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*Amora's POV* 

"Okay Winnie butt, this is my stop." I blabbed out as I faced the house, a radiant grin touched my lips. 

He fake coughed and lightly nudged me, "Winnie butt?" Hilarity and amusement glistened in his light green eyes. 

Oh yeah... I decided to call him Winnie butt. And I managed to say it out loud, didn't I?

I returned his smile back, I shrugged and adjusted my grasp on my skateboard. "What? Something wrong with it?" I gave him a daring look.

"What? Something wrong? There's absolutely no problem, amore." This time, he returned a foolhardy smirk.

Amore? That's 'love' in Italian. 

Ah, since I gave him a nickname, he's giving me one- I get it. 

He observed my confused eyes and replaced his smirk with a hearty smile. "Got two words for you to put the puzzle together, Einstein." 

I unsurely said, "Okay..?" A word that means 'go on, I'm all ears'. 

"Amora and amore." 

In a matter of seconds, I snapped out of my thoughts and held his eyes. I was named after 'love' in Italian. Amore. Amora. 

Smart parents. I inwardly sighed, remembering my parents. 

It was only a matter of time when my flashbacks start kicking in too. Stupid Lucas Forsythe. 

Breaking my stare from his eyes, I finally smiled and did a curtsy, "At your service, Winnie butt." I smirked as I said the last two words. 

I can already tell. He and I would make a good team! 

He returned my smirk and did a curtsy as well. "Your shining butt in armor." He emphasised as his eyes swivelled to my cast. Come to think of it... Most people would usually ask about it. And, yet, he hasn't.

Answering his future question, I motioned my right arm towards him and said, "Accidents happen." I quickly shrugged it off, not wanting to talk about it any more. 

He smiled and nodded his head, "Well, amore, me and my family recently moved into the neighborhood," His hands were gestured while his copper-colored hair glossed over the descending sunset. "It's that brown roofed house over there. You're welcome anytime." He pointed at a house. 

"Bye-bye Amora! See you on Monday, amore." He winked at me. 

His back faced me as an overlooking grin glossed over my lips, "See ya on Monday, Sir Poops-A-Lot." I said in my finest British accent. He turned, his eyes on me, I did another curtsy. 

"And see you on Monday, Miss Farts-A-Lot!"

Fair enough. I did fart on him. 

Since "the mall" is doing a lock down procedure or something like that, I was free from training. 

(Evan's house)

(Evan's house)

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His bewitching grin still plastered over his face, he sneaked a peek in my direction and continued revelling on the piano's keyboard. Turning to my right to see what he was looking at but I oddly shrugged it off. Savoring the mellifluous piece he has composed, I cleared my throat, preparing to sing. 

I seemingly accepted his dare. And that was to sing. While he plays the piano. In the music room. Just the two of us. 

I'm genuinely baffled by my choice of dare. I was starting to regret it. 

I parted my lips, but abruptly closing it afterwards, as my brown eyes gaped at the burnished window. Tilting my head, I witnessed a mother bird and her baby bird, building a nest out of twigs and leaves. 

I breathlessly blurted. "Captivating yet divine, isn't it?" 

"Yeah, it truly is." The resonance of his voice entrusted a mixture of befuddlement and cheery feeling in my stomach.  My attention meekly whirled back to him, only to find his gray metallic eyes peering into mine. 

I'm done with living in the past. I'm done. But no matter what I do. Everything that happened that night. Anthony. My parents. Their death. They'd always find a way to my mind. 

I surveyed the neighborhood; Mrs. Tony and her grandson prancing around their front yard, the Lee twins playing frisbee and Mr. Sylvester jogging up and down the stoned pavement. And I won't forget Dante and his two brothers, André and Marko, the three comical pranksters in the neighborhood. 

"Hope everything is fine now." A melodious voice prattled. 

My hips wheeled around, my attention reeling to Ms. Meadows. Her waist-length flyaway hair danced between the wind's fingers as the sun set fire on her weathered face. Her smile, as always, was soft and carefree.

Blocking my flashbacks, I animatedly returned, "Yeah, everything is where it should be. Thanks for asking, Ms. Meadows." And smiled. 

"Keep those memories locked up, Amora. Stay strong." With a quick nod from her, she disappeared. 

Confused and dazed, "Thank you!" I ecstatically reacted. I turned to where Evan stooed, and saw a finger puppet of a dog. Is this Evan's? Maybe. Maybe not. Seizing the puppet, I observed its features. Looks brand-new. I hurriedly jostled it down to my left hand index finger and bolted to Evan's house. 

You never know... He might need this for a project. From what subject? 


HeYo wassup! That's it for this chappie! Hope you guys liked and enjoyed it!

Btw, this is Amora's house: (Of course, her mom's too) Xp

Don't forget to comment down below and smash that vote button with your forehead! LOOooooOOoOooL:D XD 

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Don't forget to comment down below and smash that vote button with your forehead! LOOooooOOoOooL:D XD 

KEeP Smilin' and STAY POSITIVEEEEEEE!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D 

C'ya HoMiEs!


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