Wally west x Reader

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Imagine secretly racing as guy but you're a girl

"Give it up for our reigning champion Tail lights" said the announcer, "tail lights" raised his arms up in joy, a round of applause echoed throughout the whole field, "who would like to go against our champion" yelled the announcer, "I will" came a small voice in the background, nobody could get a glimpse of the person's face because it was covered with an oversized hood.
"So what should I call you?" said the so called "tail lights", you said nothing, all you did was get in the car and started your engine "I'll take that as your ready to begin" he said, he got in his car and started his engine waiting for the flag girl to give you guys the signal to start, as you were waiting for the "go" signal you couldn't help but admire your opponent, sure he was kind of cocky but there was something about him that intrigued you, he had these big brown eyes that kinda had this twinkle to them.
You tried not to stare too long so he wouldn't notice, and also that he wouldn't figure out that you're actually a girl, after a few minutes a lady came out wearing rather revealing clothes and she stood in the middle of both of your cars and the announcer yelled "on your marks" "get set" "go" then the flag girl waved her flag and both you and tail lights speed out the field tryna get in front of each other, he overtook you but little did he know you have added a few "speed cannons" (as you would like to call it) to your car.
Right when he thought he was gonna win, you pushed the the button and with that one push your car speed right past his and past the finish line, everyone was shocked because their so called champion just lost a race for the first time, "tail lights" too was shocked. You got down from your car tryna come up with an excuse to leave that particular place, "where is the restroom" you said I your best "male voice", "go straight ahead and go towards your left said one of the flag girls" you ran out of the field but as soon as you were close to the bathroom you felt someone grab your arm and dragged you backwards and as you turned to see who it was you felt your hood being pulled off "no way" your heard the voice say and when you looked up it was tail lights "so now that you found out I'm a girl what are you gonna do? Tell everyone?" You asked him with an annoyed tone in your voice, but he didn't say anything but he just stared at you "umm.. my names Wally" he said "my names (Y/N) you said, "(Y/N) that's a pretty name" he said "are you flirting" you said trying not to laugh, you noticed he was kinda blushing so you said "since I beat you in a race how about my prize is that we both go out to jitters on Saturday" he looked at you with an eyebrow raised "are you asking me out" he asked, "what do you think?" You replied with a smirk, and you gave him your number "see you on Saturday" you said as you put your hoodie back on and began walking towards your car "bye" said Wally, after you got in your car and drove off Wally just stood there for a while " no girl had ever made me feel this type of way before" he thought, he got in his car and drove off and the only thing he could think of was (Y/N)

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