Chapter Twenty Five - Best Part

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I just wanna see how beautiful you are

You know that I see it

I know you're a star

Where you go I follow

No matter how far

If life is a movie

Then you're the best part - Daniel Caesar


Excuse Errors.
Next Day.


     "Hey girl, you almost here?" I asked Queen as soon as I answered my phone.

     "Yeah, I'm parkin' my car right now." She informed me.

"Okay. I'll see you when you get to the front." I said.

"Aight." She spoke before ending the call.

     I placed my phone inside of my purse before patiently waiting on Queen.

     I was standing in front of the hospital waiting on Queen because she wanted to visit Omari today

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     I was standing in front of the hospital waiting on Queen because she wanted to visit Omari today. She comes with me sometimes to support, but not too much. In the past when he first went into a coma, she said she couldn't stand to see Lucky like that. Or any other family or friend that she loves.

     "Who you dressed up for girl?" I heard Queen ask gaining my attention.

     "Nobody, I just put this on because I've been dressin' bummy lately." I said before giving her a hug. "You must've parked close 'cause you got here quick."

      "Yeah, I got lucky when I saw somebody pulling out. Plus, I know you anxious to see yo' mans." She smirked.

     "You know I am." We began making our way inside of the hospital. "So what's been goin' on witchu'?"

     "Nothing just tryna be there for you and Bean. Yo' stubborn ass don't be wantin' me to know you really hurtin' inside, but Bean tells me everything."

     "I know," I admitted, "but I'm happy to hear you and Bean are on the right path. Him openin' up to you is ah good sign."

     "Don't try and change the subject, Lanae." Queen pointed her finger at me as we headed towards the elevators.

    "I'm not," I smiled a little, "I just wanted to point that out." 

    "Mhm." She hummed and watched me press the up botton. "But thanks Nae. I can say that me and him have grown closer these past two months."

"Good, I'm happy for you." I truthfully said.

     The elevator dinged before the doors slowly slid open. We both stepped onto it, along with a few other visitors, and clicked our floor number. 5. Once we made it to our floor, we both walked to Omari's room.

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