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Imagine scolding the boys on team flash for doing something stupid

"Thats it - poof - its gone!" You barked, throwing your hands in the air as you paced back and forth, growling individually at the three of them, causing Barry and Cisco to cower beneath your ire whereas Harrison stood quietly with his arms folded over his chest, wisely nodding in all the right places as you continued scolding them. "I thought you knuckleheads said you were scientists... Scientists. Technology is what you do! I've seen you three do incredible things and the very second you try to pull data off my hard drive, you end up wiping the entire thing clean... How do you screw up with something like that?!"
"I uh..." Barry began sheepishly before clearing his throat. "I'm technically in forensics so... Like, that's still science I guess, but-"
Quickly shushing him, you pitched over your computer and bit your lip, thinking very hard about how you were going to recover your lost data... "I just... Hang on. I just need some peace and quiet if I'm going to figure this out."
"Right." Barry said. "I'll just... I'll be quiet."
"I'll be peace..." Cisco's blurted before bumping Barry with his elbow.
Looking up, you found him sniggering and making a V-shape gesture with hand; his middle and pointer fingers scissoring a bit and completely sending you over the edge.
"Allen." Harrison's voice broke through the tension. Clearly noticing how you were debating on whether or not to jump over the desk and rip their jugulars out, he probably felt now was a good time to intervene. Casting them a side-glance that teetered back and forth between humorous and sympathetic, he growled, "Shut him up."

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