Chapter 22-Schooled

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I'm not supposed to not be doing homework so. . .feel special. So there's this youtuber who I forgot the name of but he's attractive and inspirational. Anyway he inspired me to make a rant/speech kinda thing. Here is goes. You are all beautiful. I can't tell you guys how much you mean to me and all of you who vote and give me feed back are the most amazing people in the world. I know that in a way my book promotes self harm and eating disorders. In the simplest terms I can think of, eating disorder + self harm = bad. I love all of you and no matter how much you weigh, or what your hair and skin looks like, you are all beautiful. Don't try to live up to society's expectations of being model skinny. Even if you're not skinny, you are equally as beautiful as someone who is skinny. Look in the mirror. You look beautiful. I love you. xoxoXIIIlegal (I remembered. The youtuber is ExclamationPointYT)

Anna POV

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The annoying sound is what brings me to conciousness. It's 6:15. I swing my feet over the side of my mattress and fall on my face. Yup. I have skill. And I'm obviously not a morning person. Ugh! I have school today. I love the people at school, but the whole school thing, not really. Granted I haven't been to school in years, so let's just see how this goes.

"ANNA!" Louis screams.

"WHAT!" I yell back.

"BREAKFAST IN 10 MINUTES!" He tells me from down stairs.

"Ugh!" I groan into my pillow.

"Okay. I'm going to get out of bed in 10 seconds." I say to myself. "1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...9...9...9...10!" I roll out of bed. Literally. Unfortanatly, I ended up on the floor. Oh well. I finally make my way to my closet and pick the first two things closest to me and put them on. Just because I have designer clothes doesn't mean that I actually wear them.

"ANNA!" Louis reminded me.

"GEEZ! I'M COMING!" I yell.


"LOUIS!" I hear four voices scold.

I slide down the railing of the staircase to save time so I'm not late. Well, I did it because it's fun.

"Anna. That was inappropriate behavior. You could've easily gotten hurt and I don't want to see it again." Louis scolds.

"This is coming from the guy who just yelled a dirty joke to a 13 year old," I raise my eyebrows.

"Give it up Lou. Anna has this one. Even I'm on her side," Liam slaps his back.

"Just eat." Louis concedes.

"That's what I thought," I smirk.

Louis just rolls his eyes.

I nibble on the corner of my toast. After doing this for five minutes, I give up.

"I'm done." I say as i get up and swing my backpack over my shoulder.

"Haha. Nope. The portion you ate was about the size of a quarter. Eat at least half." Louis lectures as he sits me back down.

"I can't." I tell him avoiding eye contact.

"And why not?" He asks.

"I'm not hungry," I say simply standing my ground. "Look, I'll just eat more at lunch! I've just never been a breakfast person."

"And how am I supposed to believe you?" He presses further.

"I mean, you could always just trust me. If you haven't noticed, I haven't really done anything wrong," I persuade.

"What about the fact that you gave your journal to Liam or, I don't know, the fact that you cut and you're an anorexic, helpless bitch?" He shouts.

The world seems to freeze at this point. The boys stop whatever they're doing and remain silent.

I only say a few words and my message is clearer than ever. "Too far. I thought you said you loved me."

I turn on my heel and walk out the door not bothering to take one glance behind me. I walk for 20 minutes and I find myself at the front gate. Through the familiar gate, I navigate my way to the registration office.

"I'm here under the name of Anna Tomlinson?" I tell the middle aged woman behind the light oak wood desk.

She looks up and gives me a warm smile "Welcome back, Anna."

I beam at her before I exit and make my way the the west part of campus for my first class.

I assume that there is no assigned seating at this point for I just sit down in a desk in the periphery of the classroom 3/4ths of the way back. One by one the other students file in and no one really notices my presence. During roll call a few girls noticed my last name but didn't over think it. I mean, I know that I will gain a ton of popularity in two weeks when the boys bring me to the interview, but for now, I like being invisible. Mrs. McLaughlin discreetly places all my required materials on my desk and begins a lecture about how we need to write about a life changing experience. As I start to zone out, I feel a tap on my shoulder with a small scrap of paper with my name on it. I look the Mrs. McLaughlin to make sure she's not looking and unfold it under my desk.

Meet me for lunch by room 16

<3 Wes

I glance around the room only the meet the eyes of Wes. I smile to tell him yes and he gives me a flirty wink. 50 minutes later the bell rings and I briskly leave the classroom only to bump into Wes.

"So, I see you got my note?" He says walking beside me to my locker.

"Yup." I reply.

"So is that a yes?" Wes asks while I look a the yellow post it the office stuck onto my schedule.

"Mmm. . .I guess you will have to just wait and see," I flirt back. Without another word I turn around and head to my next class.

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