Wally west x Reader

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Imagine Wally coming home with hickeys and the team teasing
him, not knowing you gave them  to him.

Joe had invited everyone to dinner, this happened often, but that didn't mean you treathed them like they were normal, you looked forward to these days. Now since Wally became an honorary member of Team Flash, we didn't have to walk on eggshells around him with the metahuman talk. It was actually a good time to get together like a family, and maybe, sometime soon, Joe would have to get a bigger dining table because of how big your Flash Family has been getting.
To be frank, you were incredibly happy that Wally had joined everyone in knowing Barry was the Flash. You had been the youngest member of the team for the longest time, and then you passed the torch to Jesse when she came her from Earth-Two. When she left, you passed the torch onto Wally, who was only a couple months younger than you.
In reality, you and Wally had became very good friends, and a few weeks ago, you two took that friendship to a new level and you couldn't have been happier. You guys haven't told anyone about the relationship yet in the fear that this new romantic relationship would fizzle and you and Wally would go back to being friends. Thankfully, that hasn't happened yet and you hoped it wouldn't.
You helped Joe set the table for the seven of us with all the plates, cups, and all the food dishes. Everyone else was in the living room watching TV and talking with each other. As you sat down to join them, Wally walked in through the front door.
"Have we started eating yet?" Wally asked, letting his body into one of the side chairs. Wally began pulling off his hoodie as Iris told him we hadn't. He was left in a black v-neck tee shirt and it was then you noticed, your eyes going wide. To your embarrassment, Iris noticed too.
"Wally, what's that on your neck?" Iris questioned, pointing to her own neck to reflect where the dark purple and reddish bruises were on neck. Wally, shot up to feel his neck, then subtly glanced at you. "Are those hickeys?"
"N-No," Wally stuttered out, moving to put his hoodie back on. "I hit my neck on a-a c-car door." His stuttering really didn't help sell his story, but Iris asking brought everyone's attention to his hickeys do everyone else (Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco; Joe was still preparing food in the kitchen) began looking closely at his neck.
"Yo, he's totally got hickeys," Cisco said, going to Wally and patting him on the back. "He's become a man."
Everyone laughed and Wally looked like he wanted to kill someone. You decided to help Wally out. "Aw, Cisco ease up on him. He's obviously getting more than you are."
Cisco narrowed his eyes at you while everyone turned their laughter to him. You slyly turned to Wally and sent him a wink. You pulled your phone out of your pocket and quickly typed a message to Wally.
I should say I'm sorry, but I don't feel sorry, you texted subtly, putting the phone back to your pocket.
"I don't think Dad needs to know about this." Wally said, with his hoodie back on.
"Dad doesn't need to know what?" Joe asked, walking into the living room for the first time. "Nevermind, we can talk about it over dinner."
As everyone eagerly gathered into the dining room to eat, you walked a little slower to talk with Wally.
"I hate you sometimes," he whispered, walking beside you.
"Apparently you like me a little or I wouldn't have been able to give you those hickeys," you whispered back, smirking at him. Wally rolled his eyes and went with me into the dining room for dinner.

You woke up in your apartment the next morning after dinner. You and Wally had decided to go out for a little bit and he had ended up staying the night at your place. It was all well and fine when he left for classes this morning, but then you had decided to take a shower, but in looking at yourself in your bathroom mirror, you wish he was here so you could tell him off.
On your neck were purple bruises, multiple ones. You sighed and grabbed your phone texting Wally.
Care to explain why you left hickeys after the dinner and humiliation you experienced last night? You put your phone down and looked at your neck in the mirror. It was too warm outside to wear a scarf and you were almost positive that throughout the day, carefully placed makeup would rub off. Your phone vibrated, and you picked it up, opening up the text message from Wally.

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