in this together

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*Amora's POV* 

I heard a knock on my door- Wha- Not even noticing  that I was rolling, I fell and my face crashed with the cold floor. Being an early riser, I decided that sleeping would take my mind off. Those flashbacks would render into my mind. It's like growing a tail and it's following me. 

I rubbed my forehead, ignoring the sudden pang of pain in my right arm- Oh yeah, the cast, I forgot. The irritating noise from the door aroused; a boy around my age, chestnut brown hair, tanned skin and chiseled features. I don't know what I'm wearing or how I look like, regardless, I smiled at him.

"Hi- Are you okay? It sounds like you fell from you're bed," The boy said. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. How about you? Are you looking for someone?" I peeped into the buzzing hallway.

"No, my name is Joshua Oliver and I'm here to escort you to the meeting room," My lips formed an 'o' while I nod my head. I totally forgot. 

"Oh yeah, just a second," I dashed to the bed-side table and grabbed the swipe card key. 

Closing the door, Joshua asked "And you are?" I turned around with a smirk spread on my face, Joshua looked at me with suspicion. An idea popped in my head.

"A troll," I forwardly said with a grin plastered to my lips, feeling like I won a gold medal in the Olympics, I strolled along the hallway. I can feel him roll his eyes.

We walked side to side, "Hahaha, very funny, Amora," I stopped at my tracks; Amora? He knows my name? Why bother ask me when you know my name? Wasn't his surname Oliver? Oliver was the surname of John, wasn't it?

I took a shot in the dark and kept on walking until we were in the elevator, "Oh Josh, what will the director of the CIA say about this?" I placed my left hand on my hips, looking sassy. His facial expression changed into austere. Okay! He doesn't want to to talk about it. The nickname 'Josh' came out of my mouth besides it really suits him. 

The elevator dinged, stepping into the glossy floor, "Josh?" His eyes sparkled with amusement. Hey, I like it better. 

"Yeah, deal with it dude," I twisted my head side to side, looking like a patient with mental issues. Josh snickered as we entered the room. I felt the ac in my face, closing my eyes with satisfaction but a sturdy voice broke my thoughts. 

"Ah! Joshy and- Amora! Join us for breakfast!" A homespun voice echoed in the rustic room; brick walls, a long wooden table, wooden chairs and the light blazed over my eyes. 

"Morning Mr. Oliver!" I greeted him with a golden smile. At the corner of my eye, I saw Josh's jaw drop to the floor. What ever happened to him.

"Oh there she is! Sweet Amora!" He threw his arms in the air and gestured us to the seats. I looked around, Josh was sitting in front of me, there were five people in this room, excluding myself: A lady in her 40s smiled at me, she has long and thick black hair, scars on both her arms, slim body and a mother-like figure that made my heart swell in warmth. "Meet your Mom- Ann Francisco!" John's voice boomed. 

She turned her lingering eyes on me and simpered as her crystal blue eyes glistened with charm, "Hey there Amora! I can already tell we'll both get along!" She attacked me by cuddling me into a a bear hug. Similar to what Mom would give me. The flashbacks glutted in my memory, hunting. I felt my heart descend and goosebumps form on every part of my body.

Me too. I can tell we'll both be running this smoothly. Where's her hubby? I like that word, hubby. She let go of me, "Amora, dear? You look pale. How are you feeling?" She moved her hand to my forehead and neck, checking my body temperature. 

I mumbled, "I feel great- Don't worry about it, Mrs. Francisco." I used my hands to gesture her to eat. Taking a bite at my sandwich on my plate, she beamed.

She took hold of my right shoulder, "Oh dear, please, call me Mom," She resumed to chewing her burger. 


I told entertaining stories and said hilarious jokes. The breakfast was filled with laughter, choking from laughter and more laughing. It was the first time I laughed my heart out since that night. Me and Ms. Franci- I mean Mom, got the chance to talk about each other. She's a cardiologist, raises charities, hates bananas and also lost the two most important people of her life to a car accident; her husband and her eight year old. 

We had things in common like the car crash, talking about random things, spilling punny puns (Heh, look what I did there) and other weird things about me. 

An hour later, we were all done devouring on our breakfast, "Amora and Ann, why don't you ladies spend a whole day together- Just the two of you." He said standing up, Josh frowned. We exchanged our goodbyes, later on, me and Mom were at the basement, looking for her car.

"I'm really glad I met you and that you're now my daughter," Her smile dazzled through her piercing blue eyes, she pointed at a Ferrari; that would make sense because she's a cardiologist, she's bound to be rich but not filthy. "God is giving me a second chance to take care of a perfect girl like you. Not care but love." She unlocked the car with the keys. We were both in the Ferrari, I felt the silkiness of the seat and the lavender air freshener stuck around the air. Her words made me feel a little bit better but not even words could fix the damage. 

Nothing will. No one's perfect. I can't stop it, stupid flashbacks, making me feel so.. So.. I don't know anymore. I don't know how I could easily accept her like this. It sort of made me feel guilty. Mom, Dad and Anthony... You think she's a good person right? 

Clicking my seatbelt, I flushed a supple grin at her. "And I'm glad that you're my Mom," That's true, I really am. I can see how she acts towards me and people. "Nobody is perfect, Mom." I glanced at her, finding a lukewarm smile on her lips. 

"Okay, sweet cookie! I have a whole list of fun things to do," She took out a folded A4 piece of paper from her jeans. Sweet cookie? Meh. I don't mind nicknames. "But my exceptional Amy gets to have first dibs on what we should do! So?" I thought hard and maybe we should settle with something that involves sitting down. 

"Umm, we could go to the movies and then maybe we should do something productive after it?" I raised an eyebrow, I just answered her question with a question. Her face lit up as she soaked in what I said. She's a good mother. I can get used to this. 

But then again... Why did your family die? Because I couldn't protect them. It's your fault and you know it. And you deserve any happiness or any love. You don't deserve any of this.

I held my breath and smiled at her as she started to drive with a grin covering her face again, "You're like my son but in a female version of him. I miss him..." She commented. 

"Don't worry, Mom. We're all in this together." After I said this, I did my best to hold the tears in.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LMAO :D

I can seriously imagine, after Amora says that line, Troy and Gabriella would pop out and start singing, "We're all in this together!" Oh Good Times!

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C'ya HoMiEs!


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