Chapter 3-That awkward moment're stuck in a limo with One Direction

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Hey guys. Copyright stuff. All rights resevered. blah blah blah. Yup. That's it. Mwah! xoxoXIIIlegal

Anna POV

I just sat there tensely and stared out the window. I feel someone poking my arm. I decide to ignore it.

"Anna. Anna. Anna." I hear my name being repeated over and over again.

"Lou, we can't get her out of her trance stage. Remember?" I faintly hear a deep voice say. I turn my head and see all five of them staring at me.

"So...what are your names?"





"Zayn" each of them waved in turn.

At this point, they were all grinning like idiots. I smirked and then continued to look out the window.

"Do you know who we are?" someone asked. I couldn't tell who though. I shook my head. Should I?

"We're One Direction!" I think Louis shouted.

"Can I ask a question?" I said timidly.

"You just did, silly!" Harry said. I knew it was Harry because he had curly hair. Not knowing how strict they were, I just faced the window again. Luckily none of them had tried to touch me yet or get into my pants. I could feel glares being exchanged behind my back. I was tapped on my shoulder and I whipped around ready to punch someone unconscious.

"Love, I was just joking. Of course you can ask a question. Ask away." Harry said covering up what he said. I took a deep breath.

"Who's my legal guardian? Are you guys going to hurt me? What is this One Direction you speak of? Are you guys gay? What's my relationship with the other four of you that aren't my legal guardian? How long until I go back to the orphanage? How much do you know about me?" I said quickly all in one breath. The guys look astounded. It's more than I've said to them ever combined.

Zayn was the first to answer. Ticking off his fingers "Ummm....Louis is your legal gaurdian. We promise not to hurt you. One Direction is our boy band. We are not gay. Liam, Louis, and I all have girlfriends. The four of us, I guess are kind of like your brothers. We want to all take care of you, but of course, legally, we can't all sign your adoption papers; but you can come to any of us if you need to talk about anything, ever. We are all here for you. Hopefully you won't have to go back to the orphange. And we know your name is Anna. You've had a difficult past. Sometimes you go into trances. And your mom died when you were nine."

"You know I've had a difficult past? How much do you know? What do you know about my mom?" The boys all hold up their hands in defense.

This time it was Liam who answered. "All your file said is that you've had a difficult past. That's it. We promise. All we know is that your mom died. Everything we know is from your file." I sighed in relief. The less they knew, the better.

We pass my old school. The school where all my friends were. They wrote to me for the first few months, but then the letters just stopped. I see some of my old friends laughing. Of course, they couldn't see me because of the tinted black windows. I see who was once my best friend point at the limo with awe in her eyes. I miss her so much. My family was never rich, but my grandparents paid for my education. I was smart. I was even offered a full scholarship, but we declined and said to give it to someone else who needed it. I missed my friends, my teachers, even homework. I blink and see we are now in the gated community only a mile away. The limo pulls to a stop in front of the biggest mansion within a 50 mile radius. My jaw dropped into an 'O' shape.

That's the end of that chapter! Sorry it's so short.

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