First kiss with Cisco Ramon

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How it would go down- - Honestly it would be a slow boiling process
- Both of you wouldn't have admitted your feelings no matter how bold Cisco Ramon seemed to be
-He saw you as a perfect metahuman and he so wanted you to be his love donut
-He didn't want to ruin the strong friendship that he had created with you by slowly winning your trust
-He didn't know that all you wanted was for him to tell you that he felt the same way about you as you for him
-He didn't know that he occupied your mind most of the time
-You thought that there was no way he could like you especially with how he was with Gypsy the last time she came to Earth 1
-So this tension kind of build between you two
-Stolen glances become a reoccurring thing
-No matter how many times Caitlin told you to just go for it, you refused to do anything
- "For God's sake just tell him how you feel!"
- You just muttering a soft Nah
- Barry doing the same thing with Cisco and he saying the same
-The team all placed bets on who would crack first and Joe, Iris, HR and Caitlin were betting against you while Barry and Julian though Cisco would break first
- The two of you were none the wiser because you were having your own issues
-Cisco didn't like when you'd go out with Barry to help him protect Central City
-You felt the same when he did the same
- Which means you both argued a lot with each other
-"What are you? My dad? "
-"I might as well be, so start calling me papi. I'm the only one trying to keep you alive apparently,"
-This ended with you scoffing while say, "I'm a grown ass woman and if I want to use my powers to actually help people the by God I'm gonna do it. Is it safe? Probably not. Did I ask for your permission? Hell no."
- Then you step closer to him while whispering, "Mira , the only time I would call you papi is if I'm riding you into tomorrow and it's so good that I'm screaming it out,"
-You stepp back and walk out of the Cortex not waiting for a response
- Cisco Growling being partly turned on and partly ticked off
-You going out with Barry on a mission and your com gets broken by an explosion
-You accidentally teleport to some unknown place
-Barry searches for you and can't find you
-Cisco screaming through the com for you, starting to go crazy
-You teleport back to S.T.A.R.R labs with cuts and bruises all over
-No one noticing that you just entered the Cortex
-You say, "Hey guys, where's Barry? Did he get out okay?"
-Everyone turning to look at you
-Cisco losing it while running to you and crashes his lips to yours harshly but tenderly
-When you finally break apart the both of you panting
-Cisco whispering with a smug look, "Get ready to scream out papi, you're never leaving my side or my bed ever again."
-"Oh is that so?" You ask with a smirk
-"You better believe it princess,"
-Barry and Julian telling everyone to pay up
-All of you laughing and the crazy events of the day

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