in a perfectly straight line. I listen to Ms. Greenly I think her name was, explaining this girl.

"Can we go meet her?" I ask. Not to be rude or anything, but not of the children stood out to me. The boys nodded in agreement as if they heard what I was thinking.

"Sure," Ms. Greenly said. "She might not notice you though."

Anna POV

"...Do you ever feel, like a plastic bag, drifting thorugh the wind, wanting to start again?"

I hear clapping behind me and whip around. I see five guys nodding their heads in approval.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"What's your name?" I heard one of them ask.

"Anna," I replied not looking up. I hear all of their feet shuffling and them grouping into a huddle. Wow they were bad at whispering.

"I like her" I heard one say.

"She's also good at singing" the Irish one said.

"Let's take her" a deep voice declared.

I predicted this. Horny teenagers. I'm gonna be a sex slave. It's happened before except I could tackle a single person. I took a self defence class a while ago. It came in handy often enough. There were five of them. How the hell was I going to out run all of them? They were talking to Ms. Greenly and she handed them the adoption papers. The one on the far left took them first. The curly haired one put a hand on my shoulder and I quickly shook it off.

"Why don't you pack up your things and say goodbye to all your friends," he tells me.

I gave him a short nod as I turned around to grab my journal, my few outfits, and I sneaked downstairs to grab by razor blade. I pushed it under a photo in my journal so someone would really have to look for it. I placed everything into a plastic bag and hugged my only sort of friend, Lani. I knew I was going to be back soon so it wasn't that meaningful.

I whispered "I'll be back within two weeks." The boys escorted me outside and I saw a limo awaiting us. Wait. A limo?!

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