Ice skating

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Barry x Reader

"Barryy." You drawl out his name. Turning around in your chair at S.T.A.R. Labs, you look at your boyfriend who was busy with paper work and organizing the meta humans names'. It was the beginning of December and the winter season, so that meant that the skating rinks were re-opened; much to your delight.
You used to go ice-skating all the time when you were little, you did with all your friends, even some of your boyfriends if the relationship lasted that long. It was kind of a tradition for you, and you wanted to share that tradition with Barry.
"Hmm?" He hums, not even looking up at you. You sigh and get up, walking over to the desk and sitting in front of your boyfriend. He finally looks up at you, eyebrows raised. "May I help you, Y/N?" He leans back, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I want to go ice-skating, please will you come with me?" You plead using your puppy dog eyes. He sighs and smiles a bit.
"Babe, I've never gone ice-skating before." Barry chuckles. "I wouldn't last a second on the ice." You raise an eyebrow.
"You're The Flash, can The Flash not handle a little ice?" You tease, grinning like an idiot. He furrows his eyebrows, getting up and grabbing your coats. "Yay!" You squeal, knowing that Barry was going to prove you wrong out on the rink.
When you got to the rink you rented your skates and quickly put them on. You stood easily, Barry needing help already. You giggle and help him out onto the ice, letting him stand near the wall so that he'd have something besides you to put his weight on. You two slowly start to make your way around, and soon enough Barry get's a hand of it.
"See, it's not so hard." You smiled, holding his hand. Barry looked down at you, kissing the top of your head and continuing to glide along the ice. After a few minutes you pulled away from him and made your way into the middle of the rink. You do a few small circles before getting ready to do a big spin in the air. No one has ever seen you out on the rink besides your family members, so you were excited to see Barry's reaction to this.
Pushing yourself up off the ice you hold your arms close to you as you do three perfect spins in the air, landing perfectly. You smile and turn your head, seeing a very awestruck and surprised Barry Allen. You skate back over to him, closing his gaping mouth.
"Don't want to freeze your lugs, now do you?" You tease, nudging him slightly.
"How come you never told me you were so good at this!?" He exclaims, starting his way around the rink once more. You shrug, your hands running through your hair.
"I don't know, I just never thought it was important information." You shrug.
"Well I'd say that it is pretty fa-nominal that you can do that." He pulls you close. "My beautiful ice princess." You blush, giggling at the new nickname. You two skate around, Barry occasionally falling on his ass and you just stand there laughing at him, until he pulls you down with him. When you two get back up he gets the great idea to try and do some tricks. He skates along, looking back at you with a cocky grin on his face.
"Barry! Babe, watch out there's a-" You were to late to finish off your sentence because Barry ran into the wall, falling and sitting on the cold flooring. "Wall." You sigh, going over to him and helping him up. "Let's get you home Barr, I think all the hot cocoa has gotten to your brain and made you think that you can actually do stuff." You giggled. He made a look at you, not a bad one, just a playful one. You walk him back to Joe's and Iris's.
"Stay with me tonight, you haven't stayed over for quite a while and I don't want you walking home so late in this cold." He says, dragging you inside without even listening to a word you were trying to say. You and Barry walk upstairs and then you realize that you don't have any clothes to sleep in for the night.
"Uh..Barr? I don't have anything to sleep in." You mumble. He shrugs and throws a pair of his boxers and a t-shirt at you. The clothing hits your face and you stand there, arms crossed. You could hear Barry chuckle at you.
"Hey,Y/N? You're supposed to wear the clothes on your body, not your face." You huff and take the clothing off of your face. You change out of your clothes from the day, going slow because you knew that Barry was watching your every move. "Y/N.." Barry's voice was low. "Are you trying to tease me?" You turn around, only wearing your undergarments and the t-shirt Barry threw at you.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Barr." You smirk, handing him his boxers. He puts them back in his drawer and before you know it you were on your back on his bed. You look up, Barry hovering over you with eyes full of hunger.
"You know how I feel about you teasing me, baby." He whispers, ghosting his lips over your neck. You shiver, goosebumps rising along your skin. "I would normally just tease you for teasing me, but I'm far to tired so I think I'm going to go to bed. Good night, baby." Barry grins, giving you a quick peck on the lips and then he rolls over, turning off his lamp and pulling him close to you. You groan silently but smile, resting your head against Barry's arm.
"Good night, Barr." You mumble, falling asleep right as your eyes closed.

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