Private Lesson // E2!Harry Wells x Reader AU

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Just as you pulled into the parking lot you heard the final tardy bell ring, and you groaned. This made your third unexcused lateness this week. With slumped shoulders you slung your backpack over one side, smoothing out the skirt of your uniform before locking up your car and heading to class. Your first three classes flew by, with you ignoring each of the teachers and doodling in our notebook the whole period. Fourth period however was your favorite class. Science with Mr. Wells. Not only was he the hottest teacher you'd ever seen, you actually liked his class for the material. He made learning a hands on experience instead of just reading words in a book and expecting you to obtain the knowledge. He was also your advisor, which meant he was the teacher who dealt with any of your problems in your classes and in this case, tardies. As you walked in he motioned you up to his desk, and your heart fluttered just a bit because god was he gorgeous.
"Y/N," he began, a stern expression on his features. "Says here you've been late three times this week?" He questioned, and you nodded sheepishly. Mr. Wells quickly looked you up and down, appreciating the way your hair was curled and your makeup was pristine. "I can see why.." he muttered before turning his eyes back to the pink slip in his hand. "And it says your grade is Mrs. Thompson's English class is dropping?" He asked again, and again you nodded. "Why is that?" The man leaned back in his desk chair and stared up at you, awaiting an answer that you couldn't form because his piercing blue eyes were glued to you. You watched as he tried to hide the smile that tugged at his lips but his dimples gave it away. "I-I uhm.. I just.." you sighed defeatedly. "She's just so damn boring." You blurted, before remembering you were speaking to a teacher. Thankfully he just laughed at your swear, nodding. "Yeah that woman could put an insomniac to sleep after one lecture.." He mumbled, and you couldn't help but let out a giggle at his words. "Well Miss Y/L/N, you already have detention, I'll try to help you with your English grade while we're there yeah?" You quickly realized you'd be there with Mr. Wells, alone, after everyone left the building and you had to cross your legs in front of yourself to keep your mind from racing. You could feel the color rising to your face and you just nodded, quickly turning to make your way to your seat. As you turned your skirt flared out and Harry caught a wonderful glimpse of your ass as you walked away.
The whole rest of your day seemed to drag on and on, nothing like your morning. Focusing on class was not an option, all your brain could form thoughts about were the dirty fantasies you were having about detention with Mr. Wells. You knew they were wrong and extremely far fetched, he'd never want to do any of these things to you. But it was still fun to imagine. By the time you made it to your last class you'd chewed the end of your pen flat, and your mind was so focused on your teacher that you didn't even hear the dismissal bell ring, finally snapping out of your thoughts when you felt someone bump against you as they left. Rising from your seat you hurriedly put your books into your bag and shuffled up the stairs to his classroom. His door was open and you took a deep breath to calm yourself before knocking softly on the frame, watching his head snap up instantly like he'd been waiting for you. His gorgeous smile graced his lips and he motioned for you to enter the room.
Your shoes clicked against the floor as you walked in, and your heart was racing from all the naughty thoughts you'd had all day. "Take a seat wherever you'd like." Harry stated and you nibbled at your bottom lip before taking the plunge, hopping up into his desk and kicking your feet over the edge. His eyebrows raised at your action but he didn't seem immediately repulsed like you were afraid he would. Instead the brunette let out a playful chuckle and shrugged, trying to repress the thoughts starting to form in his mind. Like he had earlier that day he leaned back in his chair, his glasses gleaming from the lights in the ceiling. You couldn't see his eyes as they trailed to your long legs, but you did see him lick his lips and it made you clench your thighs together to keep your cool. "So, about you being late so much.." he cleared his throat as he sat up, readjusting himself not only in his seat but in his dark jeans as well. "Why have you been?" He questioned as he stared up at you, and you simply shrugged. "I guess those classes just don't interest me as much as yours does." Your words came off sounding much more suggestive than you'd meant and your mouth hung open as you searched for words to cover your tracks. "I-I mean, you're the only teacher that actually.. tries to teach us."
I'm sure there's a lot more I could teach you. Harry thought to himself, before snapping his eyes away from you and nodding to try to shake the inappropriate thoughts from his mind. Again he cleared his throat trying to stop the tightness in his pants from growing anymore. He stood from his chair and circled around to the other side of his desk, standing next to you fairly closely. "Do you still want my help?" He murmured and quickly fixed the sentence. "With English?" His eyes seemed clouded just as his thoughts were, and you smiled sheepishly at him before nodding. "I'd love your help, Mr. Wells." You cooed softly. "With.. English." The way you paused sent a chill up his spine and he huffed out a small laugh as he leaned against his desk. As he leaned closer to you you absentmindedly bit your bottom lip, drawing his eyes to your lips immediately. "You're lucky you've got a teacher so ready and willing to.. help." His voice was lowered and it made the pool forming between your legs grow even more and you suppressed a whimper by biting harder at your lip.
Mr. Wells' eyes hadn't moved from your mouth and it was driving you insane. Throwing caution to the wind you closed the small distance between you two and kissed him, softly to test the waters but with a definite hunger to show him just how badly you wanted him. You heard him let out a growl before moving between your legs. His eagerness surprised you but you weren't complaining. The brunette's hands fell to your thighs and rubbed them softly, eliciting another small noise from him as he deepened your kiss. Part of you really couldn't believe this was happening but you were overjoyed that it was. His strong hands crept up your legs and under your skirt, gaining a small but audible sigh from you. You could feel his lips curl into a smirk against your own and it made you shiver against him. Slowly but surely he ran his hand between your thighs, toying with the fabric of the underwear he'd gotten a glimpse of this morning. Pink, lacy, perfectly teasing him all day as he knew what was just past your skirt. And now it was his for the taking.
