Chapter One - Where Have You Been?

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Where have you been?

I'm all fucked up now, it's all fucked up now and I'm all destroyed.

Where have you been?

I needed you then, where were you then?

It's all your fault.

Where have you been? - The Dream

3 Years Later

Lanae Roberts

    I've changed over the past couple of years. Not in a bad way though. I have changed from a innocent teenage girl to a wise young woman.

     I'm 18 years old standing at 5'8

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     I'm 18 years old standing at 5'8. Yes, I'm still tall and skinny after all these years and I love it. I have light brown skin that glows, giving off that sun kissed look. My eyes are slanted, my nose is small, my lips are big and plump, and my jet black hair flows down to the middle of my back.

    Living in Texas for three years was okay. I made friends, some fake and some real. It's fun and rowdy down there, but I miss my hometown. I'm not the only one though. My Aunt Mo and Queen do too, which is why we're moving back to Harlem today.

     I was so geeked when my Aunt Mo told us, last month. I haven't stopped thinking about returning since she told me. The only thing that scares me about going back is Omari.

    "Oh my gosh! We're finally back home," my Aunt Mo squealed as the plane landed. I looked out the small window and saw the airport in the distance.

Finally, I thought and smiled.

     Minutes later, we were all walking towards my Maw Maw and Paw Paw, outside of the airport.

    "My babies is finally home. C'mere," Maw Maw smiled with glossy eyes.

    We all laughed and hugged her before hugging Paw Paw. "We missed y'all," he grinned before opening the back door for us.

    "We missed you too Dad," Aunt Mo said as she slid into the car. Queen and I followed her actions before shutting the door.

    "Queen and Lanae, y'all ready to graduate?" Paw Paw asked once he got inside the car and pulled off.

    "Yes Paw Paw. Just six more months and we will be done wit' high school," Queen said with relief.

    "I can't wait! Imma be actin' ah damn fool when y'all walk across that stage," Maw Maw laughed.

"I can see you now Maw Maw." I giggled.

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