just wanna see you smile

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*Amora's POV* 

I joked, hoping this could at least ease what I'm about to witness, "Looks like someone's about to explode." I wiggled my eyebrows at Addison with a smirk on my lips. Watching her black eyes drift to my hair and my cast. Oh no, she's going to freak out... Again. I've never felt so relieved when I heard the bell ring- That's my queue!  Just as my head started to ache, Addison narrowed her gaze on me. 

I guess they still couldn't get over the fact that I became an orphan overnight. But I know what they feel towards me isn't pity. And it's love. That's funny, you know you don't deserve them either, right? Shut up. Shut. Up. 

Checking my wrist watch, I still have five minutes until the meeting starts. I grabbed my books for second period, which is Art, stuffing it in my backpack. With Luke in my mind, I threw my skateboard in my locker. Remembering how Luke would always lean on my locker, my breathing shortened, black sparks was all I saw. 


I fluttered my eyelashes, taking in my surroundings; sturdy bed and cheap Disney curtain circled the bed. Why am in the school's infirmary? Sitting up from my position, the bed screeched while the silence was broken by heels clicking on the marbled floor. Staring at the hand on the curtain, revealed Mrs. Bobathon. I practically know everyone in the infirmary, all because of Jocelyn's clumsiness.

My mouth instantaneously flew open, awaiting for answers. "Amora, how are you feeling?" Mrs. Bobathon opened the curtains, light flooded as I squinted- I got used to the heart ache but not totally.

Without thinking, I shone a bright smile, convincing the nurse. "I'm fine, Mrs. Bobathon." The smile still on my face as I scanned her eyes. "What happened to me?" I cooly said with a blank face. 

"My best guess is- You passed out- I already informed your teacher. Just sit back and get some rest." She added with a soft smile tugging her lips, turning away. Gaining full consciousness, I wrinkled my nose as soon as my eyes came into view with my wrist watch. Shit- I'm late for the meeting. Rising from the bed, the marbled tiles came into contact with my feet, making me shudder. 

A second later, my black high-tops are on my feet and my backpack is where it should be. I seized the door knob and called out, "Thanks Mrs. Bobathon but I'm good now, so I'll leave now!" I darted across the corridors of the building, sprinting. I hate it when I'm late- I really do. 

Without a a care in the world, I basically knocked the door down with a huge thump. "Sorry I'm late!" I ruptured, evidently seeing that my presence had almost gave them a heart attack, I beamed at the ten pairs of eyeballs goggling at my small frame compared to the spacious room. "Mornin' folks!" I gleefully said; Well, this is awkward. 

Looks like Ms. Nickelson was the first one to take the whole situation in as her gaze fell on my cast. "Amora! We were all getting worried that you wouldn't make it." She ushered me to a seat beside Maddy, resting my buttocks on it, she continued. "But it's the right timing! We're about to head down to the foyer to meet the newbies!" She swung her hands to the air, grinning at her excitement, we all rose from our seats and gathered at the desolate hallway. 

"I know you don't know me but I know you," I traced to where the voice came from, trailing to a stammering Maddy. "I'm your biggest fan!" A sudden turn of events, that was unexpected. I know Maddy from my Maths class but I couldn't really reach out to her since she sits across the room. "You're goals are so accurate! I mean, like, how do you do it?" We continued walking with the group, I couldn't wipe my grin off. I suppose Maddy is a fan of football.

"Oh wait!" She suddenly slumped her shoulders forward and the sudden change of expression on her face made me think. "Oh way to go, Maddy, she's going to think you're weird." She mumbled under her breath, loud enough for me to hear. "Excuse my horrible manners, my name is-" 

Putting both my hands in the hoodie's pockets, I smirked. "Nice to meet you too, Maddy." I know I can't see it but I felt it. Her jaw fell down as she stared at me. Deeply, she breathed in and out, summing up everything. My grin still glued to my lips, we stopped walking.

Ms. Nickelson stomped across the stage, the microphone in her right hand. "Alright! These are the Buddies!" Her hand gestured towards us as we waved at the blank, EGGScited, volatile and bright faces. "They'll be here to help you with anything and everything! Have a nice first day at school!" Well, that's one way to summarise something. 


"Ms. Van Allen!" A voice boomed, causing to obstruct me from my thoughts. After the whole accident, I'd always find my mind preoccupied. The first time, my flashbacks appeared on a school day, my palpitating heart felt like it wanted to break free. Everything went numb. I was on my way to the front seat of class, directing my eyes to Mr. Jay with a fake smile on lips. 

After this period, I have to explain everything to Addison and Jocelyn, which I am not ready to do. "Hi Mr. Jay!" This time, I gave him a real smile, Mr. Jay is our Geography teacher. Oh how time flies when you're having fun, right? One second ago, I was touring around the school with new students and now, I'm sitting down for fourth period, waiting for lunch to start. 

Students were filling up the empty seats as Mr. Jay continued to greet them, welcoming them. "So how's the smartest student in the whole school, hmm?" He hummed, getting in front of class, waiting for any late comers. Is he trying to embarrass me? Geez, what kind of teacher was he?

My smile turned into a light frown. "Mr. Jay, you know how I feel about-" I grumbled, slightly embarassed with the students at the back who were whooping and cheering at someone.

"I know, I know, I was just testing you. You seemed out of it, Amora." Mr. Jay chuckled with a loud bang on the door. What? Am I that obvious to read? 

"Sorry I'm late!" Looks like someone's having the same situation as me before. A boy that seemed taller than me, holding his backpack's strap with one hand and the other was busy with papers. As the sun lifted, light bursted from the windows.

Ah, he was one of the new students. The boy's figure became crystal clear, his face was heart-shaped along with a sharp jaw-line- You could hear all the girls in the class swoon. My heart sunk down as the memories of Luke flashed in my mind- girls did that too whenever you walked down the hallways. My stomach stirred, I averted my gaze to Mr. Jay, who was now on his computer. 

"Evan Danielson?" I think he's checking the register. 

"Yup. That's me." He popped the 'p', with a smirk on his face as he just noticed how the girls were drooling over him. I rolled my eyes. Only person worth drooling over isn't even here. 

Keeping myself busy, I engrossed myself with the book in front of me, putting my left hand on my forehead. I hope we don't do any writing, only because, I'm wearing a cast. Pure silence entered the room, lifting my head up. My brown eyes met emerald green ones. His eyes glossed with curiosity as I dropped my head down to the book. I was confused. 

"Just sit anywhere you want, Mr. Dunson." Mr. Jay scanned the room, his hand on his chin. "Ms. Lee, will you move to the empty seat to your right?" She nodded and murmured something under her breath. "There, you can sit beside Ms. Van Allen. The smar-"

I gave Mr. Jay the eagle eye, reminding him about our discussion earlier. Honestly, that was very effective because he immediately stopped. Yeah, that's right. I did the usual thing- Participating in class, answering Mr. Jay's questions, making the class laugh out loud and being me.

I'd always do this to every class, tell them jokes, do my best when it comes to tests, participate and smile. Or grin, whichever, I just want to see people smile.


Wow, look at that chappie! What do you think? 

Who's your favourite character so far?

Keep Smilin' :D Don't forget to vote and comment down below, HoMiEs!

C'ya HoMiEs!


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