Chapter 27 - Right now and forever

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Hey guys! I'm not going to add a whole lot more to this story. Maybe a few more chapters and an epilogue. I'm considering a sequel, but that also seems like a lot of effort. If I did per se write a sequel, it wouldn't be an after the fact. It would be a collection of stories and memories written from Anna's POV. It would be a lot like her diary entries except in real time and all of that time being with One Direction. xoxoXIIIlegal

Harry POV

I sit there as I rub figure eights on Anna's back and she cries into my shoulder. Time passes but it feels like time is endless right now so I don't see a difference.

"Listen. Haz- Harry. I need you to trust me on this. I know it sounds absurd but you are going to have to trust and believe in me right now," she locks eye contact with me awaiting my approval. I nod in response urging her to continue.

"Harry, I need you to walk away from me. I need you to go back to the house and make sure eveything is all right. Make sure no one has murdered anyone, and everyone is still there. I need you to walk away and not look back. I love you, all of you, don't ever doubt that, but right now, and for the rest of your life, I need you to forget about me." she doesn't break eye contact.

"Anna. I don't think I can do this. I can't just walk away and forget about you like you were never with us. I love you and even though you've only stayed with us for a few months, you're part of our family. We can't- I can't just remove you from my family like a second cousin." I smile at the end.

"I know it's not easy, but it's been done before. It's difficult for me too. I've known you guys for a short while, and it has been an honour, but in the time that I've known you I've had enough great memories to last a life time. I have past foster familes and adoptive parents who I don't even think about anymore." she explains. "Please. Do this for me. Try."

"I can trust you, right? I know that something fucked up went on when you talked to Louis and all my trust is now bestowed on you. If something happens to you and it's because I'm not forcing you to come back with me, I will never forgive myself. Please don't let me regret giving you my trust." I kiss her forehead. "Goodbye, Anna. I love you."

Anna POV

I watch him depart and his silhouette fades into the distance and I beeline back to the orphange. I open the front doors and dash up to my room. I see Lani reading a book in her bed.

"ANNA!" She shrieks. "What are you doing back here?"

"I just came back to grab some money. How are you? Do you have the room to yourself?" I ask.

"It's going. I'm adjusting to the routines and yes. I do have the room and it's amazing," she gushes.

I kneel down and pull up a floor board and scrounge out about ten twenty dollar bills. I fold them up into a nice roll and stick them in the crevice of my bra.

"Listen Lani, I would really love to stay and talk but I have to go," I explain motioning to the door.

"Can I come?" she asks eagerly.

"Yeah, sure." I start walking out.

We exit the building and I lead the way to a bar nearby. As we walk she asks about my life with One Direction. I tell her about Wes, I tell her how I told them everything, I tell her the story of when I fisrt met them. Everything. In return for my stories she tells me the stories of when she was adopted in the few months that she's been there. She cries about how scary it was to be losing her virginity to some no life loser pretending to be her father. I sympathise with her as I lost my virginity pretty much the same way except the no life loser was my dad. We talk about Luke Hemmings' lip ring; we talk about how Kim Kardashian and Kanye West were going to give North possibly the worst child hood because of the spotlight; we talk about how math is useless after sixth grade; we talk about how blue raspberry is the best flavour and cherry is the worst. We talk about everything.

We arrive at the bar and I talk to the manager. I explain how I am desperate and I need so form of work. He says that they're light on strippers that night and depending on how I do, it could become a permanent gig. I tell him that mixing drinks is more up my alley and he wouldn't budge. He said stripper or nothing. I agreed out of desperation.

Niall POV

"C'mon man. You've been moping ever since Anna left for her sleepover. Let's get some drinks!" I nudge Harry.

"You're right. I just need to forget right now," he agrees.


Anna POV

I'm in the middle of a lap dance when I see five all too familair faces walk in. I quickly finish and scurry to the back room in hopes that my identity was concealed.

"Barbi! I need a lap dance table nine," my boss barks at me.

Groaning I stand up and make my way past drunk teenagers to a back table. Not paying attention I straddle down on some guy's lap and I am met with a pair of blue eyes I swore I would never see again.

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