I Can't Believe We're Doing This (Cisco Ramon X Reader)

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"Stop teasing him (Y/N). All the low tops and short skirts are driving that man crazy." Barry laughed, shaking his head.
I giggled, glancing at Cisco from the left side of the cortex. He tried to hide that he was staring, but failed, quite badly.
"I'm not even wearing anything that bad Barry. Just a tank top and leggings." I said innocently, flicking my gaze back to Cisco's flustered form.
"Leggings two sizes too small, and a tank top that literally has everything hanging out. Class, not sass (Y/N)."
Caitlin walked to stand next to us, a tray of samples in her hand. Her comment had me in a fit of giggles,
Nearly knocking myself over. Suddenly, a thought came to my head.
"If I stole him away for maybe 20-30 minutes, do you guys promise to try and not find us." I whispered, my grin widening at their nods. Barry nodded at me, before dragging Caitlin away.
I ruffled my hair, getting quite giddy at the prospects.
Alright, I've only done this a few times, so I was still rusty. But hey, I can be sexy if I want too. And if my boyfriend didn't find me sexy, we were gonna have a problem.
I walked towards the computers, leaning my body against the back so I was looking down at Cisco. The rail just presented my boobs even more.
"Ciscoooo." I sang, watching with a loving smile as he flicked his eyes up and caught my figure.
"You sing like that again and I'll fuck you till you can't stand."
My heart sped at his words, watching as he began to rub his temples in an attempt to concentrate. So loyal to his work, one of the many more reasons to love him.
My inner self was practically drooling at what he said, wanting him to have at it right now, not caring about who saw. I had to calm myself, clearing my throat to catch his attention. His looked at me again, practically daring me to try anything.
"Ciscoooo please don't ignore me." I purred, letting the notes role off of my tongue. I was shocked when he stood out of his chair suddenly, walking around the computers to grab my hand.
"I warned you." He said, dragging me out of the cortex. As we left, I caught sight of Barry throwing a thumbs up.
As we entered the hallway, he slammed me against the wall, the lust dancing in his eyes as he scanned my body hungrily. This side of him drove me wild. The silly side had basically just jumped into a bush to watch as the more hungry side too over. He leaned forward slowly, just to tease me more.
"Did you seriously do all of that this week just to rile me up?" He asked, the more inquisitive voice of his returning. I nodded, biting my lip to suppress a grin. He shook his head, grinning, before finally slamming his lips to mine.
This was not other kiss he'd ever given. This was lust filled, hungry, and powerful. And I sure as hell wanted to know what else he could do. I moaned softly into the contact, trying to press my body further up against his. His movements were calculated, precise, like he knew every trigger that would make me lose it.
The slight grinding, the growling, the hand placement. It was as if he just watched me, trying to see what would get a reaction from me. Damn, was he right about it all.
After five minutes of just pulling at the rubber band that connected our two primal instincts, waiting for it to snap, I pulled back.
"Let's go back to your lab." I suggested with a whisper. The smile that appeared on his face clearly indicated his thoughts.
"Lead the way Princess."
I slipped out from underneath him, sprinting down the hallway towards his office. I heard his footsteps following close behind, and the feeling of excitement that was building in my core was insane. The less rational side of me wanted him to fuck me senseless in the hallway, but we both knew that was a horrible idea.
Just as I stepped through his door, I felt him run in, slamming the door. Before I could turn around, he had his arms around his waist, and he sat me hungrily down on one of his tables. He just swiped stuff off of the desk, letting it crash to the floor.
"So when Harry does it, you get ticked. But when it's me, you don't care?" I teased, tangling one of my hands in his hair.
"If it means I can do this every time, I will break every object in this room."
I giggled, bringing his head back to mine, pressing kisses from his forehead, down his nose, and along his jaw. When I got to his ear, I bit down gently, causing his to moan my name quietly.
He started tugging at my shirt, and I finally allowed him to pull it off. Nothing too fancy, just a soft pink bra laid under my shirt. Suddenly, my head traveled to my imperfections, leaving Cisco alone with my shell.
"Princess?" He asked, recognizing the look in my eyes. He used to get this way, judging the many things that made up him. He hated that point in his life, and to see his girlfriend's expression hold the same sadness, it crushed him.
"(Y/N), hey, look at me." He said finally, pulling the my head into his hands. I snapped out of my gaze, finally falling back to earth.
"Stop it. I know that gaze anywhere. Judgment. Regret. Just stop. Everything about you is absolutely perfect. No one can tell you otherwise." He said, rubbing his thumb in circles on my side, in a calming gesture.
"You are the most incredibly perfect woman I have ever met, and I should say something. I'm the guy about to make you scream my name."
The loving grin that followed after almost immediately had my spirits lifted. I just giggled, shaking my head before bringing myself back close to him.
The feeling of soft, yet calloused hands making there way into the hem of the leggings I wore, catching on the edge of the underwear I currently had on caused me to hum in excitement. Cisco's kisses gave me the extra boost, not wanting to wait much longer.
