Help Me Out // Cisco x Reader Smut

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Imagine being a meta that's trapped in the internet and getting team Flash's attention by 'interrupting' Cisco on a porn site.

Warnings: smutty af and super long, I'm so sorry I got carried away.

You didn't know what had happened

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You didn't know what had happened. The last thing you remember was being struck by a cartoonistic gun that looked like something out of a video game. Now you were trapped in some sort of coded world. You watched as trails of numbers and letters rapidly sped past you.
Every so often you would catch a glimpse of what looked like a webpage, or a YouTube video. You racked your brain trying to figure this out when finally it hit you: you were trapped inside the internet. Your powers allowed you to transfer yourself through technology; phone lines, Wifi connections, sometimes even texts. But this, this was different. When you used your powers you were only a part of this sequence for milliseconds. Now you'd been here for what felt like days.
Feeling defeated before even trying, you sat and stared at the ever-moving connection around you. You knew that the only way out of here was to attach yourself to an IP address. But it wasn't very smart of you to pick one at random, showing up at someone's house through their laptop probably didn't leave a good taste in people's mouths. You had to find one specific enough that it wouldn't freak anyone out. Every few seconds screens would pass by you, some having cameras attached to them and letting you see the person on the other side. One caught your eye when it showed a glimpse of S.T.A.R. Labs in the background. If anyone could help a meta it'd be them. You jumped up and attached yourself to the screen, phasing into a sequence of random letters and numbers that made up the pages URL. You didn't know what web page was being used but you didn't care. Anything to get out of here.
Next thing you knew you were staring back at a long haired caramel skinned man, who's face burned red at the sight of your face. "Whaaat the fuck?!" He yelled, and you shushed him. "Please, help me.." your voice came over the computer's speakers slightly distorted, as if it was a breaking phone connection. He just sat there, staring wide eyed. As you began to explain yourself you looked around the page he had open, and your mouth fell agape. The blushing boy had been searching for sultry videos online, no wonder he was so taken back when someone caught him. "I-I'm.. I'm sorry, uhm. This is super awkward.. but I really need your help. I'm trapped... in the internet." His eyes stayed trained on your slightly glitching face and he nodded. "What can I do?" He asked softly, and you smiled. "I need you to tell me the exact IP address of this computer." He nodded and rambled it off to you. "Perfect. Now.. Just stand back.." you stated and he pushed his rolling chair away from the screen. Giving it all your concentration you phased yourself through the monitor, body covered in text and script codes before fully emerging in front of the raven haired man.
"Allow me to properly introduce myself," you began, stretching out a hand. "I'm Y/N. Otherwise known as Cyber." You flashed him a smile. "Cisco Ramon, or Vibe. Depending on who you ask." Cisco smiled back to you as he took your hand, but as he did so he seemed to go far away, facial expression seeming pained. He was vibing you, and what he saw made a lump form in his throat that he swallowed harshly as he came to. "Cisco..?" You asked softly before he turned back to you. "I uh.." he blushed, rubbing the back of his neck with his now free hand. "My power, I can see things, sometimes the future. And when I touched you I uh.. I saw, us." His red face burned darker. You simply nodded, squinting questioningly at him. "Saw us doing what..?" The question made him laugh nervously and he looked down at his feet as he shuffled them. "We were, uhm.. uh," he paused to clear his throat. "Being intimate." His eyes flashed back up to gauge your reaction as your own eyes widened. "We.. oh." Words weren't coming to you, only the blood rushing to your face and butterflies to your stomach. "Could that just be because of the site you were on when I got here?" You teased nervously, and he shook his head laughing. "No, that's not how my powers work. I've never vibed anything that didn't happen." He eyed you up and down and huffed out a silent laugh. "Wanna know the real kicker?" He asked, stepping a bit closer to you and you simply nodded in response. "That outfit you're wearing right now? Was in a pile on the floor." He smirked now, watching you scramble for some sort of response.
This was crazy. You'd just met this other meta, who was saying you were going to have sex with him, today. Possibly even right here right now. You just couldn't take that all in. "I-I'm sorry I have to go.." you took a few steps backwards towards the door. "Thank you, for helping me out. I'll.. see you, apparently." With that you left the room, leaving S.T.A.R. Labs to try to comprehend what just happened. As you walked you could feel your stomach rumble so you decided to head to Jitters for a cup of coffee and a bite to eat. By the time you got there it was about an hour later, the coffee shop being across town and you were on feet. The moment you walked in though your stomach flopped. Sitting at a table just feet away from you, was Cisco. Unbelievable.
