That's Not Her

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Imagine that the reader is very shy and dorky? But when Barry goes to Earth 2, her counterpart is the complete opposite aka she's very reckless/confident/flirty and then she tries to hit on Barry.

Warning: literally none

Today was the day that Barry, Cisco, and Harry were leaving to go to Earth-2. You, being a part of Team Flash, were down in the basement making sure the portal was secure and steady before the boys went through it. As you were working on the control panel, you felt the presence of a person behind you.
"Do you need any help with that?" Barry asked, standing behind you with a smirk on his face.
You slightly jumped at the sound of your crush's voice, and your cheeks instantly grew hot. "Um, n-no. I'm okay." You heard Barry chuckle. You felt his eyes on you as you finished working with the wires and closed up the panel. You stood up to your full height, still being quite a bit shorter than Barry. "The portal is ready when you guys are!"
"Awesome!" Barry replied while walking closer to the big blue hole. "So, Earth-2 is really through there?"
You nodded. "Well, technically, there are endless Earths through that portal, but Harry and I made sure that you three would be going directly to Earth-2." Barry nodded and continued looking at the portal. You rubbed your hands together and took a deep breath. "So, um, are you excited?"
Barry shrugged. "I guess, but it's more just anxious to finally figure out how to put a stop to Zoom once and for all." You nodded in response, and a slightly awkward silence fell between the two of you.
Thankfully, the silence was shortly broken by the rest of the team entering the room, quite loudly you would add.
"Dude, we are about to be world travelers!" Cisco shouted to Barry. "We're gonna be universe travelers!"
You watched as Harry rolled his eyes at the younger man, and Barry simply giggled at his friend's antics.
You took your spot at the controls, ready to close the portal is anything were to go wrong.
"Is everyone ready?" Harry asked. Barry and Cisco nodded, the latter suddenly much more apprehensive.
"You know what. I think I left the stove on," Cisco rambled as he attempted to flee the room. Harry, however, grabbed his arm before he got very far.
"Let's go, Ramon," he said as he practically pulled Cisco through the portal.
Barry glanced back at you and smiled before following his friends to Earth-2.
Harry, Cisco, and I had been in Earth-2 for about a day, and we hadn't made as much progress as we were hoping. Cisco and I were currently in Earth-2's version of CC Jitters going over some papers that we had found in Earth-2 Barry's lab.
"Dude, I'm so tired, I can't even think straight," Cisco complained. I rolled my eyes.
"We're in a coffee shop. If you're that tired, get some coffee."
"I can't. I'm too tired to stand up." Cisco made a big show of drooping his eyelids and banging his head on the table.
"Fine, I'll get it. We could use a little break from this mess anyway."
I stood up and got in the relatively short line. I looked around as I waited. Earth-2 was incredibly different from Earth-1. I was shocked when we got here. I had originally thought that everything would look and be the same, but I was proven wrong very quickly.
"Excuse me?" A female voice snapped me out of my thoughts. My head whipped around toward the barista, and my eyes almost popped out of my head.
"(Y/N)?" I asked as I stepped in front of the counter. She raised an eyebrow at me, and I suddenly realized my mistake. She had no idea who I was. This wasn't (Y/N). "I'm sorry," I stuttered out. "I read your name tag. I have a friend with the same name." Her face changed into a smile, and I couldn't help but notice that Earth-2 (Y/N) was much different than my (Y/N).
"What can I get for you, handsome," she asked. MY eyes widened a tiny bit as her words caught me off guard.
"I, um, I need two regular coffee's." (Y/N) tapped out the order into her computer before grabbing two cups and marking them appropriately.
"Can I get a name for that order?"
"Alright, Barry," she smirked as she said my name, "your total comes to $6.73." I handed her a $10, and she gave me my change. She smiled warmly at me.
"I'll call your name when your drinks are ready." I nodded and grinned in response.
I quickly walked back to Cisco's and my table. "Dude, I just found (Y/N)'s doppelganger!"
Cisco, who had been practically laying on the table, suddenly sat up. "Really? Where?" He started looking around.
"Ok, well don't make it obvious," I joked. "She works here. She's at the counter." Cisco found her, and his eyes widened in recognition.
"Dude, that's trippy." I nodded.
"Barry!" (Y/N) called.
I stood up to get the coffee's. As (Y/N) handed me the drinks, she winked at me. I automatically blushed and smiled a bit in response. I walked back to Cisco and handed him one of the drinks. He brought it up to his mouth, but before he took a sip, his eyes widened, and he burst out in laughter. I raised an eyebrow.
"What's your problem?"
Cisco put his coffee back on the table, but he set it closer to me. "I'm pretty sure this one's yours." Cisco took the other drink out of my hand. I picked up "mine" and looked at it. My eyes widened when I saw that (Y/N) had written her number on the cup with a winky face and a message that simply said "call me".
"Somebody has a crush," I heard Cisco mutter under his breath.
"Do you think our (Y/N) likes me too?" I asked.
"Why don't you ask her when we get back?"
I didn't respond. Instead, I simply stared at Earth-2 (Y/N)'s message and wondered if my (Y/N) felt the same way.

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