Should We?

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Caitlin snow x Reader

“They should just kiss and get it over with.” Barry grumbled, winching as Cisco jabbed the needle in his arm. “It’s disgustingly cute to watch them every single day.”

“Oh, like you have any room to talk.” Cicso snapped, harshly pulling the plunge of the needle up, taking his dose of blood (he was just a tad stressed).  Central City’s newest metahuman had some kind of snake venom, and Barry being Barry had gotten a good dose. Weird thing was, it hadn’t affected him at all, so Cisco was going to try and make an antidote with Barry’s blood sample. “You’re just as bad with Iris.”

“Yeah, well-“ Barry tried to retort, but he really didn’t have anything to say to that.

Cisco rolled his eyes, yanking the needle out.  He wasn’t going to bother with a Band-Aid, because as soon as he put it on the puncture would have already healed.

Barry glared and rubbed his shoulder. “Why are you so grumpy?”

“Snake people Barry!” Cisco yelled, waving the needle around franticly. “Freaking snake people!”

“At least it’s not bees.” You joked, handing the venom filled test tube to Caitlin.

“Shut up!”

You chuckled as Cicso stormed off, grumbling about a 100 miles an hour. Barry looked slightly alarmed at what the young scientist was saying.

Caitlin nudged your shoulder, giving you a small grin. “Don’t be mean Y/N.”

“When am I ever mean?” you asked, giving her your own grin. “I’m the nicest person ever.”

“Sure.” Caitlin rolled her eyes. “Let’s go with that.”

You chuckled, turning back towards Barry as he let out a loud groan.

“Yes?” You asked.

“Will you two just-“ He gestured wildly, and when you only raised your eyebrows he let out a choked scream before jumping off the table and running off to god knows where.

It was silent for a long time.

“…Think we should tell them?” Caitlin asked.

“Nah.” You grinned as you slipped your arm around your girlfriend’s waist, pulling her close to your side.  “Let them suffer.”

“And you’re nice how?’ Caitlin asked, accepting the kiss you gave her.

“Just like that.”

Barry came back a few hours later, announcing he would be gone for the rest of the day on a date with Iris. You never heard from Cicso, except for a faint call of ‘your name's Copperhead!’ from his own lab.

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