Chapter Twenty Four - I Miss You

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I miss you, like everyday

Wanna be with you, but you're away

Said I miss you, missing you insane

But if I got with you, could it feel the same? - Beyoncé


Excuse Errors.
Two Months Later.. (August)


      I pulled on my sleeves as I shivered in my seat

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I pulled on my sleeves as I shivered in my seat. I would've thought by now my body would be use to the cold temperature in the hospital, but it's not. Even the sweater I'm wearing isn't bringing enough warmth to my skin, that is now covered with goosebumps.

      It's been two months since Omari slipped into a coma. I miss him so much. I miss his voice, his smile, his eyes. I miss everything about him. I literally just miss Omari. He's my other half. Without him I'm lost.

      These two months have painfully went by slow. I've been visiting him every single day. I never missed a day. Not one. Everyday at 11:00 in the morning, I come straight to the hospital. I talk to him about anything and everything. His doctor said it would help him gain consciousness sooner and I guess he's right.

     Every once and awhile, as I'm speaking to him I will feel him either move a finger or squeeze my hand. When he did it the first time, I was so geeked. I cried happy tears and screamed for the nurses. After I told them what happened they checked his progress and told me he'll be waking up soon. That was a few weeks ago.

Soon my ass, I thought to myself.

     I stared at Omari's face as I moved my chair closer to his bed. I gently grabbed his hand and kissed it softly.

     "Hey Omari, it's me again." I laughed lowly before continuing, "Today is August 7th, happy birthday baby. You're finally 21. I know if you were awake, you and the boys would be actin' ah fool right now. Drinkin' like y'all haven't been doin' that already." I shook my head and rubbed my thumb over the top of his palm. "I wish you were awake. Everybody misses you so so much. Your mom is here and she hasn't left since you've been.. sleepin'. I wish we could've met on better terms, but I love her Omari. She's so sweet and caring. She reminds me of your soft side. Not sayin' you soft, but you know everybody has a good side. You know?"

My eyes scan over his features. His curly afro. His freckles. His big pink lips. His strong jaw structure. His pale honey colored skin that once glowed with or without light. I even studied the small mole on his chin. Omari is the finest man I've ever seen. No one could ever compare to him.

"Everybody is just waitin' on you to wake up. Life hasn't been the same wit' you in here. I barely see Queen anymore because I've either been in here wit' you or in my room. The boys bury themselves with work. Along with the rest of Slum Money. But it's okay.. we'll wait forever if we have to." I paused as I felt myself getting emotional. "I love you, Omari. Happy birthday again, I promise we'll celebrate as soon as you get up."

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