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§Luke's POV§

I miss her so much. 

I can't help but think about Amora. Ever since I confessed my feelings to her, she'd always be at the back of my mind. I'm leaving her after her parents and brother passed away. Things must've been hard for her. I know she needed me but I know it's too late, considering the fact that I'm already in the plane going to who knows where.

I didn't have the strength to call her. How could I?

The fact that she liked me back too... 

It hurts so much. But I bet she's going through a rougher time. I should've been there for her, when she truly needed me but I wasn't. I turned my back on her and left. So how could I really show my face to her again? 

Countless times when I would wonder what my future holds out. If she would still feel the same way. 


John (CIA)'s POV

"Her moves are accurate, sir. She also beat the record." 

I took a sip from my coffee, "Record in what?" Amora has good potential- When she grows up, she'll be flexible with anything. But right now, she needs guiding. I re-watched the video on the surveillance camera, the way she moved and how she reasoned with those men; the girl wants justice. Each street has a hidden camera, keeping us in track with what goes in and out. 

"In everything, sir. She beat a twenty five year old man in running." the Junior Supervisor, Gregory Thompson said with atheism clear from the tone of his voice. "Ms. Van Allen is very capable with the job."

Of course she is... She and I know why she needs this job more than anyone in the future. 

"Of course she is, Ms. Van Allen needs and deserves all the time she needs after the tragic incident besides the government doesn't allow a thirteen year old to work for the CIA." I gave him a soft smile. I've been tough on him but he needs to learn, he'll take over the company and this job as well. 

"Yes, sir. That is a problem." He said with his eyes narrowing at the floor. 

"No worries as soon as she turns sixteen, we'll offer her the job but until then we need to train her. The first day of her training begins today." I announced in a as-a-matter-of-factly tone.

He stood up from the chair and made his way to the door, "That's good to hear. Who's going to train her?" He said, the door chirred. 

"Lilly Adelstein." He nodded and closed the door. 


*Amora's POV* 

Yay. First. Day. Of. School. Oh, I just can't wait. 

Sure, the flashbacks are still in my mind but other than that my right arm doesn't hurt whenever I move it. 

I put on a grey hoodie with a cotton t-shirt inside it and a pair of black cotton shorts that go all the way down to my knee. I finished the look with a pair of black high tops. Having a school that doesn't have a uniform policy is a real win-win. But then there are types of people who doesn't follow school rules; like wearing revealing clothes. 

I stood in the middle of the room, eyeing myself up and down from the mirror. Everything else seemed to scream average, so I was pleased with that. Self-concious, I touched my black hair, that was once golden brown; a wig. 

Every time I see my golden brown hair it would remind me of the past, -The past-  everything else would hurt. The pain. The regret- I've had enough of it. I guess this is a better way of trying to bury my past. But the flashbacks are still on my tail.

Grabbing a toast with peanut butter smeared on top of it, I sat on the bar stool, in the kitchen. "Good morning my sweet cookie! You lookin' fine!" My Mom was leaning on the kitchen island with a smirk plastering her face, she was wearing a white blouse with a pair of black culottes pants and her hair was tied in an elegant bun. 

I reflected a vivid smile, "Hi Mom! Morning- I don't think you need to talk like that if you don't want to." She cocked her eye and took two steps towards me.

She laughed and answered, "Honey, that's just how I talk- Hold on- something changed." Her eyes focused on me.

I gave her a laugh and said, "My clothes definitely changed." I pinched my hoodie with my index finger and thumb.

My Mom beamed because of my response, "Oh hon... You're wearing a wig?" Her right eye brow lifted.

"Yeah I am." I got off the stool and flung my backpack over my shoulders, I watched her reaction. She stood perfectly still, her eyebrows were folding, looking like she's thinking hard. "Mom?"

"I'm not angry nor will I question it. I know for a fact that my cookie does things for a reason. Whatever the reason is, Amora, I know it's always a good one." I just noticed when we talk about serious things, she would call me Amora but when it's not, she'd call me nicknames.

I muttered, "Thanks for understanding, Mom." Then, I hugged her from the side as walked together, she grabbed her purse and headed straight towards the front door. Taking my skateboard, I followed her.

"Don't mention it!" As she approached the Ferrari and swiftly halted, turning her head to me. "Amy, are you sure you don't want a ride to school?"

With one foot on my skateboard and the other on the ground, I beamed. "No Mom, I'll be fine." My Mom was about to open her mouth but I cut her off, I know what she'll say. "And no Mom, I don't need a ride home. Don't want to be late. See you Mom!" I swung my other leg and dashed off with a grin on my lips.

"See you too, Cookie!" I heard Mom's voice behind my shoulders, smiling. 


Fast-walking my way to the school's entrance, ignoring the looks I'm getting. Is it the wig or the cast, they;re looking at? I smiled at every student that passed by, making my way to my locker, a familiar voice called out.

Turning my back, I saw an out-of-breath Addison. I'm twenty steps away from my locker- I also need to be in a meeting with the Council. They are the students who help new and lost students in this big-ass school. 

"Yo! Me and Jocelyn turned the entire school upside down- looking for you." Addison ran into me, swallowing me into a hug. Addison and Jocelyn are my two best friends. 

I smiled at her, "Whoah! Take a chill pill, Mrs. Hawkins!" She let go of me, realising I called her a Missus. 

Jocelyn is a blondie, her hair would always reach to her butt, very tall but not as tall as me and she's overprotective. As well as that, she's in the football team as a defender. Addison is a brunette, her hair would always reach to her shoulders, her height is average and she's really smart but she doesn't know it. She's humble as they make it. 

As soon as they heard what happened to me that night, they rushed over to the hospital- Jocelyn was at Choir performance and Addison was at home, Netflic and Chillin'- as anyone would expect her to do on a Wednesday night. 

Overall, both their personalities would change depending on any situation. They're both kind and can get a little wild with the overprotecting bit. Both of them are beyond amazing, I honestly don't know how I'm best friends with them.

We've all been best friends since fifth grade and it's funny how we all met. But that's another story for another time. 


Heyo HoMiEs! I think TV is a real life-saver, what do you think?

Anyways I don't know why I said that but KeEp Smilin' HoMiEs :D

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