Chapter 17-I Want

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Hey guys! So I will be a away for five weeks soon so I won't be able to update. Haha. Jk. I'm gonna pre-write them and have someone upload them once a week. xoxoXIIIlegal

Anna POV

Shit. Shit shit shit. What the hell just happened?! Ugh! That was so embarrassing!

At this exact moment a light tapping was sounded though the door. I pull the door open only to reveal a smirking Louis. He outstretched his arm in my direction with a pack of about 15 pads wrapped in plastic.

"Thanks," I couldn't have said it in a more awkward way.

"Yeah," he mutters with the word drawn out. "Umm. . .so as you know. You need to go to school. You still haven't told me what school you want to go to. . ."

"I told you I didn't want you spending any money on me!" I exclaim.

"I don't care about money. Please. Just pick any school you want." he almost implores.

"But-" I begin.

"Butts are for sitting on. At the school you want to go to." Louis states firmly. "Honestly, Anna. Where would you like to go to school?"

"Are you sure you don't care about the tuition? Because I know that it is a pricey school and I don't want to be of any inconvenience to you guys and you have done so much for me already and I really don't want to be a burden to you, any of you guys." I let out all in a solitary breath.

"Woah woah woah. You're not a burden. How many times do I have to tell you, we all love you and would do anything for you. Of course you don't have to worry about the tuition. You are currently in the family of the largest boy band in the world." Louis explains gently.

"My dream school would be Jefferson Middle School. It's my old school and all my old friends are there and I haven't seen them in years." I explain timidly.

"That's all? You know, you could've just told me. It's not that big of a deal. I just want what's best for you and if that's what it is, then that's what you'll get." Louis persisted.

I feel a tear slip from my eye. Wait. WHAT?! This is not supposed to happen. Why am I crying?

"Why are you crying?" Louis asked me.

"I don't know! It might be that this is just so much for me or it might be that I am actually getting emotionally attached to you guys or it might just be PMS messing with my hormones! I just don't know!" I bawl.

Louis doesn't say anything and just wraps his arms around my small body and helps me slip into comfort.

"Do you need anything?" Louis breaks the 10 minute silence.

"Can I go to the park?" I ask turning my body to face him.

"Of course! Would you like one of us to go with you? We can all go, or just one of us could go. Or you could go by yourself as long as you're home by six." Louis jumps up excitedly.

"Could all of you guys come? I need some fresh air but I don't want to be alone." I say to avoid any disappointment from Louis.

"Yes! I can't wait. How about you go get ready, and I will alert the boys. Yeah?" He almost bursts from excitement.

"Yeah. Sure. Okay. So umm. . .give me 15 minutes?" I agree.

"No problem. I'll see you down there." He yells on his way out.

"GUYS! BE READY IN 15 MINUTES! WE'RE GOING TO THE PARK WITH ANNA!" I hear Louis scream just moments after he leaves me room. With a small chuckle, I continue to weave the tangles from the mess of my hair.

I pull on a crop top and low rise shorts from Brandy Melville. Lightly styling my hair into soft beach waves, I coat my lashes with mascara. I have about three more minutes. Using this time, I just touch up on my makeup so I look picture perfect. Can't have my image ruin One Direction's reputation, can I?

I walk into the living room ready to go to the park when a single word reaches my ears.

"Change," Louis demanded.

"No. Why should I?" I fired back.

"Your outfit is inappropriate." He said bluntly.

"How so?" I press.

"Honestly, you look like you could be Nialler's girlfriend. You need to look like my daughter. Not like some chick we met at a night club." He sasses with arms crossed.


"I'm not changing." I cross my arms and mimic his stance.

"Go. Now." He points his index finger in the direction of the staircase.

"Why?" I refuse.

"Because I am your father and I said so." He reasons.

"Because I said so?! Wow. You'd make a great lawyer. Because I said so! What if your in court and you were the lawyer of a murder?

"This man is innocent. He did not kill him.

"Your evidence?

"Because I said so.

"Yeah. I can see how that will win you the case. There is no logic behind "I said so" in any way! It's a lazy argument," I counter.

"Look at me Anna. My job? I'm a singer. I'm not a lawyer so I don't care. I just want you to be safe, especially from the media. The media will turn anyone's slightest flaw and change their entire image. I jut want to keep the band safe, but most importantly, you," he gently rests a hand on my shoulder.

"But I like my outfit!" I whimper.

"I know, baby. I know. I just need you to change it so you don't get hurt. Again. I just want you to have the best of the best. Regardless of the consequence. I love you and if you get hurt, I could never forgive myself. I know how brutal the media can be. I've had my fair share of haters, but these days, one negative comment on twitter can go viral within 24 hours and it could destroy lives. I've seen it happen just before my eyes. I will do anything to protect you so this outfit of yours, it wouldn't help me. Trust me. I'm asking this of you out of your best interest. Will you please go change? For me?" Louis begs. I nod my head and trudge up the stairs in reluctancy.

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