While his hands made their way to your center you brought your arms up and wrapped around his neck, running a hand through his fluffy brown locks. Your tongue massaged against his skillfully, and it was like he couldn't get enough of you. Each time you attempted to pull your lips away he would press his to yours even firmer, practically begging you not to stop, and luckily for him you didn't want to. Just to tease him you pulled him in closer, pressing your body to his. Harry huffed out a sigh and in an instant had pushed the fabric of your underwear to the side to begin playing with your clit. He groaned at how wet you already were as it caused his already standing erection to stiffen further. As his fingers rubbed your sensitive nub, a string of small and breathy moans escaped your lips. Your noises were music to his ears, all he wanted was to hear you get louder and cry out his name as he pleased you, and his plan formed.
Suddenly he removed his lips from your own and stared down at you as he thrusted two of his fingers into your tight entrance. A loud gasp escaped you and you released the air as a strained moan, eyes fluttering closed as Mr. Wells began pumping his fingers in and out of you effortlessly, curling them a bit with each inward thrust. You couldn't stop the whines and moans that left your lips and he loved every single one. His eyes never left your contorting face as he pleased you, and he felt your walls tightening around his fingers after a while. "Are you getting close, my dear?" He whispered and you nodded hastily, feeling the pressure in your lower stomach tightening with each movement of his fingers. The man smirked as a low chuckle left his lips, and he used his free hand to fumble with his jeans, letting them fall to the floor once he'd unzipped them. Suddenly he slowed his fingers, making your eyes reopen to see him lowering his boxers and releasing his throbbing hard on. You whined as you eyed his length, aching to have him in you. He caught your gaze and smirked deviously.
"Do you want me, Miss Y/L/N?" He asked in his most teacher-esque voice he could muster. Again you nodded quickly, your eyes pleading for his touch. He shook his head as he removed his fingers from you, moving his hand down to begin pumping himself with the juices that stuck to his fingers. Harry groaned, simply staring at your panting frame on his desk. "I want to hear you say it.." he groaned out, leaning over you now, his tip hovering inches from your slit. Another moan left your lips and you wrapped your arms back around him. "Please, Mr. Wells.. I've been a naughty girl, teach me a lesson.." you whined next to his ear before nibbling at his earlobe, gaining a soft gasp from the male. Without warning he slammed into you, making a loud and screeching moan erupt from your throat. He gave a few slow pumps, warming you up to his size and letting him feel your tight walls around him. You wrapped your legs around his hips to signal you wanted more and he happily obliged. His desk rocked as he railed into you, arms planted on the edge of the wood to stabilize himself.
The room was filled with your cries of pleasure, just as he'd planned. Even he was letting out groans and sighs of appreciation for how you felt. "Fuck, you're so tight.. god damn.." he breathed between thrusts and you felt a confidence surge through you. In an instant you began rolling your hips up to meet his thrusts and he groaned, head falling forward to lean against your shoulder. From this angle he could see perfectly down your shirt, watching your breasts bounce in the matching bra to your panties. The sight made him growl and his hips twitched, and you could tell he was close as were you. Another long string of moans left you as your walls clenched again, and you knew he felt it because his hips began rocking sloppier than before. In minutes you came undone beneath him, your orgasm spilling out around his length. The feeling of your juices threw him over the edge and with one shaky thrust he emptied himself into you, a loud groan bubbling up from his throat.
The two of you stood there panting, gasping for breath, tangled in each other. As you came down from the euphoria of your orgasm, reality began to set in and the normal butterflies you always had around Mr. Wells came fluttering back to your stomach. He pulled out of you slowly with a small sigh, and finally brought his crystal blue eyes to yours, a faint smile on his face causing his dimples to show. "Before you ask, that doesn't count towards your grade.." he teased and you couldn't help but let out a laugh. "So you're saying that wasn't a pop quiz?" You retorted with a playful tilt of your head, before giggling again at his narrowed eyes. The tall man chuckled softly as he fastened the button of his pants. "No, but if it was," he paused, lifting his hands to cup your face. "You definitely passed." He murmured as he leaned in and pressed a gentle, reassuring kiss to your lips. When he finally pulled away he had a smug grin on his face. "Alright, now about your English grade.." he trailed off as he walked back around to the front of his desk.
Just to tease him, you silently opened the first three buttons of your dress shirt, just barely exposing your chest. "Mhmm?" You chimed, leaning back on his desk a bit with a smirk on your lips. His expression changed to a much more surprised smile and he laughed, placing a single finger under your chin. "Maybe if you show me you can make it to school on time, I'll reward you instead of punishing you." Harry's voice was low and made your stomach erupt in excited nerves. Like the good student you were you nodded, and the man placed one last slow and soft kiss on your swollen lips before directing your attention to a textbook. "Only on one condition." You spoke up, and he quirked a thick brow at you in response. Placing a hand on his arm gently you batted your eyelashes to feign innocence as you spoke. "I'll need some private tutoring from my favorite teacher, to help with my English grade of course." A sweet yet playful smile painted itself across your face. He couldn't help but simper as he nodded. "That's no problem at all." He mused, just as the timer rang for the two-hour detention to end.

"Credits to smutfornerds on Tumblr"

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