Bazinga // Cisco x Reader Smut

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Summary: You're at Barry and Cisco's cooking breakfast while dancing and singing around the kitchen, and it catches Cisco's eye so he catches you off guard.

Warning: smutty with some zingers tossed in for comic relief

Before you could even think about what to make, your eyes scanned the various dishes piled in the boys' sink

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Before you could even think about what to make, your eyes scanned the various dishes piled in the boys' sink. "For god's sake.. Hey Barry?" Your mumbling turned to a holler for your speedster friend. He appeared in a nanosecond before you, blowing your hair all around. "What's up?" He smiled. You pointed to the dishes and his smile fell and he groaned. "Do I haaaave to?" Barry protested, but you persisted. "If I do them I won't be done for an hour, and I know Cisco can't wait that long for breakfast." You argued, crossing your arms over your chest. "True that dude, do them dishes up!" Cisco backed you up from the living room and Barry knew he was defeated. In a matter of seconds the dishes were not only cleaned, but dried and put away as well. A smile spread across your face. "Was that so hard?" You beamed. Barry rolled his eyes and made his way back to the living room.
Now to decide what to cook. You rummaged through the cupboards and the fridge, spying pancake mix and bacon. Good enough, plus scrambled eggs and that's a whole breakfast. You got started on mixing the pancake mix before you groaned, hollering for the boys again. "Can one of you turn on some tunes? Cooking is boring without music!" Cisco hollered back, "I got it!" and within a minute the jams were filling the apartment. You began to sway to each song, singing with the ones you knew. Walking to the stove you turned on a burner to start the bacon. You'd worry about the eggs once the bacon was done. Flipping on another burner you poured in two fair sized pancakes and waited for them to bubble signaling they needed flipped. In the meantime you danced around the kitchen setting the table. Cisco walked in and leaned against the kitchen counter, watching you dance with a grin. Once you turned and saw him you matched his expression skipping over to him and grabbing his hands to pull him to dance with you. A low chuckle fell from his lips and he lazily danced with you, silently reluctant to let go of your hands but you needed to check the food. You tried to flip a pancake and ended up splattering it all over your shirt.
Cisco laughed and without a word ran to his room to grab you a replacement shirt. He walked out and handed you a black graphic tee with a Big Bang Theory quote scrawled across it. "Thanks." You smiled and motioned for him to turn around so you could nonchalantly change in the middle of his kitchen. He happily obliged knowing you were oblivious the the fact they had a mirror across from you in the bathroom that he watched your every move with. You carefully and slowly peeled the batter-covered shirt off and Cisco had to fight back a groan and the accidental strip tease you were giving him. Now you fumbled with the shirt, accidentally getting it on backwards forcing you to take it off again and put it back on. All the while Cisco's eyes were glued to the mirror where he had a clear view of your body, your barely covered breasts, your lacy white and pink bra. He felt a disturbance in his pants as they became tighter and he cleared his throat. "Can I uh, turn around now?" His voice quivered just slightly. "Yeah you're good." You had no idea he'd watched you, or any idea of all the things going through his head in that moment. Once he turned he smirked at how baggy his shirt was on you, because it covered your shorts and made it look as though that was all you were wearing. That idea didn't help his racing imagination or the lack of blood going to his brain. You threw your messed shirt in their laundry basket not caring if it stayed at their place. Turning back to the stove you took the bacon off heat and placed it on a large plate to begin the eggs. The pancake you splattered was a bust but you had enough batter for plenty more so you continued with that process until they were all made. Cisco simply stayed and watched you, walking around in his tee shirt, dancing around his kitchen, cooking him breakfast. All he could imagine was if this scenario had been a result of a night spent together and that really made his pants tight. The thought of having you drove him insane on a daily basis so now was only an amplified version of his usual thoughts.
When a song came on that Barry despised he groaned and said he was gonna go for a run before eating. That meant that the apartment was just the two of you and Cisco took that as a sign. You finished up with the cooking and turned off the stove, setting everything out on the table you'd previously set. When you turned to tell Cisco he could eat, he had made his way over to you and was now inches from your face. It surprised you and you yelped softly, causing him to laugh. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." His voice was low and soft, unlike his usual boisterous playful tone. Something about it gave you butterflies. Looking him over you could tell there was something different about his demeanor. You couldn't quite put your finger on it until he snaked his arm around your waist and pulled your body against his. "You look really good in my shirt.." he muttered, eyes locked on your lips. This was a side of Cisco you had never seen before, but you kind of liked it. You decided to play along and fuel this fire he seemed to have burning. "You think so huh?" A playful giggle left your lips as you rested your arms over his, twirling a lock of his hair between your fingers. Nodding, he tightened his hold on you pressing you into him further after you showed you approved. "I don't know though.." he purred, leaning into your neck and letting his lips graze your skin just below your ear before whispering, "I think you'd look even better without it." The way he lowered his voice sent a shiver through you and he felt it, a soft and low laugh vibrating against your skin as his lips connected to your neck, trailing kisses down to your collar bone. A sigh escaped you as he showered your skin with kisses.
