Chapter 1: Raid

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"Damnit!" Kaneki yelled.

Somehow the CCG had known about the raid and had been waiting. Kaneki heard fighting from other rooms in the building, but he was on the upper floor of the lab by himself when he ran into trouble. 

Kishou Arima, the Reaper and top CCG investigator, and 3 lackeys were waiting for him. 

"This ends here Eyepatch!" Arima yelled as they charged him with their quinques. 

Since leaving Anteiku, Kaneki didn't waste much of his free time. With his evolution caused by Yamori (and Rize), the ghouls he used to eat and all the training and working out he was doing, Kaneki had turned himself into a monster fighter. The first ever "X" rated ghoul despite having never killed a human. A being with the power to cause much mayhem and destruction single handedly. 

He swiftly dodged their attacks releasing his beastly kagune in defence absorbing the attacks he couldn't dodge. 

"You won't win Eyepatch!" Arima yelled. 

Kaneki grumbled to himself. 

"Is it going to end here? I don't want to fight back but what choice do I have? I can't die here" He cracked his fingers.

His thoughts were cut off by a massive explosion. The force of which threw him and the investigators. More explosions followed. Somebody was bombing the building or had planted bombs. 

"We need to escape!" An unnamed investigator screeched. Kaneki laid still on the ground as his vision was getting fuzzy from the fumes. He was badly injured by the force of the explosion; his energy gone from defending himself against their mighty quinques, he didn't know what do. He heard Arima yell.

"Leave him he'll never make it out!"

 After the investigators left, he noticed a window on the other side of the room. 

"I.... have... to get... out and save..... The others...... T... Touk......a..................."

The building started collapsing and many investigators flooded out of the main entrance. Banjou, Tsukiyama and others managed to get out the back in time. 

"Where's Kaneki?" Banjou nervously questioned. They looked around the burning building that was completely ablaze. 

"Oh no... he can't be" They noticed police and firefighters starting to swarm around the building; they had to get out of the area immediately. Kaneki always said to run without question if he was gone. It was too risky to go back in the building that could fully collapse at any moment as well as the growing body of humans around it. 

"I'll never get to eat him now! Pourquoi! Pourquoi dear Kaneki! Tsukiyama continued yelling in French as he escaped. 

"Sick bastard.... I'm sorry Kaneki" Banjou sniffed as he too left the scene. 

The next day the news reported the results from the destruction. Several investigators and unidentified ghouls in the lab were killed. Arima made it out, but was badly wounded by shrapnel. The other poor soul's bodies which burned in the fire were burned so badly they were unrecognizable. Some bodies were also torn apart by the explosion. The only thing Kaneki's group noticed however was that their leader still hadn't returned...

2 weeks later at Anteiku

Touka was staring out the window. She had been doing a lot of staring in the past two weeks as she couldn't get the scene from the bridge out of her head. Customers were giving her questioning looks so Nishio Nishiki pulled her to the storeroom.

"Will you please grow up stupid girl? Seriously you've been a zombie for two weeks. He's not coming back." 

Touka lightly blushed. 

"Shut up Shitty Nishiki I don't care if he does! That asshole abandoned us.." 

"Then why are you acting like such a baby" He smirked. 

Touka's eyes flamed as the manager stepped in. 

"OK you two that's enough; let's get back to work there are customers waiting." Touka glared at Nishiki and stormed out. 

"You really should lay off Touka. She's under a lot of stress right now" 

"Fine sir" Nishiki muttered as he walked out.

Touka kept herself busy with work. An hour later the door opened and the bell chimed. 

"Welcome to Anteiku..." She looked towards the door. It was Banjou, he clutched an envelope in his hand. 

"Banjou? What are doing here?" Touka questioned. Only her and Nishiki were working. 

"I need to speak to Yoshimura" He spoke quietly. 

"Why?" Touka put her hands on her hips. Yoshimura walked in. Banjou brushed past Touka and walked up to him. 

"We... need to talk" 


He started whispering to Yoshimura. Touka and Nishiki moved closer to them. They noticed the manager had a sad expression 

"I understand" He nodded. "Let's go up to my office; you can fill me in on the details. Touka, Nishiki keep watching the floor" 

"Yes, sir" they both said at once. They watched as Banjou and Yoshimura left the room. Touka tilted her head to the side. 

"I wonder what that's all about" Nishiki piped up. 

"I don't know" Touka responded. For some reason, a wave of fear washed over her.

Later that night, Yoshimura called all the workers into the 2nd floor lounge area for a meeting. Touka, Hinami, Nishiki, The new waitress Roma Hoito, The Devil Ape, Enji Koma and The Black Dog, Kaya Irimi sat around the room waiting for the manager. Even the ghoul known as The Raven, Renji Yomo made a rare appearance. 

"If Yomo is here this must be serious" Touka thought. 

"What could be going on? Is Anteiku shutting down? Is there going to be an attack?" 

The manager finally entered the room with the same bothered expression he wore when he spoke to Banjou as well as the envelope Banjou carried.

"I have some upsetting news to announce..." Everyone stared. 

"I regret to inform you all that... Kaneki has passed away."

A shock wave seemed to go around the room like an earthquake. Touka's eyes grew massive in shock. She nearly broke into tears but stayed in character as everybody was there. She fought to keep the pain welling inside her like usual as she tried to deny it. 

"He... He can't be..."

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