the storm

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Some things in this story will be made up. Like the street's name or etc. Ok bye! 

Votes for the amazing song above!


*Amora's POV* 

The dark sky grumbled, lightning flashed like disco and the thunder boomed; we've never been to West Valley General Hospital but I know it's the nearest hospital from Granny's house. Why now? Everything was wrong. Whatever Dad was going to say, it sounded so pensive and his deadpanned face. Loads of things are in my head; Luke, my parents and now Granny. Everything was piling up. 

I was so engrossed with the questions in my head, I didn't even notice we were driving in a shady street. A good thing that the car's windows were tinted. "Can't this thing go any faster?" My brother exploded, I nodded in agreement. I really want to see Granny.

"We're almost near- This is the suspicious side of town, so- sit back- we'll be going fast." My Dad surprisingly said in a monotone voice; his mind seemed occupied. Keep your eyes and mind on the road, Dad. The speed of the car accelerated while we passed vandalism-covered stores; everything outside was blurred from the speed we were going. The storm got worst, it felt like the lightnings were following us as the thunder clapped in the background. Dad detected this, we were definitely above the speed limit.

It was getting quite difficult to see what's ahead of us right now. 

My heart pounded, wanting to escape my rib cage, way too fast, "Dad! Slow down!" I shouted to the top of my lungs. The speed continuously decreased, I skimmed through the rear-view mirror, looking at Dad's face covered with beads of sweat. I saw Anthony sigh in relief as the car began to travel in its average speed.

This street is called... I read the sign we passed 'North Dark Crescent' That's an eerie name for a street. 

 I focused on the road, out of the blue, I saw a beam of light heading to us. What? That can't be right. I edged at my seat, leaning forward, and saw it moving rapidly quick. That car is on the wrong lane. I have no proof, there were no other cars to prove that we were on the right lane. Blue? Yeah it is blue. Oi! Blue car! You're on the wrong lane. I looked at the rear-view mirror again, only to find my the furrowed brows of my Dad. 

"Everyone get out, now!" We clicked our seat belts open, staring at the blue car in horror, I saw Anthony wake up. He was sleeping?! I thought he wasn't! I shook him then his mouth gaped in fright and was awake. 

All three doors were opened, except Anthony's. "Honey! Amy! Go on ahead! I'll wait for Ant!" My Dad wailed. 

"I'm not leaving anyone!" I declared through the booming barrages that escaped from the sky above us. My Mom clawed my wrist and placed her right arm around my shoulders, she stared at the road. 

Everything seemed to paused; The two cars collided; Preparing for impact I sunk in the seat with my Mom while Dad jumped out of the car. A million shards segments of broken glass flew around us like raindrops. Cries of pain blared along with the sound of breathing.

 Seconds later, I sat up straight in my seat and so did Mom. I sat, registering what just happened. My heart felt paralysed and my body felt numb. 

Shoot. Anthony! I kicked the door open as Mom stood beside the car, embracing Dad with open arms. 

I pulled Anthony from the shattered car, carefully dragging him to my parents; he was drenched in blood. Peacefully, his eyes laid shut, but soon a massive amount of blood oozed out of his head. No. Not Anthony. I felt my heart slowly sink. My parents were fussing over him and was busy nagging at each other at how he should be taken care of. While I knelt down and clutched his hand. Checking his pulse, my index and middle finger on his neck, nothing. I shook my head, spurning, it's beating. But it's fading away... 

"No. No. No. Don't do this Anthony! Wake up!" I held his shoulders, vigorously, shaking him; murmuring the last part. His blood soon coated my hands- A huge pool of blood surrounded him. I felt a sob leave me as I examined his punctured face. 

"I don't have my phone on me..." I realized and closed my eyes, this can't be, was he wearing his seat belt? "MOM- DAD- CALL AN AMBULANCE! Send help. CALL 911. Please." I cried out as I shook him more- expecting him to wake up any time soon and pretend this whole thing was just a messed-up prank. 

"Amora..." My Mom's face fell and tears erupted from it, as she checked Anthony's pulse on his wrist and neck. 

"He's not- He can't be! He's too young!" I croaked as I rocked back and forth. I felt it. Something snapped inside me. My Dad hugged me as I tried to reach for Anthony's arm. Mom's a doctor. Yeah! She'll fix him. She can do anything. 


He wasn't. I recalled the moment we got in the car. Ugh! Anthony! Why didn't you. 


"Mom! You can help him! You're the doctor in this family!" I said in a fake happy tone. She didn't move, or she couldn't. She stared at me with a remorseful look, her eyebrows folded. 

"Honey, Anthony's-" 


Short chappie! This is a no joke: People die or suffer from car crashes. 

Vote if you liked it and comment down below! 

The song 'Tonight' seemed to fit this chappie! Don't know what 2 say!

C'ya HoMiEs!


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