"Where did all this come from, Cisco?" You breathed out. A low chuckle rumbled out of him again and he pulled back to look towards the bathroom where your eyes followed, confused for a moment. Then you spotted the mirror, that was angled perfectly to see a certain part of the kitchen, and your jaw fell open. "You little peeper!" You exclaimed, playfully smacking his shoulder. Cisco only shrugged with a smug and not even the slightest bit guilty expression. "I couldn't help myself, that bra you have on though.." A groan vibrated through him and against you, and he pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth as he eyed you up and down. A seductive wind blew through you and you smiled, pushing away from him just enough the lift the edges of the shirt. "You mean.. this bra?" As you spoke you lifted the shirt up and over your head, exposing your chest and giving him exactly what he wanted. With his jaw gaping slightly, Cisco huffed out a sigh and eyed your exposed skin. "Mmhm." was all he said before hoisting you into his arms and taking you to his bedroom. He practically threw you on his bed, immediately hovering over you eyes still roaming over your body. Without hesitation you pulled him down to you and kissed him, hard. Cisco groaned at the sudden contact, and you brought a leg up to wrap around his waist so he was perfectly between your legs now. You broke the kiss to pull his shirt over his head. Now it was your turn to eye his body, and boy did you. You licked your bottom lip hungrily taking him in. Suddenly you felt his lips on your neck again, soon followed by his teeth as he sucked a raw spot into your skin. It always turned you on to be given a hickey. It showed that the person wanted to show that they pleased you, and you loved the idea of Cisco marking you in that way. As he nibbled at your skin you let a moan slip past your lips that made him shiver above you. While he was busy with your neck you began unbuttoning his jeans, pushing the down past his hips. You could see how hard he was, his bulge keeping your gaze for longer than you intended. Cisco grinned. "Like what you see?" He flashed a sexy smile to you and you nodded enthusiastically.
"Cisco..?" You made your voice soft and delicate, so that your next move would surprise the hell out of him. His eyes scanned yours for any signs of trouble as he raised his brows. "Yes?" You knew he'd never be expecting you to flip a switch that quickly, but that's exactly what you did. Leaning forward you brushed your lips against his softly before grabbing his bottom lip between your teeth and tugging gently, making him moan from pleasure and surprise. "Take me." You stated, voice lowered to a sultry tone. You watched the goosebumps raise on his skin and you smirked knowing you had gotten him back for watching you undress. He huffed out a large breath and stripped you out of your shorts, bra and panties effortlessly. He discarded his boxers and grabbed a condom while he could, taking the time to put it on and reassuring you that he actually cared about you, not just getting some. That made you so comfortable and so ready to rail his brains out. Right before he was about to line himself up, you placed your hand in his bare chest to stop him. "Play with me first..?" You batted your eyelashes as the phrase lingered on your lips, which you slowly licked and tilted your head at the raven haired boy above you. Clearly he was at a loss for words but he snapped himself out of it and began rubbing your already wet entrance. "Mmph.." The sound passed your lips with a sigh, and you bit your bottom lip. Cisco started circling around your clit to tease you, not quite hitting it. You whined and squirmed under him but he clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "You wanted to be played with.." he spoke in a raspy tone, obviously teasing himself in the process because he knew he was going to have you but he couldn't yet. Another whine left you as he ever so slightly grazed you clit. "Cisco, please.." you pleaded in a moan and that got him to oblige. His finger found your clit and flicked furiously, causing your back to arch off the bed. "F-Fuck.." you muttered, gripping onto his arms to steady yourself from the amount of pleasure he was sending through you. "You like how I touch you, Y/N?" He breathed against your neck, and you nodded over and over. After your response he pressed on your sensitive bundle of nerves before beginning to rub furiously. That sent you over the edge and you came the first time onto his fingers. Cisco's eyebrows shot up in surprise because he didn't realize he was pleasing you that much. Panting underneath him you relaxed against his bed and he took that as a wonderful opportunity to slide himself into you slowly. You gasped and moaned out abruptly, gripping his arms tightly. The way he started thrusting into you made your stomach tie in knots again, hard as slow. "God damn your wet.." he breathed, and you simply nodded. "All th-thanks t-t-to you.." you stuttered out between thrusts. That got him really going and he picked up the pace, pounding into you now and groaning every other thrust. You couldn't stop moaning and whining at how amazing he was making you feel. Hitting your g-spot, making you near cumming again already. "Fuck, Cisco!" You cried as your second orgasm hit you. You came all over his member as he continued pounding into you, moaning as he felt your juices cover him.
As you rode out your high you rolled your hips back at his every thrust, and he groaned and squeezed his bedsheets. It was clear he was close and you wanted to send him into euphoria. "Let it go baby.. cum for me, Cisco." And that was it, with a guttural groan you felt the warmth fill the condom and his member twitch inside you, his body shaking and his face contorting as he came. After a few more thrusts he collapsed, head resting on your chest a moment before kissing all over your breasts and torso. You giggled and tilted his head up to kiss him passionately. Once your eyes opened you both smiled. "That. Was. Unbelievable." You stated, watching his confidence boost. "Lets go refuel yeah?" He gestured towards the kitchen and you nodded, throwing his shirt and your panties back on as he discarded the condom and dressed himself in just a pair of joggers. The two of you walked out to see Barry had already eaten half the food, and he smirked at your messy hair, hickeys and lack of pants. "Heyyy you twooooo." He spoke in sing-song. "How was your time in the bedroom?" You blushed behind your cup of coffee and Barry sipped his too. Cisco smiled smugly. "Well, I made her cum twice." Both you and Barry spit your coffee out and choked, eyes widening at Cisco, who just enjoyed his strip of bacon with a smile

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