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§Luke's POV§

Polished floors, high ceilings, blinding lights from shops; I stood there alone, at the entrance of the mall. Loudly sighing, I ran a hand through my hair. I wonder how things are going for him. It's been a year since my brother left for college and I am dying out here, if my brother was here I'd be laughing out loud with my head thrown back. Sadly, one can only dream. The boisterous sound of people sliced through my thoughts and decided to carry on walking.

I have friends but they're all busy with their own family business, after all it is the last few days before the first day of school knocks me out with homework. While I was trudging around the mall I knew that I'd receive a couple of stares so I made an effort today to wear the most basic and unattractive clothes I could find in my closet. I could not just be bothered.

A couple of hours later, my legs were aching from roaming around the mall and went to a coffee shop to buy myself a cupcake. Licking my favourite part of the cupcake- icing, I trudged towards the Men's toilet, for some tissue. Knowing that I would probably have icing on my nose and cheeks.

Wiping my nose, I spotted Amora, on a bench, looking insecure while she pulled her hoodie down. She looks like an angel. I guess the reason she did that was because of the drooling boys that were shooting holes with their stares. But, sorry, I can't let you look at her like that. What is she? An object? I'd like to teach you dudes a thing or two...

I strode through the drooling idiots with my head held high. I scanned their faces- I'm quite baffled at how obvious they were being- and then Amora caught my eye again. I felt something in me stop. I didn't know I could do it but I did a double take. She's wearing a hoodie yet she's attracting this much attention? Maybe those leggings are too tight- she shouldn't wear stuff like those...

She's definitely something alright. Ah crap, it's everywhere. My thoughts. The words. I was approaching her but the words I told myself I was going to use were all scrambled up.

Strategically, I placed myself at the perfect spot that blocks all the stares, the out of nowhere, I blurted, "Hey, cupcake, didn't know I'd find an angel here." I pulled her hood down. Revealing her golden brown hair and brown eyes staring back at me but she seemed to have dozed off to Luke Land. I know a perfect way to catch your attention, Amora. I grinned and started acting like something was electrifying me; I'm very 'good' at acting.

With my acting skills, I gave her a fake hurt look, "Oh- Ow. I think I'm having a heartache!" I searched for her reaction, finding exactly what I want; her billion dollar smile. I sat next to her on the bench and gazed at her brown eyes with grey streaks coming out of her pupils. I felt like I was falling into them.

What were you thinking about? I charmingly smiled, tilting my head for different angles of her face. The best and worst part is how she's completely dense of her effect on people.

"It's funny how a gorgeous person like you, would drive boys cuckoo." I said with out a doubt. I examined her face, getting sucked into her brown eyes. If only I could bring myself to tell you how I feel before I leave. Before I figuratively, shoot my self in the foot. I have to tell her right now even though she might not feel the same.

She's always the first thing I think of when I wake up in the morning and the last, when I sleep. Smart, humorous, caring and talented is what always made me think of her every few hours or so.

The booming and familiar voice blared from the speaker of a nearby store. What the- I hastily realized that Amora started dancing to an 80's classic disco song- without a care in the world; I could tell it wasn't a serious dance because she started waving her arms up and down while she violently shook her head. And before the mall police comes and gets us I started swaying my hips, and joined the bandwagon with Amora. After a couple of minutes of ignoring the stares we got from people, we sat down on the wooden bench. I'll always cherish every second I'm with her. 

I caught up with my breath, "Amora. I need to tell you something." I mentioned as I tried to plaster over what I'm really feeling. Wait. Do I say I like her first or the leaving part first? My thoughts ran around my mind; in the end, we'll both get hurt. And I don't want that.


*Amora's POV *

I blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice. He never called my actual name, it was always nicknames like Amy, Ally, cupcake and other random ones. His tone, it sounded so serious. Judging by his tone of voice and sudden change of facial expression, something was up.

"Luke? Is something wrong? Did you get hurt?" I questioned him as I imagined him hurt somewhere. Physically or mentally. My voice seemed to have made him snap out of trance. He looked at me dead in the eye and instantly turned his head to the other direction. That's weird.

At the back of my mind; I don't actually like you right? I don't like you that much right?

"Lucas?" I inched my face nearer to him, in order to hear him better. Since I said his first name, it made him blink twice. He reached for my hand and held it in his while I felt his gaze on me. Oh my potatoes, did I just get goosebumps? Gosh. A knot formed in my stomach.

I just fell...


Hello! This chappie was meant to be short but I wish you, HoMiEs, are liking the book. I'll always put videos/songs in each chapter. Whether the songs are related to the chapter or I just love that song! Have a nice day! Or night! Ok I don't know what I'm talking about... Sorry! lol

How, What and Why do you think she fell? Fell for what? Who's in trouble?

C'ya HoMiEs!


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