Go big or go home, I guess.
I suddenly kicked off my shoes, before pulling the leggings I had on swiftly off. I was now left in nothing but my bra and underwear, while Cisco, the little cheater, still had everything on. I grinned, moving to try and unbuckle his pants, but I was stopped by him literally bending me backwards until I laid flat against the desk.
He had my heart rate through the roof from his smile alone, but the feeling of something pressing to the space in between my legs had me breathless. Cisco moved his hand slowly, trying to make sure every inch of me was explored beneath his grasp.
I was putty in his hands, moaning his name increasingly more and more with each movement of his fingers that he made. I hadn't even seen him unbuckle his belt, for my core had made my vision go hazy from the stimulation. Suddenly, he ripped my panties off of my legs, leaving me exposed to the cold air of the room.
"I can't believe I'm- no, we're doing this." He whispered, laying against me. I felt a completely different appendage brush against my entrance, causing me to moan slightly.
"Dammit Cisco." I mumbled, trying to slow my heart so I didn't give myself a heart attack. I curled my hands into his t-shirt, smiling as I read the words 'Han Shot First'. He just grinned, pressing himself further into me. My core was practically begging me to just slide down, that's all it took to have him inside of me, but I waited.
"Impatient are we?" He asked, the smugness returning to his grin. His eyes were lust filled, but something else danced beneath the surface. Meant for only me. Complete and utter adoration. I rolled my eyes, sliding down on the table, feeling the tip of him enter me slightly.
I moaned again, stifling a laugh before commenting.
"Sorry if I tear any of your p-papers."
Of course I was stuttering, this incredible man chose me, out of all the girls in central city, he chose me, and I was going to enjoy this.
"It's not problem." He mumbled, before fully sliding into me. The gasp that escaped my lips was audible, and I immediately found myself winding my fingers into Cisco's hair.
He groaned softly, the vibrations of it fluttering through me. We locked eyes, before nodding to each other at the same time. In sync, like any good couple should be.
His pace was slow and deliberate, pushing me more and more towards my edge, before dragging me back at the last second. He was practically torturing me.
He tried to keep his moans at a minimum, but I had completely lost it. I was constantly begging him to go faster, screaming his name. He did say he would have me at that point, but not this slow. This was more loving that his original actions, but I knew what he was doing. He knew what he was doing.
At some point, he hit a specific area in me, causing me to moan louder, and I tugged at his hair. The loud moan that escaped him had me feeling stupid at my forgetfulness. He had told me he was really into his hair being messed with. Especially pulling, and I think I would have to use that to my advantage.
I tugged, and he moaned again, this time, slamming into me faster. Way harder also.
Hell yeah, I found the trigger. Good job (Y/N), putting that brain to good use. Good use being fucking your boyfriend, but still.
I pulled harder, causing him to slam into me again. Oh hell yes. the moan that escaped my mouth was not as loud as his, as he became the one to beg.
"Oh my god (Y/N) why are you s-stoAHH"
Mid sentence, I tugged his hair, half giggling and half moaning as he slammed into me again.
"Trade. You keep up this pace, I'll keep up mine." I purred, pulling lightly at his hair. He nodded vigorously, before suddenly, he quickened. I didn't even have time to adjust before I was a moaning, needy mess. I did keep up my end of the bargain, pulling at his hair with each thrust he took.
It didn't take long for my core to tighten, and the urge to just let go was getting stronger and stronger. But I didn't want this to end. I wanted to keep my boyfriend this close and carefree for as long as possible.
He locked eyes with me, and we both shared the same expression. We're close.
I mumbled an 'I love you' as I kissed him again, tugging as hard as I ever had at his hair. That's when he lost it. He quickened again, throwing me over the edge almost instantly, following me not long behind. We stayed connected, trying to calm our tremoring bodies from our high.
Cisco pulled out softly, just gazing down at me.
"Thanks for the pick me up Princess." He chuckled, gazing lovingly down at me. I pressed a kiss to his nose, suddenly feeling tired from the extremes we had both been at. I could see the weakness in Cisco's eyes, but he was a lot more determined to stay awake than I.
"Can I sleep on your couch in here for a little bit?" I asked, gazing half lidded up at him. He nodded, finally getting off of me. He buckled up his pants one more, and picked me up bridal style from the table. I had no idea where my underwear went in the ordeal, but Cisco, being the amazing man he was, always kept spare clothes in the labs for me, in case I stayed on a late night with him.
I pulled the new pair of underwear on tiredly, along with a pair of sweatpants and one of Cisco's meme shirts. I spread out on his couch, smiling sweetly as he laid a blanket across me.
"Alright, I'm gonna head back up to the cortex to try and get some work done, just come up if you need me." He said gently, leaning down to kiss my forehead. I groggily smiled, nodding.
"That was fun. We should do it again some time."
"Most definitely."

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