Troublemaker- Billy Tepper

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Requested by 80smoviesareper
Hannah's POV~~
I had gotten in trouble once again, not surprising. I constantly got in trouble not only for me, but the people I hung out with at Regis. I was getting scolded by the Dean, he was so loud, people in China could probably hear him. After getting yelled at I decided to play some soccer, to keep my mind off things. There were only a handful of girls here, considering it was just supposed to be an all boys school, but people like my father don't give a shit. I dribbled around a ball, I could sense someone staring at me, I looked up to see a boy with blondish brown hair in curls, he was actually pretty attractive, but I knew who he was, Billy Tepper, my friend, yeah I knew exactly who he was, and what he does, like me, he gets in trouble a lot, he even called a sex line before on school grounds, who in their right mind does that? Whatever, I simply ignored him because lately he's been acting weird towards me, almost like he's avoiding me, but he can't but staring from afar. I shot the soccer ball into the goal and no one stopped it, cause there were no goalies. I looked over to my friend Lily, who was sitting under a tree, headphones on, probably blasting Nirvana at a volume that would make anyone else's ears explode. I walked over to her, she was still drowned out in her music, her fingers tapped in bear of the drum. Lily had been playing the guitar ever since she was 5, and now 17 she snuck out to this cafe where she played in secrecy. I pulled the headphones off her head. "Hey! I was listening to that!" She snapped. "Lily, I need some advice. Ok, Billy's been acting all weird around me lately and I don't know what  to do, or what's up with him." I said, still clutching her headphones. "Easy he likes you now give me back my god damn headphones!" I handed her the headphones and went back to kicking a soccer ball. Billy finally walked up to me. "Took you long eno-" but I was cut off by his lips. Oh, sweet baby Jesus.

A/N: I gonna write a part 2. Hannah I hope you like it so far.
Late Night Talks, *ZIP*,

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