Platonically[Barry Allen x Reader]

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Warnings: Cursing, inappropriate themes.
Prompt: "I platonically want to have sex with you—no big deal."

"Hey, could you run these up to Barry for me?" Joe, your partner of 5 months asked. You were a transferred detective from Keystone who came to Central City looking for adventure. Boy, did you get one. After accidentally walking in on Barry using his powers you found out he was not only super attractive but also a superhero. You may have a crush on him.
"Yeah, sure." You take the files and run up the stairs to his lab. You knock on the door frame which draws his attention to you. When he sees you his face lights up as you start to saunter over to him. You hand him the file and he thanks you. You sit on his desk with your feet swinging down. "How'd your date with that one chick go?"
"Fine, I guess." You squint your eyes skeptically.
"Okay so you called a date fine, then added I guess, indicating it was not fine." He sighs.
"I just— I mean not to be conceited, I just feel like all she wanted me for was my looks."
"Ooh. What'd she say to indicate this?"
"Just— she um, she kept on making references to, uh, doing the deed?" You started laughing. You couldn't help it. Barry Allen was the only man to ever pass up a purely platonic sexual relationship. "What's so funny?"
"She wanted to bang you dude, you gave that up because she liked the way you looked?"
"Well— when you put it like that." He huffed and slumped in his chair. "I just wanted something more with her than just... Sex. But clearly that's all she wanted."
"You know, you are the only man I have met to pass up sex. I mean there have to be hundreds of girls who want to fuck you cuz your hot and you pass it up because you want a relationship. I just find that hard to believe." You shrug your shoulders and hop off the desk, fully prepared to go back to work.
"(Y/n)." You turn around as acknowledgment. "Did you just call me hot?" He's smirking as he says it.
"Mhm. Hell, I'd bang you." He looked surprised.
"I platonically want to have sex with you—no big deal." Then you turned and walked out leaving him confused on what your friendship really was.
Five days later, you haven't talked to Barry. You and Joe got swamped with CCPD work, and Barry with Flash work. Things started to slow down so Joe invited you to dinner with Iris and Barry to thank you for the hard work. Of course you said yes.
You weren't really worried about seeing Barry after your confession. He could ignore it completely, or he could pick up the subtle-not so subtle- offer.
You walked up the sidewalk to Joe and Barry's house and rang the doorbell. When the door opened you were greeted by the West daughter, who had seen you less than Barry had.
When you walked in you noticed Barry on the couch chewing nervously on his lip.
"Hey, Iris." You whispered to the brunette. "What's up with Sonic?"
"He's been super nervous ever since this morning. I dunno why though. He won't budge when I ask." She shrugs her shoulders and walks to the kitchen to help her dad. You decide to follow.
Later, after Barry sets up the table you all sit down and start eating. You, Iris, and Joe make polite conversation, while Barry stays quite and picks at his food.
"Hey Barr. What's up with you? Why are you so quiet?" Iris asks.
"Huh? N-nothing's up, I mean it's not like anything happened— pfft what happened? Nothing." He's looking around frantically while talking and then when done he stuffs his face. Iris huffs with annoyance and Joe is on the break of laughing.
"Barry. Why are you acting weird?" Joe asks smiling and chuckling.
"What–I always act weird."
"Weirder than usual." You say trying to help. He looks at you and opens his mouth and closes it quickly then goes back to eating his food fast so he didn't have to talk. "Okay, weirdo. So, Iris, how's work?"
Later on in the dinner, you suddenly feel a hand on your inner thigh. You look at the source of the hand, whom was Barry, quietly eating his food. Acting like he's not touching dangerously close to your lady parts. You put your hand over his and start to move it a little bit closer but stop when it's just before your hip. You see him smirk out of the corner of your eye.
"Hey Joe, where's your restroom?" You ask Joe close to the end of the night.
"Upstairs, second door to the right." You mumble a thank you and stand to go to the restroom.
Once out of the bathroom, you see Barry resting against the opposite wall, resting. You smile then smirk.
"I think you and I both know, that I know the reason you're acting weird." He chuckles lightly then pushes himself off the wall, slowly walking over to you looking at you like you're his prey.
"Oh really? Maybe because you confessed you thought I was hot. Maybe because you said you want to have sex with me. Maybe because ever since I've been having dreams about you and me... together. Maybe because all I can think about is you." He's now so close to you he's trapped you between him and the wall. He tilts his head to hover over your lips and then grabs your hips and pulls you close. You put your hands on his arms and close your eyes, waiting. When still nothing happens you nudge his nose with yours. "Or... Maybe it's something entirely different." He walks away, leaving you breathless.
Later you take all the dishes into the kitchen alone. You start to wash when you hear footsteps.
"You wash, I dry?" Barry asks you innocently.
"No. I'm mad at you." He smirks smugly and dries the dishes you hand him.
"And whys that?"
"You know exactly why." He puts down the dishes then looks at you. You've already dropped everything and you're looking at him.
"Maybe because—"
"Don't start." You grab a fistful of his shirt and forcefully kiss him. He returns with exactly the same force. You only break away when you hear a loud crash In the doorway.

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