You tried to hide your face from his direction, but as you ordered your coffee he heard your voice. "Y/N?" He called from his seat and you drew in a sharp breath and turned, seeing him smirking at you the way he had back at your last meeting. For some reason now you were less nervous, and you made your way over to him and sat across the table. "Small world huh?" You mused and he nodded, chuckling. "I guess what's meant to be will be.." His words lingered in the air between you as the barista brought your coffee over and set it on the table. When you reached for it Cisco reached his hand out to grab your own. Again his gaze went somewhere far from here, and you knew he was vibing you again. In his mind he saw you, naked and writhing beneath him. It was only a split second but it was enough to make him hard. He cleared his throat abruptly and looked away from you. "Now what'd you see..?" You asked softly, and he shook his head and stood, grabbing your hand and leading you outside to the back of the building.
"Where are we–" you were interrupted by his lips on your own, and you stood still and shocked. But when his tongue grazed your bottom lip it made your knees shake and you let him kiss you deeper, now returning it in full. Once you showed him you were okay with it he backed you against the brick wall behind you, pinning you there with one hand extended against the wall. He removed his lips from yours and you sighed, eyes locked to his. Now you knew he wasn't joking about his powers, because you wanted him. That was clear by the way your heart was pounding while he hovered his lips over yours and began to whisper. "My place?" His eyes darted between your lips and your Y/E/C orbs, awaiting a response. Your lips turned up into a smile. "Lead the way, Vibe."
Once in his apartment he pushed you against the door and pinned you there beneath his body. Cisco kissed you again, bringing a hand up to the back of your neck to keep you close to him. This time you felt his erection against your thigh and it made your breathing shaky. Without disconnecting your lips he pulled you with him towards his couch. The two of you tumbled backwards onto it, Cisco crawling on top of you and beginning to strip himself of his clothes. You followed his lead and discarded your jacket followed by your blouse. He stopped for a few moments to take in your body. Even though he'd seen it in his visions, the real thing was so much better because now he could touch you. And he took full advantage of that fact when he attached his lips to your collar bone and chest. Fingers wound in his hair you tugged lightly to bring him back to your lips.
Cisco's hands fell to your waist and hastily began taking your leggings off. Copying him again you fumbled with his khakis, lowering them far enough so that he could kick them off. Next came your bra which you discarded yourself. "Oh, damn.." He breathed, causing your face to tint pink. You pulled him down took to crash your lips to his again, this time rolling your body against his seductively. The fellow meta groaned, grinding his hips down into yours. He reached down to slide off your underwear, stopping halfway to run his fingers through your wetness. A moan escaped you at his touch, and you felt him smirk against your lips. He found your clit and rubbed it slowly, little did he know that was the way to your orgasm. Your body twitched and he pulled his lips away to watch your face. This was what he had vibed and he wanted more. Cisco's fingers began moving faster across your sensitive bundle of nerves and you shook under him. "Fuck you're so sexy." He stated, your eyes squeezing closed as he played with you. Your stomach tightened as your climax got closer and you moaned loudly. "Cis-Cisco.. I-I'm.." you tried to get the words or but he wouldn't let you, bringing his lips back to yours as he furiously rubbed you harder and faster until you came all over his fingers with a loud cry.
Before you could even start to revel in your high, he stripped off his boxers and slammed himself into you. A loud cry filled the room as you arched your back at how thick he was. Without a second thought you started bucking your hips up at him and he groaned, and growled. It was beyond sexy. His hair fell into his face and sweat beaded on his forehead as he thrust in and out of you quickly. This was the other vibe he'd had, the two of you giving it to each other like no one else ever could. Within minutes Cisco felt himself nearing his peak, and he pulled out of you just in time, exploding his orgasm all over your bare stomach. The warmth made you sigh softly, biting at your bottom lip as you watched him stroke himself through his orgasm. That's what he would've been doing if I'd never shown up.. you thought to yourself. Smiling playfully you leaned up to kiss his chest, then his collar bone and his neck. You bit down on one spot at the base of his neck and sucked there, turning his tanned skin a dark maroon.
He stood and looked at the pile of your clothes on the floor behind the couch with a smug smirk. "I told you.. never wrong." He pointed to his temple with his last two words and you giggled softly. After a moment your cum covered stomach growled loudly and Cisco chuckled. "Let me grab you a towel and something to eat, yeah?" A smile graced your lips as you laid down on the couch, nodding. Of all the ways today could've gone, you were so glad he ended up being right.

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