Don't Stop // Barry Allen x Reader

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Imagine that you and Barry are roommates and for some reason you guys decide to share a bed one night..........

Imagine that you and Barry are roommates and for some reason you guys decide to share a bed one night

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A loud scream echoed through your apartment and you ran from your room. In an instant your roommate Barry was in front of you, hands on your sides and a worried expression on his face. "What happened?! What's wrong?" His eyes searched your face and you squeaked softly, waving your hands in the direction of your bedroom. "Huge, ugly, black and creepy crawly spider." You stated, shuffling a few more inches away from your door. Barry sighed in relief and somewhat annoyance but let out a chuckle. "That's what that ear splitting scream was about? A spider?" He laughed as he spoke with his eyebrows raised. "A HUGE spider, Barr! Like that's the thing that eats all the city's rats. It was ginormous." You whined, and the tall brunette sighed again walking towards your room.
"Where was it?" He called from inside and you peeked in from the hallway. "By my bed. It was trying to kill me in my sleep!" Your tone was serious but Barry still laughed, searching all around for it at super speed. Next thing you knew he was next to you again. "I didn't find anything, Y/N. I think the coast is clear." He smiled down at you but you shook your head rapidly. "I'm not setting foot in there until I know that thing is dead and gone." You stated, walking out to the living room and plopping down on the couch. "I'll just sleep out here." You shrugged. Barry frowned slightly, glancing between you and his bedroom before speaking up. "I mean my bed is big enough, you can just sleep with me. I-I mean, next to me, in my bed, not like sleep with me, I uh, ha.." he scratched the back of his neck nervously before continuing. "Really though, come on. I'm not gonna let you sleep uncomfortably out here." He smiled towards you again and you shrugged, shaking your head. "Barry I'm sure it's not that bad, I'll be okay." You reassured, and he raised his hands in a full shoulder shrug. "Okay, but the living room is way closer to that spider than my room.." he mumbled as he walked towards his door. At hearing those words you sprung up and ran to his bedroom and he huffed out a laugh at you.
Once in his room a thought hit you, you hadn't grabbed pajamas to wear before abandoning your room to the eight legged creature that inhabited it. "Hey, can I borrow a shirt to wear to bed? I don't want to go back in there to get anything." You admitted sheepishly, and the man nodded with a small laugh. Barry reached into his dresser and handed you a large black V-neck. You muttered a thank you and you stood from the edge of his bed to strip out of your clothes. You didn't think anything of it, Barry had seen you in a bikini countless times - something he never forgot - so why should it matter if you change in front of him? Except it did matter, your panties and bra were matching white with red lace trim and his eyes were glued to them as you shimmied your tight jeans down and off. Next came your shirt which had buttons all down the front, and he still watched as you slowly but surely undid each one before shrugging it off and exposing your chest. You pulled the black tee on before reaching up the back of the shirt to unhook your bra, peeling the straps off your shoulders before letting it fall next to your pile of clothes.
Barry swallowed dryly as he finally averted his eyes to his dresser, emptying his pants pockets onto it before slipping into a basic pair of sweats and discarding his shirt into his dirty clothes basket. He always slept this way, shirtless just pants, and you always slept your way, pants-less and no shirt. You chuckled softly at his clothing. "Put us together and we make a whole outfit." You teased with a smile. Barry smiled back a bit trying to focus on anything but the fact that you had hardly anything covering your body. As soon as Barry got in bed you crawled under the covers next to him. "Thanks for letting me crash in here, Barry." You spoke softly, half turning your body to look back at him. He smiled wide and waved a hand. "Anytime." You could've sworn you saw a blush hit his cheeks before he rolled over. "Night, roomie." You chimed and he responded with a curt, "Goodnight Y/N."
You could feel Barry toss and turn and you cracked your eyes open to see the clock read 1:56 AM. You had decided to just close your eyes and go back to sleep before you heard the brunette next to you groan out in his sleep. Rolling over you saw him laying there mouth open and covers thrown off of him, exposing the erection growing in his sweats. Your eyes widened and you quickly looked away, cheeks brightly tinted now. Choosing to pretend you heard and saw nothing you closed your eyes to try to drift back into sleep just as Barry moaned again, this time it was different though. He moaned your name.
