First Time [a E2!Barry Allen smut]

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a/n: oh boy earth 2 barry's first time  

"O-okay." Barry agrees, shifting on the end of the bed nervously. "Um, should I... get undressed?" he gulps, toying with his long fingers as you come to stand in front of him. "I've n-never had... done this before... like... ever." he admits bashfully, curling his shoulders; soft fabric of his burgundy cardigan touching his ears.

Abruptly, you stop, hand hovering around his striped gray bow tie. Did you hear your boyfriend right? "You... Wait, wait, that's why you've only fingered me before?" you gasp quietly, carefully sitting down next to him. That comment makes Barry blush harder; face turning a tomato shade of red.

His styled chestnut locks bounce when he scoots farther up the queen sized bed, tan trousers riding around his ankles. "Yes..." he says quietly, fixing his spectacles to gaze at you. "I-I wanted t-to wait. For you! For-for the one I want to spend forever with..." he sputters, pressing his knuckles together awkwardly, focusing his bright mossy green eyes on his lap. "I-I know it's silly b-"

You cut him short by forcing your lips on his, hands cradling the back of his head. With a gasp, the brunette presses his hands to the side of his hips, bracing himself while you suck on his bottom lip. Whimpering quietly into your mouth, Barry shuts his pale eyelids, feeling your lips move to the corner of his lips.

Starting to leave open mouthed kisses along his impeccable jawline, your fingers work on the buttons of his pearl white shirt, popping them off one at a time, leaving the bow tie for last. His breath hitches as soon as your fingers touch one of the moles on his upper chest. "Y/N..." he whispers, peeking down, watching you pull his tie; it unravels.

Then, very carefully, you allow your hands to creep up to his slender shoulders, pushing both the button down and the cardigan off. Barry blushes, pale freckled cheeks becoming rose pink at his exposed chest. "You have very nice abs, Barr." you mutter, running your hands down his torso, ending at his belt. "Is this what you want?" you ask, looking at him through your eyelashes.

He nods slowly, cupping your cheeks in his palms to tilt your face up. His lips connect with yours and he cocks his head to the side, moaning softly when you unbuckle his dark brown belt. You continue to kiss him as you shimmy his pants down his long legs, letting him kick them off.

Sitting back on his thighs, his lips linger on yours, eyelashes feeling heavy- too heavy for his eyelids. Barry flutters his eyes open, watching you peel your shirt off, giving him a front seat to your breasts. Gulping, his trembling hands wrap around your waist traveling down to the edge of your underwear, slowly pulling them down. Discarding them, you place your hands on his chest, nibbling on his jaw.

He moans low, squeezing his eyes shut when you sink down on him. "Oh... sweetheart... I..." he breathes, panting as one of your hands moves to push his glasses up.

You slowly rock your hips on his, attempting to be gentle. The movement makes your breasts jiggle in his face, causing him to blush harder. Speeding your pace, you hear a muffled groan drop out of him; lens' of his glasses partially covered in fog. "Are you close, Barry?" you ask, feeling his dick twitch as you bounce.

Gulping, Barry nods, thrusting his narrow hips once before his mouth hangs open and he cums. A tiny smirk appears on your face when you hear his blissful moan again. Nibbling on your lip, you follow him, hair dangling in your eyes while your body shakes.

Getting ahold of yourself, you climb off him, falling at his side. Barry, with his hair matted to his forehead, glasses crooked, pulls you to his chest. "I-I'm glad I waited."

a/n: i'm so sorry for the shitty smut, i usually write better smut but i'm just tired

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