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Each chappie will either have a video or a picture/gif. You, homies, can play the video while you read. If it helps: right click(PC)/two-finger click (Mac), then click loop. This repeats the video when it finishes. 

Happy Reading!!!!!!!!!!!! *Ok, too much exclamation marks...* lmao

It would mean the world to me if you guys could vote and comment down below :D



*Amora's POV*

"No. No. No. Don't do this Anthony!" 

A step. They took a step. And another step.

This- this feeling I get. Imagine this, you lost everything: your family, your trust and finally... Love. Hiding my emotions to the people I care about is complicated. If I could put it differently, it would be very simple. Simple as this: just smile and they'll think you're fine.

I've forgotten how it felt like.To be loved. To be in the arms of my parents, the ardent feeling would always feel free to invite my heart- to give and accept love. They say love and hate are strong words. My thoughts? 

What a load of crap. 

When life gave me a second chance, I took it and now? 

Let's just say that things will never ever be the same again. 

"What do we have here..." 

The flashbacks chased me to the ends of sanity and this endless void I see in my sleep, everyday, words from that night were on replay. Over and over- Like a broken record. The torrid voices would always find ways to sneak up on me and torment me. It laughed at my face. Taunting me. Just the thought of them sends me through an unshakeable journey through this curse, I now call my past. 

I'd always think that it's too much for me to handle. 

It's just not the same.

I could never love anyone the same way again. 

End Of Prologue 


Yeah that's the end of this chappie! Please comment down below and don't forget to smash the vote button with your forehead ;D 

Keep Smilin' :D

C'ya HoMiEs!


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