Chapter Twenty Three - I Don't Wanna

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My whole world is upside down

Don't wanna go out cuz I can't ride without you

Feelin like I'm gon' die without you

What is a girl supposed to do?

When I spend my last dime to be in I'm your life

I don't wanna be without you - Aaliyah


Excuse Errors.
Next Day. (Midnight)


      I hummed as I stepped out of my shower

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      I hummed as I stepped out of my shower. I just got done washing my hair and body. It was much needed since I've been sweating all day. Plus, I haven't washed my hair since last week and it got sweated out from my recent activities.

      I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body before checking my phone. Omari still hasn't text me to let me know if I was seeing him tonight or not. I was hoping he just forgot, but usually he never does. I was not trying to think of the worst, but my gut wasn't making it easy for me. I've been having a bad feeling all night.

     I called Omari's phone as I walked out of my bathroom and into my room. As it rung, I grabbed a white tank top and some grey sweatpants. When I heard his voicemail, I ended the call and slipped into my night clothes.

"His ass better call me back," I murmured.

      To get my mind off of worrying, I tried to figure out what I was going to do with my hair. I usually just flat iron it and call it a day, but I wanted to do something different with it. Plus, my hair is already heat damaged enough.

     Maybe I should rock my curls for ah little bit, I thought to myself.

     Suddenly, my phone began to ring. I glanced at my screen and noticed my dad calling me.

     I answered, "Hey dad, I noticed you weren't here when I got home. Where are you?"

"Lanae get to the hospital." My body froze, but before I could speak he continued. "I'll explain everything when you get here, aight? Just get to the New York City Health and Hospital as quick as you can."

"Okay." I mumbled and with that he hung up.

I ran my fingers through my wet hair before rushing towards the front door. After putting on my slides, I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

     By the time I got inside of my car, my hands were shaking rapidly. I couldn't calm myself down, all I could do was think of the very worse. Whose in the hospital? Was it Omari?

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