Chapter 29 - PTSD

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WARNING: Graphic images. Not suitable for children under the age of twelve or extremely sheltered children. I don't need kids who know nothing about sexual abuse or sex to be scarred for life reading my story. This does tie directly into the story so I suggest you read it but if you do not have knowledge about rape, human anatomy, sexual abuse and harassment, do not read this chapter. If you find yourself having to do extensive research about what I am talking about, stop reading. Seriously. I don't want to be responsible for teaching you something your parents wished to shelter you from. xoxoXIIIlegal

Anna POV

A loud quack emits from my phone on the small bedside table. I glance around at the unfamiliar room noticing the small details surrounding me.

"hey Anna. Can we meet up soon? Like 2day?" The words illuminate my phone blurring the background.

"Yea. sure. where?" I slide my finger left so I don't have to deal with entering my password.

"jambajuice? and can haz come?" I read the text from Niall.

"sure. whatevz. half hour good?" I open my phone to check my social media apps.

I lie in bed opening multiple apps for the sake of ridding the notification bubble.

I plug my phone back in it's charger and shower. Running my fingers through my hair, I weave conditioner into the ends and shampoo into my roots.

Not putting a ton of effort into my appearance, I throw on a graphic tee at random and a pair of jeans. Pulling my hair into a high pony tail I twist a brown elastic around the bundle.

"Hey Wes," I announce glancing up from my phone.

"Hey Anna," he replies as he continues to eat a pancake.

"I'm gonna head out for Jamba Juice for breakfast," I tell him.

"Alright. Chill. Do you want me to come?" He asks standing up already grabbing his coat.

"Wes, I'll be fine. I'm just meeting up with Niall and Harry. They're not the one's who kicked me out," I add on.

"Fine. Be safe. Here's some money and don't go dying on me," he jokes.

"Thanks Wes. See you in about an hour or so. Text me if you need me back immediately or something," I say over my shoulder.

Plugging in some ear buds, I walk five blocks north to the beat of "Style" by Taylor Swift. It took me a while because due to my luck, I hit every red light. When I make it to the storefront I see Niall and Harry chatting by a table in the back.

"Hi! Welcome to Jamba Juice, how may I help you?" an employee recites the scripted line.

"Umm. . .I'll have a light medium razmatazz," I say looking at the menu over head.

"Alright, that will be $5.09," the cashier tells me. I hand over a ten dollar bill waiting for my change. The man behind the counter pushes over a few bills and a handful of coins in my direction.

Grabbing my smoothie, I sit down by Harry and Niall.

"So how's life been?" Harry starts and conversation.

"Good. Nothing unusual. The only difference is that it's quiet but that's about it," I roll my eyes.

"Oi! Hurtful! We are not that loud and we give you your peace and quiet when necessary," Niall defends.

"Sure you do," I say sarcastically drawing out the vowels.

"So. . .Anna. We want you to come back home," Harry states bluntly.

"Absolutely not," I decline immediately. Even when I over stay my welcome at Wes' house, there's no way I'm moving back.

"Why?" Harry whines.

"Because, I'm not welcome and I am not willing to have someone as a guardian who doesn't accept me for who I am. I saw a quote on tumblr that said "I'd rather have someone hate me for who I am rather than someone love me for who I'm not," I explain.

"We can talk to Louis. We can convince him. I promise." Niall pleads.

"No means no, Niall," I say with defiance.

I sip my smoothie as they continue to plead and I continue to decline their offer. Half an hour later I find myself leaving Jamba Juice in the opposite direction of Niall and Harry. I'm about halfway home  periodically glancing down at my phone as two men dressed in all black approach me.

One of them throws a piece of cloth over my mouth as I attempt to scream for help. They push me into a nearby alley shoving me against the side of a red brick wall. One of them hold my hands above my head as another forcefully kisses me while unbuttoning my tight jeans.

Tying a cloth over my mouth, one of them slams his erect penis into me and holy motherfucker son of a bitch it hurt. I know that I've had it worse, however, I wasn't mentally prepared. I know that I've had self-defense courses in the past, but I just froze in this moment.

Just when I thought the worst was over I felt another shoved into my ass. I haven't had this experience in a few years so I was spoiled on comfort.

They both finish inside of me and leave me undressed in the alley alone. I lie there afraid to move and get up.

"Anna?" I hear a voice.

"ANNA!" I feel two arms lift me up. I open my eyes and my vision clears as I make out this man's face. It's a face I knew all too well. Louis.


I roll out of his grip and on to the floor. I allow my feet to carry me back to Wes' house and I use the copy of the key he gave me to let me into the safety of the home. Wes looks at me, concern instilled in his eyes. I run to him and wrap my arms around him as he just strokes my hair.

"Shh. . .it's okay. You're safe now. You're safe. I won't let anything bad happen to you. You're going to be okay. I will help you through all of this. I won't let anything happen. I promise," he whispers into my hair.

After a while I calm down and he leads me to the couch in the living room. I cross my legs and face him and he mimics my actions.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks.

I nod my head.

"It started back with my dad. He did it to me all the time," I begin.

"Did what? Tell me what happened," he rests his hand over mine.

"He raped me," my voice wavers as his face goes pale.

That's the last thing I remember before the flashback starts and I blackout.

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