"going to the mall"

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HUGE REMINDER: Things will be made up! Ok byeee! Enjoy reading! :D


*Amora's POV*

The birds chirped which signalled me to wake up. I looked around and saw my Mom sprawled on the floor. I wonder if Mom woke up in the middle of the night. Time passes by so quickly when you don't want it to. 

Because today's the day, that I supposedly wanted to 'go to the mall'. And do the test. I scrambled to my feet, reaching out for a clean pair of denim jeans, a white t-shirt and a black crop top. And I would never forget my underwear and bra. I don't necessarily care about how I look. 

After the shower, I dried myself with the towel and put my cast and clothes on- I'm not allowed to get my cast wet. Tying my wet brown hair in a high pony tail. Droplets of water splattered over my shoulder, I stepped into the room and the ac smacked my face. 

"Oh hey cookie! Early bird always get the worm! The mall won't be open for like an hour," She checked her wrist watch with a drowsy face. "We could go and have some breakfast downstairs?" 

"Yeah, I'm starving and good morning!" I did a little dance. "Come on Mom! Go take a shower, I'll be waiting!" She nodded while I banged my back to the bed, playing games on my phone. 

Ten minutes of burning my eyes from the screen, My Mom came out of the shower, looking fresh. "C'mon! Let's go gurl" My Mom acts like a young mother like very. No kidding. My Mom grabbed the card and rushed outside the room. I was moving in slow motion, I wanted to annoy my Mom because she's so eggscited. Heh.

"Oh come on slow poke!" She pulled me out of the room while I held my stomach from my chortling. She locked the door and walked beside me.

"So, Mom, when are you going to the hospital you work at?" My Mom took a leave from her job, just to spend time with me. 

"Tomorrow. Tomorrow is also the first day of school for you! I'm really looking forward to try this dish- I was thinking when we get to your- I mean- our house, I would let you try the dishes I cook!" We boarded the elevator.

I pressed the 1st button and the elevator descended. "That's cool!" I beamed at her enthusiasm. 

"Yes and do you want me to pick you up when school ends?"

"No, I'm fine. I can walk or I'll use my skateboard." The elevator did its usual thing and we stepped out of it. 


"Oh gosh Amy! I'm really stuffed- I feel like I'm going to throw up!" Both her hands were at her belly. "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you? If anything happens to you..." Her blue eyes turned darker. 

"Mom, I'll be fine," My Mom shifted her position from the lobby's one-seater couch. We're at the hospital's fancy lobby. Man, this hospital's got a huge budget alright. "This cookie is getting bigger and stronger!" I pointed at myself, I squirmed my eyebrows at her. She scampered her butt beside me, embracing. 

I don't even know who's picking me up and what if this is all some kind of huge prank? I'll have to trust myself in this. "I forgot that you're growing up!" She cupped my cheek, "Amy take care of yourself, okay?" She smiled. 

"Yeah I will, Mom, as long as you promise that you'll too. I'll get going now! Bye!" I stood up and waved her goodbye as she did too. When she turned her back, my face smiled but my insides frowned- The flashbacks are always not far behind.

I exited the hospital, doing a 180 degree around me, a black Mercedes was blocking my view. I stared at the tinted window, trying to find who was behind the wheels. On spur of moment, the window rolled down and a pair emerald green eyes were staring back at me. 

My eyes still on him; a guy in his 30s, long-faced and blonde hair. He spoke first, "Ms. Van Allen?" I smiled in response.

"Hi, yeah that's me. Are you the person who's going to pick me up and drop me off to the 'mall'?" I gestured my left hand with air quotes since my right hand is perfectly still from my cast. Another man from the passenger's seat leaned in.

"Heh, sorry Amora, we really couldn't think of any better excuse. But, hey, we're here to pick you up and drop you off to the mall." He ended the sentence.

"Is he okay? He looks... Stressed." I said as John twisted his body to turn his attention to me with a smirk. Stressed? Well I couldn't  think of a much more suiting word. I mean he does look exhausted.

"He's fine. He just needs to rest but thank you for caring." He said before he turned around to face the road. "The ride will take twenty minutes, so, get comfortable and sit back." I saw the rear-view mirror, finding a smiling John.

"Okay." Was all I could say.


Instead of twenty, it became twenty five minutes because of the one and only... The car stopped in front of a medium sized building, it wasn't as towering as I've imagined. It's much more wide than tall. I was mesmerised by it, I didn't even realise that the guy driving was holding the door for me. Whoops.

I slid off the Mercedes, "Thank you." I glanced at the guy. John was now waiting for me at the top of the staircase. I didn't notice those stairs and where's Josh? I climbed the stairs as fast as I can. I muttered a 'sorry' to John but he smiled it off and started walking. We trod around the office, people would stop and greet him.

"So about this test thing..." This time, I'm the one who's scratching the nape of my neck. "Do I do physical stuff or..." 

"You'll do a test in each subject you study after that you'll be doing some physical tests." We stopped at a grey door, he swiped a card from the sensor. The door beeped open, he motioned his right hand for me to go in. A brightly lit room with different colored walls, a desk sat in the middle of the room and a dark blue chair was pushed in it. 

"You're going to do the test in this room. If you're having trouble with answering a question, just leave it blank. I'll be back after two hours." He shot me a quick smile and turned. Uhh okay, I'll go with it. 

I traipsed to where the desk was, pulling out the chair as I sat down, I remembered something... I looked down at my cast... Oh that's right! I'm right handed! Piles of sheets were laid in front of me. Wow. And they expect me to finish all of this in two hours? I'll try doing it with my right hand although I'll have to find the right position. Not wasting any time, I grabbed the pencil with my left hand. I'm sure they won't understand a single word but they'll just have to bear with me.

I sat on the chair and seized the first booklet, which was Maths. I ducked my head low, getting into my zone. 



Troublemaker by Olly Murs is so addicting! How's everyone doin'? Huh? 

Take care and Keep Smilin' HoMiE :D

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