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It's not gay if it's bromance and it's also not gay if it's a brojob.

(So, this my first flashvibe attempt and this is also gonna be a 2 part story)

Cisco was tinkering at his office again. It was late at night, and neither Barry nor Caitlin were around. Harry was nowhere to be seen as well. He was working on some improvements for Barry's suit, specifically in the chest piece; the constant impact suffered during fights was starting to show its effects. Sometimes the suit failed on showing Barry's heart rate or possibly injured muscles. Caitlin almost freaked out one night when she found out he had a broken rib and she wasn't ready to help him when he arrived. The Flash suit had detected nothing, so he thought it was better to fix it before it gets out of hand.

  And then he felt a little rush of air in the room, his paper notes and blueprints flying all over the place. He half sighed, half chuckled.

  "I'm sorry" Barry said, putting everything back in place within seconds. "I was wondering, how is the suit going?" He said, sitting on a chair near Cisco
  "Are you actually wondering that or you just can't sleep?" Cisco answered with a smirk
  "Okay, okay..." Barry chuckled "I can't sleep. I already know you're doing a great job on our suit, I just asked for the sake of small talk" he smiled
  Cisco loved the way he referred to the Flash suit as our suit.
  "I'm not sure if the problem is solved, but I'm done with the issue. I'm just testing some new features." He told the speedster "we'll only know if I actually did a great job when we test it"
  "Then let's do it" he answered

  Cisco frowned, but he didn't have the time to ask questions. Barry ran to the cortex and returned half dressed with the suit, holding the gloves. And bare chested.
  Hot damn.

  Yeah, Cisco had seen his friend shirtless a couple of times before, but never this close to his own body. And the fact that he was there, only boots and pants on, made he shiver in inappropriate ways.

  Calm down, Cisco. He's just your friend.

  He handed the chest piece to Barry, trying really hard not to stare.
  The thing is; Cisco likes Barry since the very first day he laid his eyes on him, even if the scarlet speedster were in a coma then. But they were just friends, and Barry wasn't gay. He could still be bi or pan or ace or whatever, but Cisco was too insecure to ask such a question. He didn't want his friend to know that he was, number one, bisexual and, number two, having a crush on him.
  He blinked and suddenly Barry was gone, and he was already running in the treadmill when Cisco arrived in the cortex to check the results on his suit.
  Their suit.

  They spent the whole night testing it, and Barry went through every kind of task they could think of. They were having fun, playing with the suit like kids play with new toys, and sharing ideas for possible new features. It was past 3 a.m. when they stopped.

  "As I said, you always do a great job, Cisco" Barry said while they headed to the exit, smiling wide and eyes shining. He loved his genius friend and his amazing engineering skills too much for his own sake. At his eyes, Cisco was brilliant, and he wanted to make sure he knew that.
  "Thanks, dude." Cisco smiled back, a discreet pink flushing all over his cheeks. Barry didn't notice. "I try my best. Besides, I like sharing my inventions with you."
  "Speaking of sharing, wanna share some unhealthy amounts of candy and binge watch sci-fi films at my place tomorrow? I miss our movie nights." He invited as they stopped in front of the labs's entrance.
  "Sure" Cisco immediately agreed. Barry was right, it had been a while since they geeked together. "I'll bring the movies, you take care of the candies."
Barry nodded and they parted ways, heading to their respective homes.

• • •

  On Saturday noon, Cisco was walking to Barry's apartment, carrying his laptop and some DVD's in his backpack.

  It was about 6:30pm when he arrived, Barry was sitting on the couch, surrounded by every candy bar, jellies and sweet creams Cisco could never have imagined in his life. The worst part is that he wouldn't be able to eat half of it. Damn his stupid not-super-fast metabolism.

  "Dude, have you robbed a candy shop or something!? I think I'm developing diabetes just by looking at all these chocolates." Cisco said, sitting beside his friend, who laughed at his statement
  "Well, I didn't rob anything, but I can say that I pretty much got them out of stock for this weekend" he answered with a chuckle. "And you know I eat a lot! Blame that lightning for it."
  "I'll send Zeus a letter about my complaints" he joked "Now, there's this movie about astronauts who got lost in space and all, it got some Oscars. Might be cool, what do you think?"
  "Good. Just a second-" Barry disappeared in a blur of yellow, going back and forth, all the candies disappearing from the room. "The TV on my room is bigger, let's go upstairs"
They rushed to the second floor and Barry proceeded to put the movie on while Cisco tried to find a spot among all the candies on the bed. The speedster simply jumped in.

• • •

  It has been about twenty minutes since the beginning of the movie, and they both were already done with it.

  "Okay but who the hell decides the movies for the Oscars!? Oh my God I can't believe I wasted my money on this" Cisco said.

  The movie was basically the astronauts floating lost in space, trying to get back to Earth. There was no action, just the void space.

  "Lets put something else to watch then. I think Netflix uploaded some new movies last week." Barry suggested, chewing a chocolate bar

• • •

  They ended up watching Friends, laughing and eating piles of sugary food the whole evening. By 11pm they had finished half a season of the sitcom.

  "I think Joey and Ross would be a nice couple" Barry stated suddenly, and, for some reason, Cisco's heart skipped a beat
  "Like, in bromance?" He asked, uncertain of what he was hearing.
  "Like, in homo." Barry chuckled "They even took naps together! That's cute." He finished

  After a pause and a few more episodes, the brunet broke the silence;

  "Barry... can I ask you a question?" Cisco said, feeling brave
  "You just did" Barry laughed "but you can ask another one"
  "What- what's your sexuality?"
  "I'm bi." He spoke like it was obvious, and the engineer's heart felt like a blossoming flower "and you?"
  "I'm bi too." He thanked the heavens internally for not letting his voice shake.
  "You know, I miss being with guys, my last dates were all women." Barry said, unaware of his friend's nervousness "I miss being with anyone, to be honest."
  "Dry spell?"
  "Yeah. It hit me like a truck and it doesn't seem to be going away any soon. Since I decided to move on from Iris, my only company are my hands and my superpowers" he laughed, and Cisco wish he could talk about the subject as naturally and unworried as Barry did. At least he was speaking.
  "What do you mean your superpowers?" Cisco asked, genuinely curious this time
Barry simply balled his fist in the air and started to shake it in super speed. Then he raised two of his fingers and vibrated them.
  "It might be super fast, but the pleasure is long-lasting. Damn, that sounds like the slogan of some sex toy commercial" he joked
  "So you're like a human vibrator, huh? You could be a rent boy" Cisco said, letting a little laugh escape his lips
  "Would you rent me?" Barry questioned with a smirk, flirting with his friend.

  Barry has always been a mess of emotions, but he can't deny that his friend was an amazing guy. Funny, smart, and hella attractive. There's no problem in wanting to add a little color to their friendship, right? He hoped he was right.

  Cisco blushed, but fought against his anxiety and answered in his boldest tone;

  "I'd need a test-drive first. Show me what you can do with those superpowers and I'll think about it."

  And Barry kissed him.

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