Your head whipped around to see his back arching in his dreaming state, and you huffed out a small sigh. "Mm, Y/N, don't stop.." he mumbled, barely audible but you heard it clearly in the otherwise silent room. "So tight.." he breathed and you felt a familiar warmth between your legs that made you clench your thighs. You couldn't believe this was really happening. You were watching as your roommate began to writhe a bit, afraid he'd turn this into a full on wet dream and mess his boxers, so you placed a hand on his shoulder lightly shaking him. "Barr.. h-hey, Barry?" Your voice woke him up with wide eyes, and he stared at you for a second completely speechless. "O-Oh uhm, wha- what?" He stuttered and you fought the grin rising to your lips. "You were uh.. shaking a lot, in your sleep. I just wanted to make sure you were alright?" Just to tease him a bit you rested a hand on his bare chest and you felt his breath hitch in his throat. The speedster pulled his blanket up to attempt to hide his erection to no avail, because you knew all too well what was under that comforter.
His eyes were still wide at the sight of you next to him after what he'd been seeing in his mind. After a few seconds of silence he shook his head in an attempt to clear it. "Uh, yeah I'm uh," he stumbled over his words not knowing what to say. A smile finally curled at your lips and you giggled softly. "Bad dream?" You asked with a tilt of your head, hand still against his chest and your fingers now drawing lazy patterns on his skin. The blanket had fallen off of you when he pulled it onto himself, your legs exposed up to the middle of your backside where the shirt began. Barry's eyes lingered on your body before snapping back up to you, and he shook his head again. "N-No, uh. Really good one actually.." he mumbled, thinking back to how he'd seen you riding him in his dreamland. You felt like being a total tease, so you smiled over at him once again. "What about?" Your voice was soft but playful, letting your hand wander down to his abs, rubbing them slowly and softly. That obviously flustered him when matched with your question, and he stuttered once again. "I-It uhm, I was uh, r-running," he lied, eyes averting from yours to eye your exposed legs again. "Really hard.." he mumbled, and you felt a small wave a chills run up your spine causing you to readjust on the bed, scooting slightly closer to him now. "Mmhmm.." you hummed, delicately walking your fingers up his chest and wresting them just below his collar bone. "Is that why you were moaning?" You mumbled back to him, watching his eyes grow wide as he realized you knew exactly what kind of dream he'd been having. "I-I– I was.. moaning?" He grimaced, and you giggled again, nodding. "Saying something along the lines of, 'don't stop'and I believe I heard you say," you changed your tone for the next words, letting them leave your lips in a moan just as he'd said them. "So tight.." you watched his breath hitch again and you smirked at him, eyeing his exposed body a bit.
"Y/N, I–" he couldn't stop stuttering and you found it so cute. You'd never seen him so flustered before, and Barry was one who was easily flustered. "Oh, that's another thing you said while you were dreaming." You stated, his brow furrowing just slightly. "My name.." You drew your bottom lip between your teeth as you let your eyes wander all over his toned body. How has you never really seen how hot Barry was until now? His jaw dropped, words not forming in his mind. His face was burning red and you giggled again, rolling towards him more. "What's the matter, Barr?" You teased, bringing a hand to your hip to twirl the fabric of the shirt there to expose the edge of your panties. "Don't want to tell me what you were doing to me?" Your voice was drowning in seduction now and he huffed it a hard sigh while his eyes roamed your body without a care.
"You know," he began, rolling you onto your back and hovering over you on his side, a hand falling to your exposed hip. "I'd much rather show you.." he breathed, his breath hot against your neck and now it was your turn to become flustered. When your eyes met Barry's there was a strong lust clouding them and you kissed him abruptly, gaining a low groan from your roommate that caused you to smirk against his lips. His hand wandered up your shirt and grazed your breast, and he sighed at the feeling of your soft skin beneath his rough hands. One of your hands reached up tot he back of his neck, pulling him that much closer to you so you felt his warm body close to your own. You broke from the kiss just to nip at his bottom lip playfully, his eyes fluttering closed and a moan leaving his lips as you did so. "Then show me." You breathed and that was enough for his confidence to skyrocket. Barry moved himself between your legs and you wrapped them around his torso.
