Got His Attention(Barry Allen/Reader)

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"If we die, I'm going to kill you." "This is probably a bad time, but marry me?"

" "This is probably a bad time, but marry me?"

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You shook your head, "No. I can't..."
"Y/N, this is the only way we're going catch him." Barry spoke into your ear piece.
"You want me to jump off a building!" You hissed putting you hand to the earpiece, "To catch a bad guy that can throw astral orbs at things and make them disintegrate on contact!"
"Well...yeah...when you put it like that it sounds bad..." Barry's voice held a hint of amusement.
"Barry this isn't funny!" You looked down the edge of the building again, "You know I'm not good with my ability yet...what if I fall?"
"You won't fall."
"What if I die?"
"You won't die!"
"If I die, I'm going to kill you." You heard him laugh finally, "I can't be in the afterlife alone."
"Y/N, you are not going to're are not going to fall. You're going fly down the building distract him so I can zoom in and cuff him with repressors." He explained, "And per your request..."
"Whew!" You looked behind yourself seeing Cisco emerging from the roof access door, "That's...a lot of stairs."
"Cisco?" You made a face, "What...are you..."
"Barry said you weren't sure of yourself still." Cisco smiled, "Despite the fact that you've passed all the test and shown amazing results...I have brought reassurance."
You watched him pull some climbing equipment out of a bag and smiled, "...thanks Barr..."
"Of course...Sorry I didn't have him there sooner. I'll give you the go ahead once he's there." Barry spoke quietly.
"Alright...Hey Barry..."
"I love you." You smiled as Cisco walked over with gear.
"I love you too, Y/N." Your heart fluttered as the com went silent.
"You two make me sick..." Cisco told you as you strapped on the gear.
You smirked a little, "That was our plan all along. Be so cute, people throw up."
"You both succeed very well." He clipped the rope to you.
You patted his shoulder as he went to go tie everything off. You looked back over edge feeling your stomach twist into knots.
You could fly. You could fly distances... up, down, left and right...but you weren't sure about free falling into it.
"Hey." You looked over at Cisco walking over, "You're gonna be fine, you're gonna be great."
"Thanks Cisco." You nodded as the com chirp alive.
"He's taking the bait, you ready?" Barry asked in his very down to business voice.
"Roger that." You told him flexing your hands taking in a deep breath readying yourself for the plunge.
"Do your thing babe." You smirked at his choice of words. It was something he only said to you when he had something great planned for later.
You launched yourself off the building feeling the air rush past you. You loved the feeling of flying. The weightlessness of it all. It felt free.
Your power kicked in right away and you floated down to the floor the meta was on. You stopped outside the window watching the man hold his hand up to a safe slowly disintegrating the door away. You pounded out the window getting him to stop.
He starred at you eyes getting wide his hand raising up as an orb began to form. You swallowed, "Uh...I got his attention..."
He launched the orb at the window making it shatter outward sending you back. You let out a scream as you flipped around losing control. You swung back as you ability kicked out. You felt the harness press hard against your hips as you fell into it.
You grunted in pain as you hit the side of the building a floor lower then you were supposed to be. You could hear crunching of glass above you. You struggled to find a foot to push off if needed.
Finally Barry's masked face popped over the edge and you relaxed, "How's it hangin?"
You rolled your eyes, "Barry..."
He laughed a little, "Sorry couldn't resist."
"Please get me up, you know I can't do this without a good push off." Your foot slipped again on the glass.
"Well actually since you are just hangin around down there I have a question." He squatted looking down at you with that awful wonderful smile of his.
"Barry, come on..." You whined.
"I know that this is probably a bad time, but will you marry me?" He watched you as you stopped trying to gain footing and look up at him, "Y/N?"
"Barry Allen..." You stared at him, "Pull me up right now."
He swallowed nodding as he pulled on the rope. When you were close he grabbed your arms helping you over the edge, "Y/N, I just...I...we..."
He stopped when you slugged him hard in the shoulder. He made a face holding it when you grabbed his face kissing him, "Yes..."
He blinked a few times, "Yes?"
You smiled, "Not exactly how I wanted to be asked,'s yes."
"Yes..." he grinned pulling you into an embrace before kissing you again.
You giggled when he parted from you, "I love you Barry Allen, but you...need to get that guy in a cell."
He looked over to the guy passed out on the floor, "I...yeah...Meet you at the Lab?"
"Of course." You winked at him as he whizzed off in a blur. "Y/N Allen...wife of the's got a nice ring to it..."

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