Who's In Charge? // HR x Reader{SMUT}

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Warning: kinky shit right here folks.

An awful rush of emotions filled you as you watched HR flirting with a woman at the coffee shop. The moment he arrived on your Earth you'd felt an overwhelming attraction to him, and seeing him chat up every beautiful woman made you angry and jealous and a string of many other feelings. Why not you? Why did he hardly ever even look at you unless he was forced to speak to you? You glanced back up to see the woman turn him away, and you tried your best to hide the smile that grew on your lips. Cisco, who was across the table from you, caught your smile and followed your gaze to HR before scoffing. "If you're so into him just go grab his dick why don't you?" His words caught you off guard and you snapped your head to him, smacking his shoulder. "Ow! What?! It's only outrageously obvious." You grimaced. Was it really? Was that why he avoided you like the plague? "Whatever.." your head drooped and you rested your chin in your folded arms which were placed on the table. As your eyes were glued to the floor you saw familiar feet walk over and HR sighed. "Another rejection. But rejection is good, fuels the fire to keep trying. There has to be a woman on this Earth that will give in to my charms." Cisco huffed out a laugh. "Oh I'm sure of it.." he mumbled, and you kicked his shin under the table causing him to groan abruptly and glare at you, but you returned it and sat up, walking off without another word.

Back at S.T.A.R. Labs you tried to clear your head by organizing and cleaning. It's what you did when you were upset. You could hear voices and footsteps in the hallway but you ignored them, until you could hear the conversation and began eavesdropping. "She.. she really said that?" HR asked, sounding surprised. "Well no," Cisco paused. "But by the bruise on my leg and shoulder I'd say you've got a pretty fair answer to if she'd sleep with you or not." Your eyes flew wide open, and your heart pattered in your chest. You hear HR clap a hand to Cisco's shoulder, and he laughed. "Oh Francisco, what a wonderful day to be on this Earth." He sentence lingered in the room as he walked in, but you had to fight from acknowledging him. You had to pretend you hadn't heard their conversation. Which was near impossible when he walked right up to you, placing his hand in the small of your back and leaning over your side to peek at what you were doing. "Cleaning?" He simply asked, eyes no longer on the task you were busying yourself with but turned to your pink-cheeked face. You swallowed back the lump forming in your throat as you nodded, smiling sheepishly at him. His lips parted into grin, his beautiful dimpled grin.

You almost felt your knees buckle when he brushed against you, arm now snaking around your waist. "Why do that when you could do something.. much more worth while?" His voice had lowered now, and it sent a chill up your spine. You titled your head up at him and couldn't take your eyes off his lips even as you spoke. "What did you have in mind?" Your response came out breathier than you'd meant it to, but it seemed to please HR. He noticed you staring at his lips and chuckled, pulling you into his arms now. Without any protest you turned your body to melt into his, arms wrapping around his neck. "I could show you a lot better than I could tell you.." as he spoke he leaned closer and closer to you until his lips just barely brushed your own. You began to lean in when you heard someone clear their throat. HR's eyes closed and he sighed annoyedly. Your head snapped over to see Cisco and Caitlin standing in the doorway, Cisco looking smug and Caitlin's eyes wide. None of you said anything so HR swiftly picked you up and carried you past them, muttering "Excuse us.." as you passed into the hallway. You giggled at his actions and he shuffled down the hall to the room he'd been occupying since he arrived, kicking the door closed behind you both.

As he set you down his hands caressed your body, up your thighs and your sides until resting in the bend of your waist. Your eyes met his and in an instant so did both of your lips. A pleased sigh fell from you as you melted like putty in his hands. You'd been waiting so long for this that it was like you were on cloud nine now, willing to do whatever he wanted just so he would keep touching you. His arms curled around you and pulled you in tight, pressing his body against yours as his tongue slowly trailed along your bottom lip. Instantly you parted your lips allowing his tongue to massage against yours. You ran a hand up his bicep and let it rest there, and he flexed under your touch causing you to smirk against his lips. With one last slow caress of his tongue against yours he pulled away just a few inches, letting his hands fall to your ass giving it a squeeze. "So, I heard something today, about you my dear.." He drawled, the tone of his voice dripping with seduction that made part of you begin dripping as well. "Really?" You mused, already knowing all about it. HR nodded softly, tightening his grip on your rear as he spoke. "Mhmm.. that you and your deliciously supple self had your eye on me.." his words made you shiver against him and he grinned wickedly. All you could do was nod in response and his eyebrows rose to feign surprise. "My my my," he began to step the two of you back towards his desk. "I think we'll have to do something about that.." He purred as his hands moved down to lift your thighs up, placing you on the cold metal behind you.

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