Without wasting any time he pushed his sweats down along with his boxers, drawing in a sharp breath when his length slapped against his stomach. Your eyes fell to his erection, happily surprised at his size. Almost as if it were instinct you wrapped a hand around his member and started stroking it slowly. Barry groaned while his head fell back just slightly. "Y/N.. mm," he groaned, and you smirked a bit. "Don't stop?" You teased and watched his lips curl into a smirk that matched yours as he simply nodded. While your hand pumped him slowly he brought his hands to your hips to pull at your underwear, and you lifted your hips so he could get them off. You detached your hand from him and he whined, but only for a moment before you stripped out of his tee shirt and his eyes widened at the sight of your naked body. "Wow.." he sighed out, eyes fixated on your chest. "Better than I ever dreamed.." his voice was low and soft by you still heard every word. You leaned up to kiss him again, slowly laying back down and pulling him with you. He supported himself with his arms on either side of your head. Again you wrapped your legs around him causing friction between your exposed middles.
Barry reached one hand down and began rubbing your clit with his fingers, causing a slow moan to fall into your kiss. You could feel him smiling against your lips knowing he drew those sounds out of you. After a few more minutes of regularly playing with you he let his fingers start to vibrate just slightly, and you yelled at the new feeling. He broke the kiss to make sure he hadn't hurt you, only to watch your face contort in pleasure while he continued working his fingers. Your stomach felt like a tight knot was being tied and pulled tighter and tighter, and your hips bucked up involuntarily. "B-Barr.. I'm.." you could hardly get the words out by he got the hint, moving his fingers even faster against the throbbing bundle of nerves. Your whole body shook, the feeling taking you over as you orgasmed, back arching off the bed and hips twitching forward as you rode through the ecstasy of your climax.
Once you'd finished Barry lined himself up with your entrance, teasing the tip of himself along your folds. He groaned at how wet you were with your juices still dropping out of you. He glanced down at you with slightly raised eyebrows as to ask permission, and you nodded quickly. With that he slowly entered you, the both of you groaning and sighing as he did so. He gave a few slow thrusts to warm you up to his size before beginning to thrust rhythmically. Barry groaned at how you felt around him. "So tight.." he breathed, just as he did in his sleep. A whimper left you as he just barely grazed your inner core, and he took that as a cue to change his pace. His thrusts became harder and faster, now hitting your g-spot with each one. You gasped at the feeling and gripped onto his upper arms.
Now it was your turn to repeat his words. "Don't stop Barry, p-please.." the last word came out as a harsh moan as his thrusts became sloppier the closer he neared his orgasm. He grunted at the way your walls tightened around him and he gripped your hips tightly. "Y/N.." he breathed, slowing his movements much to both of your dislike. You whined but were interrupted when he speedily flipped you over so you were on top of him now. You smirked, leaning down to kiss down his neck. "Was this in your dream?" Your voice was breathy and tickled his skin, and he simply nodded, half kissed eyes watching your every move. "Well, I'm never one to deny someone's dreams.." you coped as you started rocking your hips, bobbing up and down in his length with your hands braced in his abdomen. Barry let or a long groan as his hand found your hips again, guiding you to go faster. You rode him just as he wanted, feeling his grip tighten in your hips as he got closer and closer to his peak. "Come on Barry, cum for me.." you moaned out, watching his eyes roll back and squeeze closed as his dick jerked inside you while his orgasm finally took over your body. You let him cum inside you not wanting to have to clean up any mess. His hips bucked up into you as he emptied himself, panting as his high faded. Again you leaned down, kissing up from his stomach to his neck, leaving small bite marks all over his skin.
Barry placed his hand on the small of your back, humming appreciatively at your lips against his skin. After a few more moments you rolled off of him and onto the bed beside him, and he pulled you close to him, spooning you tightly with his arms around your waist. He placed sloppy kisses to your neck and shoulder, a smiling rising to your lips. "That," he paused to kiss your soft skin. "Was," he paused again to kiss your neck a few times, his lips close to your ear now. "Amazing." He whispered and you giggled, turning back to look at him. "As good as your dream?" You teased and he shook his head. "Much, much better. Because t was really you." As he spoke he nuzzled his nose against yours and kissed you softly, a vast change from the heat of the moment you'd shared. But you liked it, it almost gave you butterflies. You kissed him again, slowly and softly. Barry smiled at you and cuddles you close. "Let's get some sleep, Y/N." as he spoke he closed his eyes, smile still ever present on his face. You nodded, placing your hands overtop his arms on your waist. "Goodnight Barry." You mused, loving how his arms felt around you. "Goodnight Y/N, sweet dreams." He teased, before the two of you drifted back to sleep, much more tired than earlier.

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